Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW
Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW

Reddit's API protest just got even more NSFW
I’m glad to be totally off of Reddit now but I have to say, props to the mods doing this kind of stuff. It’s pretty hilarious
They're getting no end of grief from bad/paid actors though.
I hope they don't bend to them. Reddit fully deserves this level of overt trolling at this point.
Literally nothing new. - A Reddit Mod. There's a lot of power tripping shitty mods, but a lot don't deserve half the grief they get. Some people tend to take out a lot of negativity on mods when they cannot see the human.
The griefing doesn't look good for Reddit either. Harassing your unpaid volunteers = excellent investment, probably, I guess. Maybe it does, controversy keeps people engaged.
It's very much inline with how wine makers pivoted during the US alcohol prohibition era by instead selling concentrated blocks of grape juice and a nice little pamphlet with a warning on how to avoid turning said grape juice into wine.
I honestly expected after the API changes rolled out that the backlash on Reddit would stop but I'm glad to see the shenanigans continue.
Same, as much as I hope lemmy succeeds, I simultaneously hope that the API changes get reversed. Good job to those fighting for this over there
I am afraid the two might be mutually exclusive. Lemmy is like old Reddit and still on early adopters. We get more and more newcomers only because Reddit is going downhill.
I think Lemmy's biggest challenges are server stability, increased complexity to use (most don't understand things like instances), and low awareness from others. I only learned about it a day or two ago. Signed up out of curiosity.
But if Lemmy gets even more popular then the various popular instances are going to be stressed. It looks unstable to newcomers who go back to Reddit.
I signed up for originally, constantly had Gateway errors. seems more stable due to lower traffic.
But others may not be able to recognize that. Even if they did, might not want to create new accounts for several instances and go back to starting from 0.
Though it's not like it matters to most of us if they do reverse course. I already deleted everything on my Reddit account. It's all gone permanently.
At this point even if the API changes are reversed I’m don’t with Reddit.
I believe the failed Twitter-to-Mastodon exodus made spez and his yesmen cocky. I hope they underestimated how much mir tech savvy the average redditor is - especially the nexus poster, who keep the community afloat.
Indeed, which of course communicates a fundamental misunderstanding about how people use Reddit vs. Twitter. On Twitter/Mastodon people primarily follow other users, so Twitter remains dominant due to the large number of celebrities, influencers, and politicians that use it. On Reddit/Lemmy, people follow communities, and as such as long as both are active a given community on Lemmy is just as good as a community on Reddit. This also of course impacts federation. With individual user federation discovery can be challenging and small instances will have relatively barren all feeds, but with community federation even instances with a few dozen users will federate with enough communities to fill the all feed. Reddit was also famous for the multitude of very nice features implemented by third party developers, all of which they just ejected, which means now those nice features will be available to Lemmy users. Apps are capable of abstracting and improving the user experience by suggesting instances to sign up to and presenting a unified feed of all of the instance feeds that the app has connected to, making everything feel far more connected. In a way I'm grateful to u/spez, his awfulness as a CEO pushed people here and made a lot of this possible.
Eh. They_were_ until about 4(?) years ago. I noticed there was a big shift when all of a sudden nobody cared about spelling and grammar mistakes anymore, and Reddit itself started changing to be more average-person minded. But in the beginning absolutely yes, that's why the format was the way it was
No, I figured this would go on a lot longer than just the blackout. There has been a lot of built up resentment in the mod community that the admins never really addressed. Now that the admins ripped away most mod tools, a lot of mods are pissed.
I hope they can manage to tank reddit's IPO
This has exposed the incompatibility of a company wanting to make $$$$, when it relies on volunteers. Mods aren't eager to do unpaid work just so spez can get rich.
So long as it hurts Reddit, all the better.
This whole API issue is a lost cause, so the only thing that can be done now is to make Reddit lose big.
I’m really fuckin loving getting to watch this war being waged on Reddit from Lemmy. I was really worried that, on the first, all of the protests would peter and those of us pissed about it would be gone and things would just even out for the company. Love to see it still being fought, and more dirty than ever.
I'm just watching from here like 👀🍿
I wish more of the larger subs were still protesting and didn't roll over so easily. But regardless the site has taken a massive hit to its reputation and one can only hope that recovery won't be possible moving forward and it screws them out of their chance to go public.
