What isn't illegal but should be?
What isn't illegal but should be?
What isn't illegal but should be?
Smoking. Millions of euros of taxpayer money spent every year on those lung cancer patients which could be well spent elsewhere. It's also an activity that negatively affects not just the smoker but everyone around them.
Smoking is something I truly despise, we all know that it is bad, really bad for you, we teach kids about it, yet people still start smoking.
Do as New Zealand did, set a cut off year, if you are born after 2015, you will not be permitted to buy tobacco at all.
then have a right leaning government win the next election and roll it back https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/510439/smokefree-generation-law-scrapped-by-coalition-government
What I find amusing is that the cigarettes packages where I live have disgusting images with the potential sickness it comes from its usage, and yet people still buy them 'hey man, this will literally kill you someday" warning does not work.
I thought this was a well known measure but it seems that my USA cousin did not know about this kind of marketing.
They ought to increase it by 2 years every time. That way people have to get clean. Also, we ( US citizens) should take control of all tobacco companies, and wind them down, putting all profits and assets towards addiction recovery services, and cancer treatments.
They've been making billions off of slowly killing people for the last 100+ years, they don't need one more fucking day.
Thanks to taxes (81½% of the price is tax on average), smokers are currently making my government a profit, including all the cancer care. Old people need a lot of healthcare, so people dying of cancer saves a lot of healthcare cost in the long term.
You been hanging out with Sir Humphrey? ;-)
The tax on cigarettes is so high, it's been claimed they pay more into the system than they claim out, as they die too soon. 🫣 (In Australia)
At least here in Germany this is apparently still not true as smokers in particular add a huge cost to the healthcare system due to the long-term and repeated damage. For example, once they get parts of their feet amputated from clogged arteries, most actually continue to smoke ("Ah well now it's too late anyways"), and hence will get half a dozen such amputations over time.
You just trade out legal distributors for illegal distributors while ruining the lives of smokers by cycling them in and out of prison, feeding their need to smoke even more. Bad idea.
Yeah, I'm surprised at how many people here would simply like to add tobacco to the list of controlled substances and add more fuel to the shit firestorm that is the Drug War.
Do I believe the tobacco industry should be far more heavily regulated than it currently is? Absolutely. I actually feel that way about most legal drugs.
But imprisoning people for doing what they want with their own bodies in their own homes has already proven to be ineffective at curtailing drug use and abuse.
Additionally, the inhumane treatment of prisoners and former prisoners is a whole separate topic, but related in that the Drug War is just a corrupt mechanism to feed the prison-industrial complex. Why add another drug (tobacco) to the list of drugs cops can plant on your person and send you off to jail for?
Yeah, and unlike what people commonly think, it doesn't just directly affect the user (first hand smoke) and the people around it (second hand smoke), but also the furniture and nature around it (third hand smoke).
I despise those cigarettes laying around everywhere in nature. You can even smell them on remotes if someone was a hardcore smoker.
They need help in kicking off from it.
i hate tobacco but prohibition doesnt work.
we should have learned that lesson with alcohol and weed but it seems we did not.
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I have less problems with the "luxury" items, such as cigars.
They're usually hand-crafted expensive stuff that's made to enjoy once and a while, compared to cigarettes which are mass produced with the sole purpose to get you addicted.
I think the same is true with alcohol. There's the cheap, mass produced stuff vs the more expensive "hand"-crafted stuff.
I wish we could just enjoy these things without corporations trying to get us addicted to them at every opportunity, disregarding any of the dangers associated with consuming them.
Btw its written "once in a while"
Supermarkets and businesses throwing food away and not allowing people to take it for free. ("If I can't sell it nobody can have it").
Would only work if you also made them immune from lawsuits due to people getting sick from eating expired food.
Requiring the purchase or use of proprietary software or formats to view or submit public records.
Or medical. Or educational.
Collection of personally identifiable information on every website ever.
Corporate murder.
Making a profit from healthcare and health insurance.
Or even just make private health insurance illegal.
Lobbying is fine. Lobbying with money should be illegal.
I get what you mean, but that would backfire increadibly quickly.
