Sometimes you need to throw your players off their feet
Sometimes you need to throw your players off their feet
Sometimes you need to throw your players off their feet
This campaign is based on FF.
Fantasy Football. Get ready to draft your class, abilities, and feats.
Aww shit it's Blood Bowl time, orc barbarian it is
Congratulations, you're level two! You've unlocked Traumatic Brain Injury. It's a feat that gives you -10 to INT and CHA. Additionaly after every long rest you roll a D20. On a 1 you go into a blind rage attacking anything you see.
There's also in-game fantasy bootfall. Thank you Clint McElroy.
You should have seen and heard the room when I slipper announced that I was doing a campaign in my home brew system/universe and it was going to be based on Big Trouble in Little China, very loosely.
It must have been electrifying.
It was lol.
Mind you, the hallucinogenic potion was even more fun :)
I think you mean Final Fight.
or fatal fury
Final fury
Chariot chase at the climax so it can be Fatal Frame: Fast and Furious.
After wrapping up start another campaign!
Fatal Frame: Tarrasque Drift
Well the OG Final Fantasy was directly based off of d&d, right down to the monsters and spell slot mechanics.
I love to see that Fatal Frame has not been forgotten ❤️
I'm nearly sold on trying it on emulator, but I wonder what a fan can say to prepare me for that journey.
I hope I can help! (sorry if this is just an info dump)
1-3 (PS2) The PCSX2 does a pretty good job with the first three imo. As long as you have an okay computer, it should be fine. I don't believe anything was missing when I played the emulation VS the console. However, as my computer got older/slower, it had issues when there were a lot of ghosts (or a particularly "busy" ghost). But I had no issues with rendering, sounds, unlockables, etc. I did have to tinker a bit with the third one, but it wasn't anything crazy (and I can't find it now, but I followed a settings guide online). 2 has an Xbox edition, but I've only played that on the console, not emulated. Of course all play well on the original PS2
2 (Wii) For 2, there is a very nice wii addition that I believe was UK only, so for that one you may be stuck using the dolphin emulator. That one plays more like the more recent additions (4 & 5), as in it has the "hands," and the camera just follows you instead of the normal fixed camera positions (think Silent Hill). I played that one the most when I didn't have a TV and found it enjoyable. I loved the additional endings, and they added a few extra ghosts battles that I also loved. Getting the controls can be finicky if you don't have a wii remote, but I had little issues playing with my controller once I got everything mapped out (if you're using a controller, my advice is to have a gentle hand). However, I could not do the haunted house side game via the emulator.
Extra: if you are willing to drop some change, the dolphin bar and/or two candles (to mimick the sensors) and a wii remote works well. However, the dolphin bar will not work with a bootleg remote (at least when I tried anyway) so the most expensive thing would be getting a wii controller if you want to go that route.
4 (Wii) Initially, 4 was Japan only, so if you want to play this version I believe it's either a Japanese Wii, or the dolphin emulator. You would alsk have to use a patch as the text was usually garbled. Otherwise, it played fine, though there were also patches for some of the unlockables as not all ghosts were available, as well as some outfits. You also cannot hear the phone calls unless you have a wii remote for the speaker. I tried to just have the sound come out of literally anything else, but didn't work. When my computer got slow, it would lag when it played a certain song, but was otherwise fine (you'll know the song when you hear it).
4(PS4/5) Works great. No issues. Was finally able to hear the phone calls and such. Nice addition to the series.
5 (WiiU) Now, I never had an emulator for this one, so I bought a WiiU just for this game (I'm into it 👀). The pad is nice, but more of a gimmick than anything. But I did like rolling around to take pictures of ghosts.
5(PS5) Came over nice and I didn't miss the wii pad at all. A very "pretty" game. It goes give you the option to use motion controls, but I found that more of a hindrance than anything.