Give it 3 months and it's all forgotten about. New users won't know the difference.
I followed mostly games and tech related stuff and they mostly rolled over quick or didn't even participate. So figured it was a lost cause from the get go. When I was subbed there was not much difference in usual activity , since I did not sub to the main subs. In a lot of cases I actually had blocked them long ago.
On the plus side those communities have had good activity on lemmy without need for the reddit mods to bother migrating.
LOL... Who would buy into their IPO now? There's a HUGE risk of this going to zero.
I think we’re going to see a figurehead change before the IPO if things continue this way. Spiz will “step down” (he’ll probably be bought out, which might be what he’s angling for at this point, talking about wanting to emulate Elon? The most obvious and egregious example of massively and publicly fucking up a social media site??) and the company will put out a statement of “changing course,” basically just muddying the waters about what’s actually happening (while most likely nothing will actually change), say that they’re going to try to fix this fiasco.
It would kill the protests. And that way they can either run out the clock and settle things down before the IPO, or they can put out some vague change that would figuratively make the API more accessible/affordable. But nothing would actually change in the latter scenario, they’d just make a lot of noise about being reasonable while not actually changing anything. Their value could inflate again, protests are quelled due to loss of momentum/loss of popularity, pizzle gets a golden parachute, the company goes public and banks, VCs roll in piles of money, etc. etc.
Honestly, /r/all is pretty pitiful these days
I logged out of my account at the start of all this, but occasionally I go back and check out reddit as an unlogged lurker. It's astonishing how low-quality the front page is when it's not filtered by subjects you're actually interested in. And good lord is new reddit ever a terrible user experience.
I've noticed a change too and I've tried to keep that separate from my feelings about Reddit. It just doesn't seem all that entertaining or novel as it was a couple months back.
Perhaps when you piss off that tiny slice of your users that actually produces the content everyone else wants to see and the moderators who ensure they see that quality content, you're going to have problems.
It wasn't a perfect system for sure, but it was holding it together for quite a few years.
Okay, hear me out:
I get the argument that most of these protests are meaningless/if you REALLY want to change you're going to have to do this this this. whatever (I usually stop reading there). I understand, but I don't agree.
Sure, it's nice when a protest can actually enact real changes but lets face it; that's not common and sometimes not going to happen: fine. The decision to make a protest shouldn't be decided on the basis of 'can I win'; a much less restrictive--and very deeply fun--philosophy should be "is this worth taking time out of my day just to annoy/frustrate/irritate those who are doing this?' If yes (it should always be yes), "So lets find out how many ways me and anyone else I can recruit can make this happen'.
In other words: every time a subreddit finds a new and interesting and stupid and ridiculous and just weird way to be irritating and embarrassing af...I am living for this.
Very refreshing take on it. The cynicism about whether the protests were 'worth it' because we didn't see massive results felt like it missed all the fun of giving the greedy corporation the collective finger.
If the only reason you'll fight is because you think you can win, you're doing it for the wrong reasons. Win or lose or both or nothing at all, you do it because it's worth fighting for. Sometimes this ends with Brown v. Board of Education and Obergefell v. Hodges, but mostly, it won't, so if the best I can do right now is give some people a very, very bad day, well, I'm in: let's go.
I can handle a fun protest.
The protests remind me of the last night at bar on land that just got bought by developers and will soon be torn down. The battle is lost, you can do nothing and leave or you can get weird and write your farewells on the walls, steal the toilet seats, and otherwise vandalize the place on your way out and have one last laugh with your friends before you head your separate ways.
Been on Reddit a long time and feel this one is different. Not because it's worse, or makes more people more upset, but because all those other times moderators still slightly trusted admins to not completely sabotage their own site. This time all goodwill has been definitively trashed. Above-and-beyond type extraordinary efforts to maintain communities like with IAmA and AskHistorians look to be going away forever, so are people maintaining tools to have a chance at handling spam etc.
Nobody wants to work for Reddit for free anymore.
As much as I'd love to log into Reddit and see this go down, I'm happy just not using Reddit. How much longer do you think they'll hold out?
Do not underestimate average people's resilience to enshittification
You can train mice or pigeons to hit a button for reward, but the button has to dispense reward pretty much 100%. Once they're trained, you can dial down the reward - 50%, 25%...1% - and they'll keep mashing that button, doing work for free. Human buttons and rewards may be more complicated, but it's the same thing.