Civil rights organizations would no longer be able to talk with politicians directly, possibly never, as demonstrations and manifestations could be classified as lobbying depending on how strict it would be enforced.
Environmental groups could no longer invite politicians to important conferences.
Lobbying isn't just something that monolithic companies do, take it away, and it will only be something the bad guys does.
Yup, a late friend of mine was a lobbyist at the state level for a mental health lobbying group. His daughter has schizophrenia and that was his way to give back in his retirement. Without lobbying, it's hard for politicians to know when there is a problem they need to fix. They have a small staff and they don't just magically know when there is a problem. The problem is when a politician either can't sniff out unethical lobbyists or just doesn't care.
ITT: people so used to lobbying that they got convinced it's a necessary evil so that minorities and common folks can lobby as well.
It's clearly absurd. Many places call lobbying with its real name: corruption. And there are laws in place to fight it. Are they perfect? No. Is it then more effective to legalyze corruption? OF COURSE NOT ARE YOU INSANE?!?
For-profit healthcare.
For-profit insurance too.
I'd qualify that as for-profit mandatory insurance.
Canpt get a mortgage without home insurance. Canpt drive a vehicle without at least liability. Those rates should be strictly government regulated to be sustainable and non-profit.
But if you want to insure your collection if priceless Whitworth wrenches, well maybe I care a bit (Just a bit!) less about insurance gouging.
Not sure Rick when one can insure a hole in one is just a business decision.
But I get it health housing and catastrophic losses could be better monitored and regulated.
I'd go further and ringfence all the basic needs so that you can't profit from providing them, just make enough to live off if needs be.
Lies and exaggerated advertising.
No, it's not "best in the world" or "lightning fast", it's an entry level $200 GPU!
No, it doesn't have "crystal clear high-res screen", it's just a budget phone!
No, that tampon will not change my lifestyle!
No, that perfume will not make guys drooling over me!
I'm ok with "it's decent quality with an affordable price".
I'm ok with "it's the best budget-friendly option".
I'm ok with "it's not the best in the world, but it's definitely worth a try".
I personally think the "how good is it" part of "advertising" should literally just be a percentage value of "how many existing customers say it was worth it".
But even that would get gamed the way 5/5 amazon reviews can be bought today already.
So maybe it should really just be "it's a insert thing made out of insert material produced in insert country by insert labour conditions and it costs insert price".
Members of Congress trading individual stocks, bonds, and other investments.
Making more than 10x the money of your least paid employee.
I get where you're coming from, but I think you'd just see companies divide into tiers where one tier would subcontract to the tier below. Think "cleaning services companies" all the way down.
Well I don't expect the exact phrasing of the code of law to be 11 words.
Simple : let's make that illegal too
Boneless chicken with bones
u want to outlaw chickens ?
A throwaway reference to another thread on here …. Someone tried to sue a restaurant when he choked on a bone in his boneless chicken wings. The court ruled he can’t sue because “boneless” is just a style of cooking and doesn’t make any claim about whether that meal has bones. …. That kind of misrepresentation, and dodging responsibility should be illegal. All sorts of scamming the customer should be illegal and isn’t
If I can go on a bit of a rant, I do believe in the power of the market to shape our lives, our economy, our society. Conservatives got that part right. But a market is only “free” when everyone plays by the same rules and has same facts and knowledge, free choice. A market is only beneficial when it is shaped by regulators to benefit society. A market is only sustainable when it incorporates externalities. If Conservatives are gung ho about free markets, they need to step up and do their part. While there’s a nice theory about the usefulness of Marketting, the primary use is to lie, subvert, fool, distort the market, and THAT should be illegal
Just the bonless ones with bones.
Nutrition information based on unrealistic serving sizes.
I've seen an individually wrapped muffin "servings per pack: 2".
Then there's that Tom Scott video on how "zero calory" sweetener can be 4 calories.
There's a great video by Vihart about how even when accounting for servings per unit it can still be manipulated to fit their marketing goals.
Europe has "per 100g"
Thank you! That had6 given me much more to be outraged about!
