I collected together all of the templates I could find for different groups
(originally did this to see where I can expand the programming.dev template out to but figured other people might be interested so they can see where there wont be as much conflict for space
Most of these are from the group finder thread. Some may be a pixel off but I tried to get things as close as possible (some of these are recreated since I couldnt get the source image from imgur or the source image is larger and was shrunk for the canvas with me not being able to replicate the shrink behaviour)
Ill try to do an updated post if needed with additional factions that post their templates close to when the event starts
And if theres anyone who wants to join up with the programming.dev template if youre tech related or if you want to ally feel free to reach out (you can find our groups in the group finder thread)
edit: moved SquaredCircle since they moved to not overlap with Osu
edit 2: added Lilou41's template
edit 3: updated osu and bronies to be more recent art
edit 4: added Lvxferre's template
edit 5: added touhou hijack
edit 6: added jlai lu
edit 7: added scp
edit 8: added godot and ategondev
edit 9: added anarchy chess, perchance, and feddit
The QR code and http://dontwatch.org It's to raise awareness of what people usually either don't realise they're participating in or are disconnected or desensitised from
Also it's a yellow vegan symbol and http://WatchDominion.org it's a documentary about the standard practices of what unavoidably occurs to animals when they're being used for food, clothing and other purposes
Oh, a random YouTube commenter, great evidence. You really are the master of finding reputable sources to back up your claims. Certainly, in that logic class you say you teach, you must explain to your students how video evidence always gets trumped by random youtube commenters. Or is that only the case when the commenter reaffirms your own bias? It's incredible how predictable things like this are.
You want so badly to defend factory farms, when it's pointed out you say "I never defend factory farms" and you say "I have such an incredible history of encouraging people to have a high moral standard and protect the environment" and "financially supporting factory farms doesn't increase the amount they produce". This would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Enjoy your .99 cheese-injected factory sausages and your complete lack of self-awareness.
Australian Meat Industry Council chief executive Patrick Hutchinson said the skewed footage was an “upsetting” representation. Mr Hutchinson said he was unaware of any significant activist response to the film and would continue to monitor any developments.
"What the film shows is not representative of the practices of the wider industry,” Mr Hutchinson said.
What they say about the actual footage in the film is very telling. They say nothing, they don't deny it is real footage. They just ramble on about how they supposedly treat their cattle. No explanation of the video evidence. Then they tell you to go stick it to the other side by buying a burger. It's incredible that someone would read this and then think "good point, thay was a mean video maker showing what these poor animal cruelty titans are. It's definetly the one pressing record on the camera that is the had one, not the ones literally doing the thing being recorded!"
It’s incredible that someone would read this and then think “good point, thay was a mean video maker showing what these poor animal cruelty titans are. It’s definetly the one pressing record on the camera that is the had one, not the ones literally doing the thing being recorded!”
Oh, did I misunderstand? Who do you think is in the wrong? The video maker or the meat industry representative? I apologize if I misunderstood your take.
i think the industry is downplaying the conditions and the people pressing record are trumping it up. both are being dishonest, and the truth is somewhere in between.
Oh, how noble of you to make sure everyone knows that a company shown to be doing terrible things says this video makes them look bad. A company that you think is breaking the law and ignoring rules relating to inhumane handling of animals. You wanted to make sure everyone knows that maybe they are being unfairly represented by footage of the conditions they created. It is so good of you to stand up for the little guy in your noble mission of fairness and equality and helping the environment.
Enjoy that burger you are clenching, be careful it's dripping.