Yeah, for now people are still going to incidentally use reddit for human-written non-seo optimized text.
Heck, I needed it last night for help with my computer.
Things will climax once sync for reddit releases their Lemmy app in 2-4 weeks
The apps are going to be a game changer. If they can make it easier and intuitive to sign up, manage your accounts, find communities, and eventually group communities together and filter your feed, casual users will start flocking. It’s all about the UX and UI.
I hope to see the apps even accept donations and distribute part of it to the Lemmy devs and server hosts to help keep things sustainable.
A lot of us are looking forward to that day.
So far Connect for Lemmy feels close to sync. So far it's working great on Android.
lol without an app on my phone, I tried opening r/pics on my mobile browser to see the damage, only to be met with a "you must view NSFW communities in our app" page.
you can use old reddit but it's a pain and a half on mobile
you're talking about the 0.1 of the 1/9/90 rule resisting the clearly telegraphed decay of the platform they poured 5-15 years into on average. they built that place, do not underestimate the lengths they will go to keep it up.
assuming one more round of further threats, my prediction is that about half the currently protesting communities will either switch to a new form of protest, stop, or be made an example of, by about the end of july. but for a proper "end" of the protests, spez would be lucky if it happened by the end of the summer, and their negative impact on the platform is already severe and permanent. i honestly don't know if the admins are stupid and/or out of touch enough to not notice the drop in content quality or are just bold enough to lie about it, but this spells the beginning of a long and inevitable process of people leaving to better sites as those who gave reddit its unique value stop contributing and giving lurkers a reason to stay.
reddit will never feel the same again, but it will feel about the best it ever will again around the end of the year, before the decay truly sets in. unless the admins choose that time for the next round of killing off old reddit, of course.
reddit will never feel the same again
It really doesn’t seem like the cool place it once was. They took the vibe away with these API changes.
Hopefully long enough for casual users to start looking for alternatives.
I hope this is true.
Its going to be a while. Most content creators especially comic artists, streamers and youtubers are still on reddit. Their fans are there, and its unlikely they'll budge until the comic artists post here too, or the mods of the youtube communities announce a migration.
I disagree. I know and follow a bunch of creators on social media and twitch, but even as a Reddit power user I knew so few specific users. Influencers may post links to their content but their Reddit account is hardly relevant.
I'm happy that they're keeping it up, but I've already moved on to the point that even if Reddit were to completely go back on the API change, I wouldn't come back. Personally I've already moved the goal post to where Steve Huffman needs to go before I'd consider ever going back. Reddit is dead for all I care.
Listen there's a whole board at reddit that greenlit every decision he's made. He's not some mad scientist.
The way reddit has decided, as a company, to treat their users over the last 40 days or so, that's enough for me.
Imagine if in the MySpace days we all found out that using MySpace was generating ad revenue for Tom so he could build a torture chamber for puppies. That would have been awful enough that even 20 years later, (holy shit MySpace was 20 years ago) and over a decade after Tom had left the company, we would still feel weird about going there to hang out online, and a lot of us would feel disgust every time we were served an ad on the platform.
What I'm saying, is Steve Huffman kills puppies and even accessing is basically condoning puppy torture. Wait, no. What I'm saying is reddit has created a blemish so hideous that I wouldn't, not even if I was like, really really drunk. Ya Digg?
Spez was a mod of the Jailbait sub so instead of puppies it was/is kids
I've been editing and deleting 10+ year old comments to deny them that sweet swwet LLM data. No way for me to go back, and I wouldn't anyway
You should check to see that your edits hold. There's been reports of users manually deleting posts and then showing back up a few days later.
They're in full damage control mode.
Agreed. It is funny to hear about, but they would have to roll back years of changes for me to even consider it at this point. Since there is no money in that for them it is pretty much a moot point.
It doesn't matter if huffman goes. This is the result of wanting to make $$$$$$. That won't ever change.
I love it. Especially that the mods of the default subs have the balls to do it
turns out it's not a good idea to piss off the unpaid people put in charge of front page subreddits
Meanwhile redditors on /r/piracy kicked their own mod for continuing the protest. I think their Lemmy migration to is a bit too effective and now only loyal redditors left at that sub.