Canada passed 'rational servings' laws a few years ago to this exact end. No more cases where a single-portion package would contain 1.6 servings, or whatnot.
Unlimited political spending, particularly by corporations - see Citizen's United.
Campaign financing in general. If you get enough signatures you'll get a fixed amount of money from tax payers for your campaign. If you accept money from anyone else you're barred from public office for life. End of corruption right there.
Locked bootloaders
Qualified immunity for police officers. Prosecutors and judges basically get qualified immunity, too-- in that they can be caught engaging in all sorts of inappropriate and illegal activity without facing punishment because like police, it usually doesn't even get to the extent of being charged.
Requiring agreement to some unspecified ever-changing terms of service in order to use the product you just bought, especially when use of such products is required in the modern world. Google and Apple in particular are more or less able to trivially deny any non-technical person access to smartphones and many things associated with them like access to mobile banking. Microsoft is heading that way with Windows requiring MS accounts, too, though they're not completely there yet.
Child marriages. Fact that's legal in any US States is absurd.
Absurd? Yes. Surprising? No. If you put children in bathing suits to decide which is the hottest child? It's not shocking to hear that they want to marry these hot children.
Speaking as a non-American: it's a fucking obscenity
What the fuck really?
Mutilating the bodies of people too young or otherwise unable to give consent.
I want to live in a world where "stop cutting bits of babies dicks off" doesn't require any further explanation.
"No, actually, its you who needs to justify cutting bits of babies dicks off. Not the other way round. Unless its hair, nails or connected to the mum, the default position is actually not to cut bits of the baby off."
Oh lmao I was way off, I was like "damn I'm surprised to see an anti abortion post at +9 -0 on lemmy, wtf?!"
I didn't realize until I read your post lol.
This 100% reads to me as an anti-trans post. Maybe that's not your intent, but that's the way it reads. Esp. since anyone under 18 con not legally give consent to anything.
I read it as an anti-circumcision post. You ckuld be right, though.
It's not because young trans people can consent to transitioning. Consenting to sex is not the same thing as consenting to medical procedures. Would you forcibly hold down a 12 year old to give them a vaccine despite them refusing and resisting? If not, then clearly you recognise that under 18s have a degree of bodily autonomy and have to consent to the medical procedures they receive once they are mentally capable of understanding and expressing a choice on those procedures.
It would be pro-trans given the habit of surgical mutilation of intersex infants, which causes a lot of problems down the line for trans intersex people seeking transition surgery that would essentially reverse the mutilation they experienced as infants when they couldn't consent.
If they meant it in an anti-trans way then they would be factually wrong insofar as transition procedures are, by definition, consensual. The non-consensual procedures (which may be the same procedures) are done to "correct" children's (usually, though some cis adults opt to have them done) sexes towards the one they were assigned.
not having the day off to vote
Most countries have elections on thw weekend.....
Insane rent hikes. Landlords and corps shouldn't be able to raise rent from $1,700 mo to $8,000 mo in a single period, let alone a handful of years.
To piggyback off that: the concept of rent.
It's fine as a concept, it allows you to live somewhere without making a commitment long-term.
But there needs to be more regulations in place, like maybe making it illegal for corporations to buy residential property and requiring by law that any new residential building must have the option to buy as well as rent, with regulations to ensure it's a fair price.
predatory microtransactions in video games that are essentially gambling.
I got zero problems with idiot gamers who continue to pay for and encourage this behavior.
victims don't "encourage" their abusers. these are predatory practices designed to hook in as many people vulnerable to gambling addiction as possible. you have a misconception about the people that get hooked into these things. most of them are not "idiot gamers" nor oil barons, they are either children or neurodivergent people.
It's naive to think that someone is at fault for falling prey to the psychological tactics publishers use to push people toward micro transactions.
If you think about it, it's really not that different from saying people with gambling addictions deserve to be broke. Microtransactions might seem like an obvious scam to a lot of people, but a lot of people fall it and waiving it away and saying they deserve it will only make the problem worse.
While there are gamers hooked on gambling machines, the industry will continue to produce more and more blatant gambling machines... instead of actual balanced games.
ffs people, stop treating addiction like it's something that people 'deserve' for doing bad decisions.
