Kid Rock is the sovereign citizen of music.
Kid Rock is the sovereign citizen of music.
Kid Rock is the sovereign citizen of music.
Kid Rock is the human version of an above ground pool.
Kid Rock fans know the age of consent law in every state.
They all know how to add money to a JPay account.
So does kid rock:
(satire of course)
About 15 years ago I had an ex who LOVED Kid Rock. I'm a hillbilly from a hillbilly town and some of his early shit was pretty catchy so that wasn't entirely surprising. So I took her to a show. Most of the people there met that exact description. Plus there were more meth heads there than at a 3am convention for folks with broken teeth.
While I agree with the sentiment, please do not disparage the mighty sawzall. Wielding the sawzall while doing any sort of home improvement work is the closest you will get to feeling like you're a god. A god of destruction.
In case anyone else is wondering wtf a Sawzall is: It's a bayonet saw.
I think a bayonet saw is more like a jigsaw. A sawzall is also know and a reciprocating saw. They are similar mechanisms, but while a jigsaw is smaller and often used to cut curves out of sheet material, a sawzall is much bigger and used for general purpose, often demolition.
Saber saw is the common one, reciprocating saw is the technical term.
Someone once cut the catalytic converter out of a pediatric nurse's car in the parking lot of the pediatric hospital we worked at while she was at work one day and left pieces of the sawzall all over the parking lot.
If it broke, then twas but an impostor. I have had my trusty DeWalt now for years exceeding one and twenty. The trusty blade has gone through multiple major remodels without complaint or failure. Unfortunately the mighty sawzall is but a tool. A tool that in the wrong hands can bring woe to the innocent, as it did to thy fair nurse.
What is sudafed?
(Yes, I can google, but talking to people is more fun and google results can be trash)
Cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine, a precursor to making meth
Pseudoephedrine is the main ingredient in meth. Kid Rock aficionados know how many Sudafed they can legally buy at a single pharmacy so they can then go home and cook up some crank.
Kid rock doesn’t represent poor people, drug users, or thieves. He’s a rich kid in cosplay
I wondered what his actual background was after seeing this comment thinking "well yeah, now after he got famous" but you're right; he was born a rich kid. Maybe not super rich, but rich enough that his parents owned multiple car dealerships and grew up on a large plot of land that had stables and horses.
It will really get you pumped up for your meth cooking sessions
But be careful or it will make your teeth fall out. And keep your dirty hands off your sister, damnit!
Hey, she's my sister too!
A redditor would find this fucking brilliant
*robert ritchie, the rich kid from the suburban romeo, michigan (not detroit) not kid rock
Now I feel like I should watch Trevor Wallaces "Wears Pit Vipers Once" video. It's like an homage to Kid Rock and his fans.
"How's your grandma like my Pit Vipers? They both ride my face until sunset! Yeehaw, meemaw!"
All Sawzalls are electric, a non electric one is just a hacksaw.
Care to explain the title? How does any of that relate to SovCits?