On the flipside has a lot better content and discussion than /r/piracy where it's mostly the same memes reposted every few weeks.
Can’t wait for the Reddit IPO to fail
Fidelity has been dropping the valuation of its stake in reddit, and that's only as of May 31st. We don't know yet how the value will respond to all this drama, but I suspect it will go down more.
The IPO might not fail, but they probably won't get what they wanted out of it.
Unfortunately this probably means that the platform will sell to people who expect to get use out of it for direct public influence of some kind (marketing/politics).
Sadly they’ll still get rich as shit if valuation drops a lot so there isn’t much incentive to treat the community better.
I invest in quite a few tech companies and I was considering investing in Reddit, but there's no way in hell I would now. I can't be the only potential investor they have alienated.
Just don't short it day one, it'll pump and dump. Wait for it to 3x, then short it.
I just went and looked at r/videos and I gotta admit that the text-only descriptions of videos and enforcing swearing in every post title is pretty funny.
That's absolutely hilarious
It's so weird to see all the people still fighting on Reddit when I've already moved on
Most importantly I think the app devs have moved on. They'd have to do something particularly amazing to lure them back. That's the death knell.
Yes, I think the biggest mistake spez made was sending all the best devs on the platform directly to his biggest competitor.
I really dont see a point in fighting at this point. Reddit is dead for me.
The point is to trash the site so new users don't join, if they replace the number they lost they can say "hey look, we recovered in only 6 months"
I haven't even looked back. I have been through this a few times before. Yahoo chat and myspace to Facebook. They aren't EXACTLY the same. But I have seen it enough to know that they clearly aren't listening to their users.
Eh, I’ll go against the grain and be honest. I still use it on my desktop at home. Zero mobile use. The user base and information there is still massive at the moment. Once that changes it’s in my rear view, but I won’t pretend like I don’t.
Reddit is a lot less active now. Gotta love it
People on Reddit keep saying things are mostly back to normal, while tiny subs are hitting the front page of /r/all on the regular with like 2k votes.
Also, I've noticed a pretty significant increase in overt racism. Or rather, significant decrease in moderation of it. I shouldn't be surprised but it keeps catching me off-guard.
I haven't been back but do you have any data to back that up?
Not that I don't believe it, I just want some schadenfreude
No point in protesting, we already have a better alternative.
Deliberately using an alternative is a form of protesting.
Deliberately using an alternative is a form of protesting.
And it can be, sure, but it's not always the case.
I'm not just using Lemmy until or if Reddit backtracks, I'm using Lemmy because I believe it's the superior platform in many ways and has more to offer. I didn't make an account here in sign of protest, I made one because Lemmy was suggested to me and I'm liking it better than where I came from.
I'm also aware that many users on this platform would go back to Reddit if they backtracked on the API keys.
Yeah, the best protest is a reduction in monthly active users.
I agree.
Also when we’re all being fucked over no one has a right to say how we (in general) should be protesting. People get to show their anger in whatever way they want. It’s like people asking for civility so they don’t have to deal with uncomfortable messages. Um fuck no. NSFW all the way if that’s what one decides.
Thanks for agitating
The start of your comment reminded me of the exchange between Trevor Noah & Tomi Lauren where Trevor asks her, okay, so if this protest isn't good, and this kind isn't good, how should black people protest? How should they make their grievances known? And she just could not answer that question. Protests aren't comfortable--they're disruptive by nature. If protests don't challenge anything or make anyone uncomfortable, what are they even doing?
It's even healthier when you think about how this anger is being shown in a non-violent manner. If it helps people to express and work through their feelings about changes before deciding to accept those changes or to go elsewhere (setting aside the slim chance that anything actually changes which is rare in my personal experience), then I think it's perfectly fine and normal.
While i wholeheartedly agree that people should protest however the heck the want...
...I still don't get the rage this issue is causing. Don't get me wrong, I'm the guy who has a list of businesses I don't do any sort of business with because of their policies. But i feel like this could have been resolved with shutting down all subs and then everyone taking the summer off from computers. Instead everyone took 48hrs off and then had to get back to their addiction and ramp up their anger in the process.
