I hope people in the west understands the gravity of things .
I hope people in the west understands the gravity of things .
People in the west should stop this madness ...hek whom am I kidding ,they won't .
I hope people in the west understands the gravity of things .
People in the west should stop this madness ...hek whom am I kidding ,they won't .
Worth noting that this was a planned deployment and not in response to anything currently happening.
What do you mean ?
The Sarmat missile was being developed for a while now, and this is when they were scheduled to be deployed. Their deployment isn't a reaction to anything immediate happening with the war in Ukraine or the conflict between the west and Russia. The tweet appears to make it look like this is Russia is escalating in the context of the current proxy war.
This makes me feel a bit better.
If the world gets destroyed because of some European war, I hope that God is real because he's gonna have to explain to me in the afterlife why didn't he stop Yakub when he had the chance.
who is Yakub ?
It's the legendary creator of the "white race" according to the Nation of Islam, who did it through selective breeding and manipulation to create the most wicked and hateful people. It's mostly used as a meme to dunk on crackers.
A figure in presudoscientific mythology of the "Nation of Islam" organisation. Which, despite the name, has little if anything at all to do with actual Islam.
According to said mythology, white people were created artificially by a man named Yakub. For reasons. And this is why white people are inherently evil and have stolen everything ever from the black people.
Some comrades here like to mention Yakub in conversations about European or USian stupidity. For reasons.
41 comments, can't see any of them. That doesn't bode well.
I can see them from hexbear, but not from here.
Hexbear link to this post: https://hexbear.net/post/499968
I live in the second largest port city in Europe at about 40km from the EU and NATO HQs. If shit hits the fan, I probably will be dead before I noticed.
Dying instantly is probably the better outcome tbf. Trying to survive in a post nuclear Earth would be hell.
capitalists are in a suicide cult, why would they stop?
So you are OK with having another world war, this time with nuclear arsenals armed and ready to go?
Yes literally, that's all it would take.
A single shifted border, which you can in turn brag about since the Russkies wouldve taken more without a hard fight. What would you rather instead - keep fighting them indefinitely as more warheads roll out and the frontline barely moves? Keep giving stern warnings hinting at war? Get more NATO states involved?
Russia does not hold Kyiv. If a ceasefire is declared, they would hold the eastern territory they wanted all along, and the rest of Ukraine would be unobtainable anyway. You're scared of losing basically half an oblast which already costs millions of dollars and hundreds of deaths a year to hold onto, and has an active separatist movement which cannot and will not cooperate with the Ukrainian government. All Donbass will bring you is more violence and diplomatic headaches. Holding it at all costs will either bring nuclear war, world war, or at the very least worse separatism.
You insist on fighting until it's "yours" (your chosen team's in this sport) over the possibility of being spiritually "cucked" or something bc you made a minor compromise. Fuck that. That's the whole of human history in a nutshell, and you've just now started trying to cheat it using guided bombs and computers. You think you'll beat the turning of fate because the 21st century has to be "clean," which youve already made forfeit. You have no honor and none should be gifted to you. Go enlist so you have something in life to talk about.
Gen X :… first time?
It was nice knowing you all. We will all go together when we go.
Estonia instigating the end of the world with a petty drone harassment campaign is roughly what we deserve.
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Oh no, the world is ending for the billionth time this millennia!
There're two things I would like to point here to show u how stupid u liberals are.
First: you guys are so concerned about being on the moral high ground that u just can't be pragmatic. You would easily start a nuclear war and feel good about it because the other side has a government u don't agree with.
Second: you guys point fingers to Russia but would be the first to agree with nuking Iraq or another country occupied by the US the moment any of them did as much as shot a couple of American civilians in American ground, let alone drone attacks...
Putin is no more of a dictator than any other western head of state has ever been, they are all beholden to bourgeois material interests.
You people are so fuckin dense.
Lmao, you think Russia makes more nuclear threats than America? Who has actually used them on civilian populations again?
It'll be fine. The russian can't even launch a rocket at the moon
lol , Hitler said the same thing bro. You want to be that , you will get that too.
The funny thing about nuclear warheads is that you don't have to be terribly accurate with them.
First of all, not only did Russia launch a rocket at the moon, but it furthermore hit the moon too (at extremely high velocity lol).
Second of all, it is very literally much more difficult to even get a projectile onto a course that will merely intersect the moon at all than it is to hit any point on the surface of the earth, just in terms of raw mathematics, physics, and engineering.
Russia very much IS capable, with utmost certainty, of striking anywhere on the face of the earth, anytime they choose to do so.
The only reason they have not struck is because they have not chosen to.
(The reasoning behind the current state of that choice, however, is beyond the scope of this discussion.)
You realise we have nukes too right?
Global 👏 nuclear 👏 warfare 👏