The "Don't vote" crowd seems to have an agenda
The "Don't vote" crowd seems to have an agenda
The "Don't vote" crowd seems to have an agenda
Reminder that voting does work, because you can set your watch to the fascists voting, and they're getting exactly what they want.
Hitler-haircut-having motherfucker
yup. he's one quick shave away from methfurer, bet his password is something hitler related.
I know how editorial sections work, but you'd think they'd at least check for bald-faced lies. Not out of a sense of decency, but self-interest.
his haircut is really reminding me of someone 🤔
I do Nazi what you mean.
It's surprisingly common in some circles and yes I mean Nazis and cops.
He looks like a pedophile.
He may be but can we not equate pedophilia with a certain look? It let's a lot of bad people get away with it and throws innocent people in harms way.
They do have a certain look. Just go on one of those Megan's law registers online and look at the pictures for a while. That weird smile
You surely have some peer-approved scientific sources to for your claims? Also, "can we not" automatically makes me think of you as some brain dead meme kid with no identity other than being "good at" social media.
My Québecois friend had the perfect expression for this freak: "He looks like he smells like sour milk."
They almost always do. Don't vote campaigns works on only non-fanatics and they are usually the more sensible compared to fanatics so yea
Karma police, arrest this man; his Hitler haircut is making me feel ill.
I’ve been saying this for months. And it’s incredibly obvious with most of them.
Literal years, their game plan with getting the DNC leaked was getting progressive dems to not vote, or vote 3rd party (which is the same as not voting in the US) And the end result was... Trump.
If you just accuse everyone of course you're going to eventually be right.
Dude’s got the haircut down. All he needs is to trim down that mustache from either sides to complete the “fine people on both sides” look
God damn, I actually was trying to put my finger on why he looked familiar and you just nailed it
Well fuck that guy. I love how he tries to compare voting to sexual abstinence too. He's so high on his own supply he can't stop from telling on himself.
Their only chance to win is if the Democrats don't vote. If everyone voted, there wouldn't be enough republikkklowns in office to make a difference. They know this. VOTE like your freedom depends on it. (because it does)
Where it matters is which sock is putting judges on the Supreme Court. Trump added three in his last stint. Seeing as they tend to sit for 30+ years, this has generational impact.
One of those could have been avoided if Ginsberg would have retired when she was supposed to.
When was she supposed to retire? Republicans didn't even hold a vote for Merrick Garland under Obama's presidency, so if your answer was during that term, then there'd be no chance she would have been replaced, and she'd be blamed for retiring too early.
Blaming Ginsburg for Republican fuckery is misguided and can only be justified with the benefit of hindsight, which she didn't have at the time.
You know, with the way everything just seems to go Trumps way in the end, a person might almost theorize there's a conspiracy.
Why does he look like a cartoon British man
I hate that I know the US is having an election because all leftist spaces fill up with "I'm so principled that I'm not voting for the Democrats".
I am hoping most of them are bots.
That guy just straight up looks fascist.
and extremely soft and boring at the same time
I think it's most likely the hair
He looks like a character played by a youtube comedian.
They are on board with YOU not voting. But they will be voting... Extra if they can arrange it
ANNNNND maybe Hitlers long lost grandchild ?
It is gaining traction with leftists that don't understand how FPTP voting works. Just educate them. Every single right-wing anchor they try to attach to our society can be destroyed with education and information.
This is the classic pincer manoeuvre of the right and mainstream media: the left wing candidate is always both too left and not left enough at the same time.
And they reinforce it with shitty opinion pieces of “all sides”. Anything to minimise left wing gains and keep the ratchet going.
With a hitler stache
Hitler 'stache is the width of the nose.
That's a Pedo 'stache
How come the NYT published that gunk? I thought they had a reputation to care about
I've noticed a substantial decrease in the "Hurr durr Genocide Joe, I'm taking the moral high ground by not voting!" comments since the debate, with a stark uptick in "Biden is unfit, so I'm not voting". It's almost like... some sort of group or organization were intentionally manipulating the public commentary based on carefully selected and salient talking points to convince American voters to not turn out for Biden on election day... Perhaps an entity with something to gain from having Trump be re-elected? A certain plutocratic state currently mired in a years-long losing war against a much smaller and weaker foe, maybe?
Like seriously, I've barely heard a peep about Gaza in the past two weeks. It's bizarre. I'm sure there are still people who care about that issue, but the vast majority of the most vocal anti-Israel users on Lemmy went silent right after Biden bombed that debate.
yeeeeuuup. the guy who replied with actual facts during the debate is called unfit while the idiot who spewed lies or just rambled is somehow better. just like the guy who is trying to reign in bibi is genocide but trump somehow would save Gaza.
It's so fucking stupid.
He looks exactly like I imagined. Like the idea came first and then he was born, created from it even.
I support right-wingers not voting. Like they kept threatening when they were insisting (not that they aren't still insisisting) that the 2020 election was stolen.