The NSFW thing is awesome though.
well, some people don’t care, but others like me have been years there finding and joining communities, and for others who became admins and moderators, they spent a good chunk of their time to create and take care of communities over years for free. Now that has been taken from them, and even each step Reddit takes, enrages the content creators and curators even more, so they respond because they don’t want to give up, and now they may want revenge. So I totally support everything they’re doing, from filling it up with useless content to fill it up with NSFW content to avoid ads and so ruining Reddit cash flow. And I hope they keep going on for a while.
I’d like an app that can scramble (not delete) all my posts. Does that exist?
For for how much heavy handed their initial reaction was, I’m surprised that Reddit doesn’t take more aggressive actions. Spez has the loudest voice on highest pole, yet so far he only managed to anger everyone.
Fuck Spez.
I'm not sure they can. What can they do? I doubt they'll replace moderators with paid Reddit workers. The alternative is to replace them with other power hungry moderators who will bend a knee to the Reddit admins. That might work on some major subreddits but the PR of that might cause more damage.
I think the admins hoped it would have blown over by now. If it's still going on by September I bet they'll need to do something.
And the problem is that people who are power hungry and only doing it to scratch that itch can't be trusted to maintain a valuable community. That's not the type of people they are.
And people who create the content are moving to other platforms. I've deleted all of my reddit links and apps to reduce the likeyhood I'll stumble across a reddit post. Also starting to take some of my better reddit posts and edit them to remove any valuable content, and post on Lemmy instead.
Feels like reading the frontline news from far away. Keep fighting bastards, I don’t know what the end goal will lead too but i know it will be hands of us the victors.
So Twitterification of Reddit.
Anime subs are flooded with pervs openly sexualizing children and calling for porn.
So... Pretty much the same as before July 1st /s
Jokes aside, I quickly scrolled the anime subs I used to frequent (by hot and then top daily and top weekly) and I didn't really see noticeable change, maybe I missed a big discussion that happened during protests since I stopped using reddit since then, but I don't really see what you described.
And before the protests there was already the occasional pro loli post, of course it wasn't a flood that's why I went to check.
Maybe it's something present on smaller subs?
I think it's half moderators on strike, and half people acting disrespectfully because they have no respect for Reddit since Reddit showed them they have no respect for them. When the platform is run by a malicious faceless corporation there's less of a feeling of obligation to be civil, but on Lemmy these instances are being run by volunteers and when I see the hard work they're putting in to keep things running it makes me respect them and it feels more like an actual community that I want to treat well.
I see a ton of those rate women or am I attractive type posts
Bait for onlyfans accounts.
Moderators are either absent or they post generic botty-sounding messages like, “Please be civil” while not actually moderating anything.
So they're refusing to work for Reddit for free. Good for them!
Can’t wait for Reddit admins and Spez to realize they have failed.
Spez succeeded, regardless. His end goal was the IPO, consequences he damned. Rectal fissures were entirely acceptable. Now whether Spez is happy with his booty blasting, that’s another question entirely.
His end goal was to destroy 3rd party apps. He doesn't care if it takes all of reddit down in the process, they bruised his ego and he's lashing back with anything and everything he can. It's why he lied about the phone conversation which we found out for sure when the dev posted it in full. He's a toddler.
Most recently Spez said the IPO is further away now than it was last year lmao
Booty blasting? Is that like putting cocaine up in there? Asking with regrets
Spez will feel nothing but anger. I’m sure that he genuinely feels that nothing has been lost. The people that work for him probably feel uneasy that his ego has unnecessarily breathed life into another platform.
I would be pretty annoyed if I sat on the board because Lemmy and Kbin may have been just another Voat had they just come up with something reasonable. It blows my mind that they never floated serving ads through the API just to offset their alleged costs.
Spez is not that hard to figure out. If you connect the dots, he read in the press that ChatGPT used Reddit as a source to train their AI. He saw that as a huge source of value that was being GIVEN away and rushed to slam that door shut with closing the APIs. He wa so obsessed with getting this value that he misread the developers and accused them of being parasites and slandered them publicly.
