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    • Where every single key item is located in the original Resident Evil 3 as well as how to solve all puzzles in the fastest way possible. Even tho I didn’t play it in 20 years.
    • The phone number in the house I grew up in. Seems to be a trend with the users here.
    • That Viggo Mortensen broke his toe in that one scene in The Two Towers where he kicks the helmet.
    • Have you heard of Swiss cheese? Here's a song that tells you all about it. (This was my only line from a play in the 1st grade. I'm 50 now.)
    • You can't handle the truth! (I know that whole monologue by Colonel Jessep.)
    • my old Wells Fargo checking account number from 20+ years ago
    • my student ID number from my first university 20+ years ago
  • In 6th grade we could get some bonus point on our final exam for knowing how to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (which isn't actually that hard to spell, just long) and I've never forgotten how.

    0 for i=1to520: r=rnd(1): printchr$(r+109.5);:
    next i: c=r*16: poke53281,c: poke53280,c:
    poke646,c*9: goto
  • Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto.

    I was kind of a space cadet, so I never learned the planets by mnemonic, just by remembering their names.

    Now Pluto's been demoted (but not in my heart 💔), and I never actually need to refer to my list of planets anyway :\

  • ι.ε.ε.σ.κ. (Greek letters)

    It's the initials of some words from a class about home economics at school. I thought it would help me memorize them, but almost immediatly decided not to memorize them that way, because I feared that if I kept doing it for such unimportant things I'd soon fill up the space on my brain or at least it would become less effective of a memorizing mechanism over time.

    Well, thought a bit too hard about not doing so I ended up remembering the initials. Until some time ago I think I event remembered the whole words.