I appreciate them in the cases where they subsidize a free game for me, when all they're spending money on is some dressup doll equivalent
Advertising. I just hate how it’s crept into every facet of our lives and it’s not done intruding in on our daily lives either.
Yep. It’s insane to me how society goes to such lengths to make road transportation, driving, cars etc safer, and then is perfectly fine with billboards. It’s super illegal to be distracted by your phone whilst driving, but a giant graphical ad on the side of the road is totally cool. Whut
Conflicts of interest. Sometimes illegal, but not nearly as much as they should be (almost always)
Like congress members being allowed to trade stock, which can then be affected by their vote
Or one of the specifically carved out exceptions to the medical kickbacks laws is for the people who negotiate drug prices for pharmacies
selling boneless chicken wings with bones.
The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children and are owed the exact same unconditional love and protection.
If you want to argue for the ethical treatment of animals or that they deserve care and respect, that's one thing, and I can respect it. But equating that to what humans, especially children, deserve is ridiculous. If it came down to saving the life of a child or an animal, it would be immoral to not choose the human child.
Nope, good try tho.
Forced arbitration clauses.
I think tacking on irrelevant laws onto popular bills to get them passed shouldn't be allowed.
Politicians shouldn't be allowed to trade stocks, especially when they're in a position to pass laws that would directly affect their holdings.
Super PACs, it's absolutely wild that that's a thing IMO.
I think there should also be a "cooling off" period of some sort over passing/repealing laws. I'm thinking as an example of the Republicans after Obamacare was passed, when they tried to repeal it something like 70 times in 10 years. I get that things change and laws sometimes need to be amended or updated, but there should really be some system in place to prevent people from spamming up the whole system like that.
I'm also not a big fan of the filibuster.
When you are in a political position you are not allowed to lie.
We have to develop the technology to perfectly detect lies and give everyone who wants to be in office a collar which gives them seizures when lying.
Every Parlament around the world would look like a Harlem shake gone wrong.
It defintly is a slippery slope. I work for a municipalitylies utilities company. Part of my job is working with a utilities companies union to lobby politicians to make laws that will actually improve the way we can work. I think we actually do improve things for the German public by bringing desperately needed knowledge to the table.
But I think we are a small minority among lobbying institutions.
Small print, excessive legalese and outright deceptive language in ads, agreements and such. All the "free" (not really free) trials, "unlimited" (not really unlimited) plans, "best value" (according to the producer and their mum) deals and shit like that.
There really should be a law prohibiting that - if reading through terms and conditions for using a damn website or a toothbrush or whatever requires 4 hours of free time, a magnifyibg glass and degree in law, such t&cs should be illegal. Same for disclaimers and such in ads - any 4pt text displayed for 2 seconds on screen should automatically result in a massive fine.
Predatory advertising... commonly is the form of fear mongering, but any form should be illegal.
The employer-employee contract
It violates the theory of inalienable rights that implied the abolition of constitutional autocracy, coverture marriage, and voluntary self-sale contracts.
Inalienable means something that can't be transferred even with consent. In case of labor, the workers are jointly de facto responsible for production, so by the usual norm that legal and de facto responsibility should match, they should get the legal responsibility i.e. the fruits of their labor
I think that it depends on the nature of the contract. Sure, most of them are terrible.
On the other hand, NDAs are a form of employment contract that are often a necessity. Non-compete contracts can serve a legitimate purpose, in preventing unfair competition or using company secrets for person gain. They're usually written in an overly broad manner though, or prevent legitimate employee activities.
Make employment contract toward all company members, not "the company". Workers are working for each other, not owned by share holders. They are the company.
This would be joint self-employment as in a worker coop
Social- and greenwashing proposals.
"By buying [unnecessary product] you will help [marginalized group] to gain a livable income and also send their kids to school instead of sending them to [work place with - even for adults - horrible work conditions]. Also, when buying [product] we will save [arbirtary area] of [rainforest/ coral reef/ mangrove swamp] that would otherwise have been destroyed [but not by us]. Additional to that, your purchase helped us to save [arbitrary ammount of CO2 - at least in a completely hypothetical scenario]. While using [product] you will make the world a better place."