TLDR: Subreddits are protesting against Reddit's API changes, and r/pics, a subreddit with over 30 million members, has marked itself as NSFW (not safe for work). This means that advertisements can no longer be displayed alongside posts in the subreddit. The protest started in June when thousands of subreddits participated in a blackout to protest Reddit's plans to charge for API access. The changes have resulted in third-party apps like Apollo shutting down. As part of the protest, r/pics initially only allowed images of comedian John Oliver to be shared and later amended its rules to allow media featuring Oliver, including erotic fan fiction. The subreddit's moderators posted an "open letter" reminding the community not to swear, as marking the community as NSFW would deprive Reddit of advertising revenue. Reddit has reportedly removed mods for marking their communities NSFW as a protest. Despite this, r/pics was officially marked NSFW on Monday. Other subreddits, such as r/videos and r/funny, are also protesting in their own ways.
Tobe clear - to charge extortionate prices for API access in a deliberate maneuver to kill 3rd party apps and drive users towards reddit’s native app.
App devs were all willing to work with reddit if they could negotiate reasonable fees, but reddit told them to pay up or get lost.
Good bot
I'd never thought that the protest would lay this long. Not a step back!
The saddest part about this is…it didn’t have to be this way. Reddit’s greed turned something beautiful (or at least with some nice pieces) into a hellscape….
In the end it wasn’t really that beautiful.
Reddit has the problem of being unprofitable and losing money. Users and moderators have the problem of wanting to access Reddit as they had before but no longer can. But Reddit responding with a heavy hand is what's caused the protests. Reddit isn't a charity but they also can't completely ignore their community.
Meh. They paid too many people too much to do too little
Keep poking, disrupting and agitating until you get any reaction. Catharsis is also important.
It's still going on?
I know that r/Python is closed, which is big sub. I ended up there after some search.
Yep. It's fragmented somewhat, but it's still going.
Good that the protest keeps going. Lemmy AND Squabbles are not a fraction of what Reddit was for all my interests and hobbies. Let's hope more and more people keep learning about the alternatives.
Burn baby burn. I have no illusions on how much we actually affected reddits bottom line but I can only hope that the power users from reddit will slowly leave the platform.
In my experience, those with power will destroy themselves from spite rather than change their mind.
Is reddits already public or what is going in with the IPO right now?
It was announced for the 2nd half of 2023, but no specific date yet.
Any luck with RIF or a similar app for Lemmy? Someone(s) develop that tool and Reddit is toast
Boost, Slide and Sync are all coming to Lemmy. Lots of other great apps, too, though - I've recently been using Thunder and Connect.
Been browsing in my browser while I wait for sync for Lemmy. Honestly the browser experience isn't terrible but I feel like an app will probably make the whole Lemmy experience smoother with transitioning between instances.
Can't wait for Sync
Is there a sub for the development of slide? I'd love to sub if they have one!
I came from RedditSync and the app developer LJ Dawson is making a Lemmy Client. I am using Connect for Lemmy right now
Lots of Lemmy apps already and more coming, but apps aren't going to turn the tide. Only content will do that. Until there are more subs here, the majority will remain hesitant to leave.
The migration from Digg (and /. beforehand) didn't happen overnight. Also subreddits didn't even appear until 2008. These things take time, and that's good. Lemmy is not ready for mass adoption, but soon it will.
There's actually several apps! Some of my top contenders are jerboa, liftoff, and summit.
Liftoff and summit are very similar to RiF, to me it's deciding what I like more. Liftoff UI is slightly more polished, but it's got some distracting bugs regarding upvotes. Summit feels more like the RiF replacement honestly, you can collapse comments by pressing a karot next to the username and it's more "fat finger" friendly.
Jerboa is also good, but it feels like a different experience. That may be a good thing if the goal is to kill your old RiF habits
Check out Thunder! It's still a work in progress but it's my favorite so far.
I'm using Liftoff, and it's pretty good
Jeroba is a good start instead of using a browser. It's probably gonna take a while to get it streamlined.
Unfortunately jerboa is not seeing a lot of love, being the "official" mobile client and all, it's devs are too busy working 24/7 on Lemmy instance server issues that began poping up on the Exodus. Connect for Lemmy is imho the best app right now.
So far wefwef has been my favorite. It's a web app and has to be downloaded through Safari or Chrome, but it was made by the developer of Apollo and is very similar the overall experience of using that. Liftoff is a close second.
I second wefwef. Strikingly similar to Apollo and nearly as feature rich. I find it a bit less stable, and needing frequent updates. I haven’t watched as many videos and noticed some links fail to work (though that may have more to do with the fediverse).
You can install via Firefox also
...I'm unironically considering taping myself unzipping and stroking my meat and posting it there with the title, "This was for you, spez."
