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  • Similar to what the other comrade said; There is no expectation anymore that the people in power should have to govern or to meaningfully improve your life.

    If that's the case, then the only thing you are voting for is which person you're going to see on the TV for the next 4 years.

    This is the main reason why the cheeto won over Hilary. Would you rather watch the funny orange man who says stupid shit or the mean grandma who scolds you for not eating your veggies?

    This is also why I think that Kamala will win.

    • I remember the same thing with Sarah Palin. We’ll see how far this takes Kamala because Aoc would be an easy victory if looks was all it took.

      But you’re right that there is a pattern in which the more attractive candidate wins and Trump isn’t exactly getting any younger. You’ll notice that all the two term Dem candidates since the debut of TV were notably more attractive than their opposition. JFK would have probably won two terms with his looks and charm alone.

  • This effect is very real.

    Early in the 2019-20 campaign season I had one older roommate who was very much an "everyman" and we would occasionally be watching TV downstairs and chatting. He was quite excited about Kamala.

  • Normie politics are the most insanely aggrivating thing, which is baffling seeing how much weight they get. Rewarding people who aren't actually paying attention and just kind of doing things off the vibes? Down with

  • during the mexican election i saw a tiktok meme edit with like a million likes showing how claudia sheinbaum mogs her opponent with a mewing diagram over her jawline

  • I guess that means technocrats should be in charge then?

    There are some neo-liberal ass takes here. I'm not saying that Americans aren't some of the most baby-brained political animals in the world, but it's not because it's inherent to the U.S. It turns out that when for generations elections are purely spectacle, because nothing actually substantially changes between the bourgeoisie electoral parties, then most voters will only engage with it at the level of the aesthetic!

    Damn, it's almost as if material consequences have an outcome on ideology or something.

  • That's the most gen x shit I've ever seen...

    Show me a generation more hapless and useless in all forms...