As a customer there is barely any way you can ensure or check that these things are true. It cannot be possible to save the enviroment while buying stupid products like, for example, internet-of-shit-devices which will be phased out in no time or single use products made from plastic or other harmful materials that are not recycleable.
All these claims are just an indulgance trade - like it is done for centuries in a religious context. It is just that you have an excuse to consume more, because they to something to help people/ enviroment. If there was a product that would have been advertised as: "Well, we irretrieveably destroyed 100 km2 of nature, and for each single product in average two workers died and at end-of-life this product will fuck up the environment once more - also it will impair your health just by existing", it would be horrible - but at least it would be honest.
In the US slavery should be illegal since ages but isn't yet.
Killing animals for pleasure.
Edit: I love how the voting discrepancy here shows the hypocrisy lol
This is generally illegal and heavily fined as well. Depends on where you live, I guess.
Honestly? Alcohol. I used to work security at a rehab, and it was always the worst addiction. The withdrawls are horrible, up to and including death. Yes, even worse than heroin.
Read up on US prohibition and how it funded the Mafia. It just changes the form of the societal disease.
The answer to addiction is having support and care on place for those that fall to it so society helps pick them up again. You can't stop the abuse of substances unless you fix why people are crawling into a hole to avoid the world. Lack of mental health is a disease of society as well as the individual.
Its so mad that we have such a literal example of exactly what happens, due to prohibition, yet society refuses to see like for like. The mafia simply used the exact same routes to smuggle heroin. They didn't disappear or die out, due to alcohol prohibition ending. They got into bed with the CIA, under operation gladio. What they did with crack wasn't the first or the biggest example.
Like you said, you can't people abusing substances. They remain illegal because somewhere some very powerful people are making too much money from them remaining so.
I am in my late 30s. Drank in college with friends at parties. I dont anymore just not into it. I like things that make me faster, smarter, or stronger. I dont understand why all TV shows and movies seem to be centered around drinking when its a social scene. (I live in north america). Nothing good comes from drinking alcohol. They make it seem like if you're relaxing or want to have fun you need alcohol. I just need a good brisket for both those.
Minor being member of religious (or political) organization
They're basically the same. I'd extent that to outright banning of any religion. Believe whatever you want, but the moment people gather and share the same "true faith", things get ugly.
That's not necessary. What's needed is to treat religious beliefs as a personal choice, and no more. You can get protection from being discriminated against based on your beliefs so long as it doesn't extend past actual disadvantage (so yes to not being disadvantaged in your workplace for being religious, but no to not wanting to bake a cake for gay people). Other than that, your religion buys you nothing. No 'medical exemptions', no special treatment, and especially no influence on other people's lifestyle choices. True freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. It stays in your home and place of worship. In public, in government, in education and healthcare, religion does not exist.
The selling of personal information.
Private cars in cities.
They're noisy, unhealthy, cause massive damage to infrastructure, transport one person at a time while taking up enough space for ~10 in the road, fill open spaces for parking, sometimes while being completely unusable, endanger everyone else on the roads....
I'm a fan of a nested zone approach. City center, no cars, pedestrians, bikes and busses only.
A few blocks away, compact cars only.
A few more blocks from that, all cars, no trucks or SUVs
A few more from that, All cars trucks and SUVs allowed, no trailers.
Absolutely outer edge, drive whatever you want.
Not really something that is legal that should be illegal, but I would love to see this nonsense that corporate executives can't be held criminally responsible (the corporation is) for their illegal acts. I think it would correct an awful lot of shitty things corporations do really quickly (assuming enforcement).
I think all those in the management chain should be held responsible. Maybe with a weighting of the proportion of those under them engaged in the criminal behaviour.
It should be treated as in the military, "I was just following orders" is not an excuse.
Yeah, I like that! 👍 Corporations don't make decisions... Those people do
Everyone not having access to a 1-bedroom apartment or living space that is all theirs and affordable. So much crime is because people are forced to live with others they shouldn't be around and can't get along with in a shared living space.