Unfortunately r/videos is only allowing text based descriptions of videos at this time, so you'll have to describe it in excruciating detail.
(Srsly tho the illegal upload of Bee Movie was a thrilling read.)
text based descriptions
Like "I'm unzipping it right now.... oh yeah.... oh yeah HHHNNNGG LOOK AT HOW BIG IT IS, BI--"? Alright, is there a plan B or did I really shouted at nothing.
They're still not allowing gore or porn on /r/PICS, FYI. I guess they don't want to end up like /r/interestingasfuck, which is still archived and has no moderators. (Reddit removed them all for "going against the community's wishes" and allowing NSFW content in a traditionally SFW subreddit.) It's better for them if they can still use their platform to protest, I guess.
They’re still not allowing gore or porn on /r/PICS, FYI.
... oh for the love of- fine. Guess I'm gonna wait until it gets worse i guess
My dick is only out for one beautiful soul. RIP Harambe.
Do post a link for my review if you ever do that. 🤤
...and why exactly I should share it to you first? Can't just "BAHAHAHH PENOR" on you like that, you know.
I may be drunk, but I'm always a gentleman.
/r/mushing I'm mod is still NSFW. I don't visit Reddit anymore now, but if they get sane, I'll flip the switch back. For noe no ad cents for Spaz, or whatever that dick's name is.
I'm not normally the kind of person that takes pleasure in seeing others fail. At least I try not to be.
I really want to see Steve Huffman fail though
the r/hornijail would be busy as hack
It's almost like it is a bad idea to shit on customers and unpaid employees
Oooo I actually like the sound of videos being described in text form. Sometimes I find it hard to watch a video if I’m at work, or similar, and a good description is something I’d love to read!
Feel like that should be a….community? (Did I get that right, still so new here!)
I love their tone
(Trying out this accessibility-friendly alt text for gif posting, apologies if it doesn’t work)
What’s the point of making it nsfw?
On Monday, r/pics(opens in a new tab) — a massive community with over 30 million members — officially marked itself NSFW (not safe for work), meaning Reddit is no longer able to show advertisements alongside posts appearing in the subreddit.
Plus for any 3rd party apps that are scabbing for reddit, NSFW subs won't show up.
Reddit won’t put ads on nsfw subs. Hurts reddits public image. Or at least that’s my impression of it.
It’s explained in the article.
On Monday, r/pics(opens in a new tab) — a massive community with over 30 million members — officially marked itself NSFW (not safe for work), meaning Reddit is no longer able to show advertisements alongside posts appearing in the subreddit.
Basically, they’ve made it impossible to generate revenue from an extremely popular sub, while also potentially scaring advertisers away from reddit as a whole.
Can't advertise on NSFW subs
Advertisers don't like it, and they make up a big part of Reddit's income.
Reddit won’t put ads on nsfw subs. Hurts reddits public image. Or at least that’s my impression of it.
Reddit won’t put ads on nsfw subs. Hurts reddits public image. Or at least that’s my impression of it.
You love to see it.
/r/mushing I’m mod in is still NSFW. I don’t visit Reddit anymore now, but if they get sane, I’ll flip the switch back. For noe no ad cents for Spaz, or whatever that dick’s name is.
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I've definitely arrived at a place in my online life where I do not need to be on some company's corporate advertising mill website.
I left, and I know I'm just one middle aged dude pining for the internet before the companies turned their roving eyes to it, but I have no interest in going back, regardless of what they do at this point. I offer this because maybe more people will start to think "do I really need to be a part of a community of millions, or even hundreds of millions? or maybe is it more healthy for me to find the right community online that is a bit more like a mid-sized city? We can share news across these little islands, so we don't all need to fit in a single corporate container."
Ah jeez
easy for reddit bosses to revert that
It's too late.
It's definitely too late. They've already shown their hand and willingness to abuse their users. I think it's more important now to use this momentum to move to a new platform. I'm hopeful that Lemmy is that new platform.
Even if suddenly their leadership had a change of heart, it doesn't change the fact that there's a perverse incentive for a company to abuse the users.
Can’t wait for Reddit admins and Spez to realize they have failed.
Reddit is a sinking ship. Let it burn on the way down 🔥
O no…
Trolls gonna troll.