Jill Stein: 'Biden can end the Gaza war with 1 phone call'
Jill Stein: 'Biden can end the Gaza war with 1 phone call'
Jill Stein: 'Biden can end the Gaza war with 1 phone call'
Reagan did it with Begin with one phone call. Biden is just a Zionist and it is his genocide. Just like how he did in 1982 in Lebanon while Reagan called it a Holocaust.
Source on the Reagan phone call to Begin: https://www.nytimes.com/1982/08/13/world/reagan-demands-end-to-attacks-in-a-blunt-telephone-call-to-begin.html
Source on Biden saying to Begin he would go further: https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/biden-israeli-invasion-lebanon/