Additionally, so many people are driven by the fear of homelessness so they just suck it up to their detriment until they snap and go really nuts and end up with shelter either way
Are you saying what should be legal but isnt?
Whoops my bad, curse this episodic dyslexia
Products purposefully manufactured to be unfixable. Main example being anything apple...you can't even add ram to a iMac anymore and they have the audacity to sell the lower end model with 8 gigs of ram as if that's enough when everyone knows its not. Basically selling a 1400$ piece of shit.
It is far worse if you look at the radmom no name brand products sold by Amazon, they are straight manufactured trash, that is only barely functioning when it comes out of the factory.
Surprised to see no one has said cigarettes yet. Not only are you poisoning yourself, it's harmful to everyone else around you that has to inhale that shit.
In the same vein, driving gas cars
I would vastly prefer that gas cars be phased out. But I believe that this is a bit different:
Cigarettes don't offer any benefit beyond making you "feel good." And you don't need cigarettes to feel good, and, in fact, literally any other option is better for both you, and everyone around you, save for harder drugs.
Gasoline cars, while poisonous to the world around us, also offer us far greater benefits: supplies and logistics, we can carry goods further, wider, and faster than we ever could without them. And because of that, without them, sure we'd pollute a lot less, but then we'd have a far harder time carrying critical resources to more remote parts of the world where trains and planes can't reach, and people would starve or lack critical medicine.
As it stands, EVs are not a reliable substitute. They're getting there, I want them to get there, but I disagree with the notion that cars should be made illegal as things currently stand. I don't think it's nearly as cut and dry as cigarettes are. I can only hope to live long enough to see a world where gas powered cars could be outlawed without leaving hundreds of millions of people high and dry.
- Slave labour in prisons.
It would be nice if prisoners of non-violent/minor crimes could (voluntarily) work (at maybe a lower wage than usual) and and they would be able to get what they earned once they get out of prison.
Arbitrary surcharges and fees. Like "5% to offset the rising minimum wage" bullshit restaurants are doing.
If that gets rid of tipping, I don't see an issue with it.
Tipping is fine, but only as a bonus for excellent service. There shouldn't be a "suggested gratuity" or some shit like that and also obviously shouldn't be counted as part of the employee's salary, like in the US
Nope, copyrights isn't the issue, they enable people to earn money from their creativity, the issue is rather that they are way too long.
Back in the 1780s copyright lasted 14 years after the work was created.
This is fine, the current obscene legnth of copyright is terrible.
I'd be fine with copyright being like 20 years or so, that's plenty of time to make a good amount of money from your work IMO. But yeah the current system where some corporation gets to keep cashing in on something half a century after the author is dead is pretty ridiculous.
We only really run into trouble when we start treating corporations like people and copyright as a commodity in it's own right.
Non-transferable copyright for the life of the author would be perfectly acceptable.
the statute of Anne was the first copyright law and it was written to stop printers in London from breaking each others' knees over who was allowed to print the world of Shakespeare who was already long dead.
copyright is a bill of goods when packaged as a protection for creatives.
Not for something like medicine or crops that people will die if the copyright holder abuses their copyright. In that case we have to act for the greater good and make medicine first, compensate creators later, if at all.
They should make it illegal to break the law
Leveraged buyout, cutting yourself a huge check, folding the company and walking away.
Over the past few decades it's become very clear this is needed. The problem is that by making LBOs illegal you are saying that a controlling stake of the company's stock isn't the same as owning a controlling stake in the company. So at that point the value of stocks becomes a bit more speculative and likely much less stable. Given that basically the entirety of our economy is built on the stock market I think this is incredibly unlikely to ever happen.
Factory farming
Using lies, especially lying about the beliefs of important historical people or of gods in someones religion, for a political campaign is legal
Eh... where? This seems like a very location-specific question.
if no location is given, assume an american asked the question without realizing there's more to the world
No just answer for your location or name global/international examples.
What is this rest of the world you speak of?
Not putting your shopping cart in a corral.