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir 3DS: I think I may be the only one who actually liked it? Whenever I looked it up people said they're hated it. It's short and cute and comes with a little interactive book. Never emulated it though, so unsure how it would work as it requires you to take photos of yourself and the book. However, there are copies of the book online that can be downloaded if you end up with just a cartridge of it.
Of course, I'm super bias because I love the series, but I believe the first 3 are the best, with 3 being my absolute favorite game period. The stories are nice and I believe 3 would have been a nice conclusion for those particular characters. 1 does have slightly different controls than the others (the camera button, which is just awful when you haven't played it in awhile) . If you have to pick just one out of the whole series to play, I would suggest 2 since that's the darling. I would not play 3 without the other two because I think the story hits harder with the prior knowledge. I think you can play 1 & 2 without any other games prior and be fine (you might not see some vague family connections, but neither story references the other directly) . 3 is the game that brings 2—3 together, and plays as if it's expects you've to play the other two. You would get the overall story, but certain plot lines would lose their significance.
Favorite Part of 1: Final boss.
Favorite part of 2: Twins' household. And the "extra" battle at the end, should you unlock it.
Favorite Part of 3: It low key comes out swinging, I liked all of it. Plays well, love the story, and I love when the ghosts start breaking free from the dream.
Issues: The camera for these can be annoying sometimes, and capturing some of the ghosts requires you to know they're coming which can be frustrating. The story is can also be formulaic, but it's more about the result of their actions than the actions themselves. This series as a whole also as a lot of backtracking.
4 was a bit of a revamp for them. They added some other ghosts/events (the grabby hands) and I believe this was when they started having the camera follow you instead of a fixed position. You do not need to play any of the prior ones to understand or enjoy the 4th one.
Favorite Part: "Watashi"
Least Favorite Part: There is a battle with 4 kids and a dancer and I hate it.
5 is... Fine. It's not bad, but it doesn't feel as scary. It's all very beautiful to look at, but if you had to skip one, this would be it. Part of the story is also kind of ass and ruins 3's ending imo, so I'm always for skipping it unless you're into the series as a whole. Controls are fine, and I loved the "glance" feature they added (so much so that if they ever remade the prior games, I would want this feature), and their surveillance chapters (think found footage). I honestly just go back and play those chapters, they were the most fun. However, if you just like looking at boobies, then this is your game because every ghost is fucking stacked for some reason. The UK edition came with an art book (I have it. It's pretty thin, but the illustrations are nice) and I think actual physical copies. US was digital only.
Favorite Part: Camera monitoring chapters, and whenever I got to "glance."
Least favorite part: The shamans (the ones with the staffs). They come out in groups and are tedious imo
Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir 3DS: I think the DS one is really cute! It's it own contained story and comes with a book that you play the game with. I found it very charming and had a good time playing it. I still go back and play some of the mini games. I think the use of the DS was clever for the time and that it holds up pretty well. It is short, so it's not going to have the deepest story, but it's a cute little side game.
Favorite/Least Favorite: Honestly, it's so short that it's kind of a "You like it or you don't" kind of thing. You do have to move around, I think even more so than the 5 WiiU edition.
Edit: 8. Most random ghosts will cause the camera to turn you in the direction of the ghost automatically , even if you bring up the camera (which you should do) . At most, you'll have to tilt up or down. You may get spooked a few times before you get it. Which I hope happens cause that's the fun part.
My personal ranking:
I've done Silent Hill inspired games, but never Fatal Frame. That could be really interesting, especially if there's only one Camera Obscura in play.
I made a GURPS campaign back in the day based around Fatal Frame, set in a modern supernatural detective horror context.
It worked really well as GURPS has heavy skill and role play focus, with enough combat mechanics to be interesting. Everyone except one player died in the last encounter and the one that survived went insane so I think it was a rousing success!
My first thought was Fighting Fantasy.
If you were unaware, most of the Fighting Fantasy books are available on Steam for dirt cheap. It's the only way I've gotten to play some of them.
Fabula Ultima is a great system if you are going for a Final Fantasy vibe.
Indeed it is. It's what I'm running at the moment.