WM recommendation (I know Python but not enough to take much priority)
I want the easiest to configure/theme wm and one that comes with sane defaults. Also I currently use cinnamon, and I'm not sure how to escape from that(everything in it is just so nice) but I want the speed of a wm
Isn't i3 a tiling WM? If they use cinnamon that seems like a bit of a jump
Tried out sway which I hear is based on i3 and at least on NixOS it came with bare minimum config that didn't allow me to use my laptop properly at all
I think for newer Linux users it's better to ease them in with what they're used to personally. If you throw a tiling WM with a bunch of keybinds they need to learn just to use their computer like they used to be able to ontop of the usual amount that comes with using Linux it's gonna scare them off
You can still use your mouse. I3 allows using the mouse for moving Windows if you want it. Personally I manage Windows using shortcuts, but for GUI and some TUI apps I use the mouse anyway