Oh no he definitionally votes. He just doesn't want you to vote.
If you saw this guy with his right arm straight out, palm wouldn't say he doesn't look comfortable.
not a well man
What a hideous mustache
He should shave 2/3 of it off.
[Clap For Hitler Joke]
Remember an op-ed is a blood pact. Everything the NYT puts out again should be viewed through this lens. They endorsed not voting, and nothing will ever make that not true..
Edit: oh look it was trivial to find a form on their website to let them know what I think.
I didn't get the news that Musk had bought the NYT.
Looking forward to this one guy being held up as representative of the entire 1/3 of Americans who don't vote, as well as third party voters of all stripes.
50/50 on him entering politics or being caught for sex offenses.
less other people vote, more worth your vote will have if you vote something others weren't going to vote
I wasn't going to vote but you convinced me that there is an agenda to get me to not vote so now I'm going to vote for trump.
Mostly because the people that don’t feel represented are overwhelmingly on the left.
You won’t find many right-wing people dissatisfied with the current choices, if they’re extremists they’d vote Trump and if they aren’t they’re probably fine with Biden. The only reason I can think of for a potential Republican voter not going is that they think Trump will win anyway and they don’t need their vote.
I'm going to vote.
I can't pretend it matters much though. No matter which lever you pull we're getting a cognitively-impaired sock puppet.
It matters which Supreme Court nominees get appointed, it matters who’s potentially breaking ties in the senate, and it matters who gets appointed to direct departmental policy.
The president doesn’t do everything
And either the effecting people behind the one or an all new set of criminals behind the other (because all the last ones went to jail)...thinking you are voting for a single person is such an ignorant take...
Well it does matter though.
The way I see our choices is, one old man, the blue donkey, has the goal of continuing to support the status quo, for better and worse. He also has that baffling willful ignorance about the increasingly rabid violent behavior of the other guy's colleagues and voters, and how he definitely needs to fucking do something. But at least he hires people who are less old and more mentally secure than himself, since a president's cabinet and advisors are vital to the administration's function, and tend to fill in where they fall short.
But the other old man, the red elephant, he has the very well-published goal of severely lowering the quality of life for all us citizens besides wealthy white men, in some cases removing the right for some demographics to live at all (trans people, for one). The plan also includes smash-and-grabbing the federal government and raiding its wealth; this is all that Project 2025 thing that people need to talk more frequently about. He also hires unqualified criminals for his cabinets, and is a convicted criminal himself; just not in the eyes of his dogmatic culty voters, or in the majority opinion of the unelected for-life supreme court that he had previously rigged in his favor. And he is known to be in the pocket of a sadistic oligarchic foreign government for whom the cold war never actually ended.
Sure, long term this country won't last, but in the short term, this is the last shot at renewing our fragile democracy subscription while we still can. If we lose it completely with this looming fascism takeover, it will require the spilled blood of tens of millions of lives and more, to ever get it back, and at the minimum it will come with the severe decline of quality of life for all US citizens, besides wealthy white men, and the destruction of decades of history and culture that we currently take for granted. Think a US version of China's great firewall, book burnings, server wipings, cops raiding your home and smashing up all your hard drives.
And that's only if this country could even be taken back, considering, you know, the USA has the most guns and nukes of anyone, and I don't see an average Joe who happened to already own an assault rifle being successful in employing the second amendment on a missile drone swarm. Probably the best case scenario would be Balkanization, and being lucky enough to end up in a good region of the former-US, and just getting bombed over the border back and forth occasionally, and hoping everybody continues playing nice with the nukes. Because the only alternative in an unshattered fascist US at that point would be waiting for a natural decline. But as we've seen with the likes of North Korea, that process could end up taking so long that none of us here will live to see it, just the kids of our kids and on.
I'm never voting for the crazy felon cult guy who officially wants me dead, among so many other things. I don't think that any combination of our laws or legal system should have ever allowed him to return to the polls for this election, or done anything besides end up in a cell or be executed as a high threat terrorist traitor. But it's just how it ended up. But please don't act like it doesn't matter, and nobody should be keeping up with that bullshit propaganda bot lie that the outcomes will be the same either way. Sorry for the long incoherent rant, I barely even remember what your comment was, nor do I particularly want to scroll up to read it again, but nothing makes me more irritable and verbose than people giving into hopeless apathy.
nothing makes me more irritable and verbose than people giving into hopeless apathy
Man, I wish I lived a life where voter apathy was my biggest problem. I am legitimately happy for you.
Yeah but one is trying to control women’s bodies and erase LGBT people and the other isn’t, so maybe think of your neighbors when you pull the lever in defense of those who don’t have the privilege of being able to lay low when shit goes south.
Or if you’re among the above vote in your own interests lol
the other isn’t
I saw how the Democrats responded to the Roe leak. They fundraised.
That is it.
$80,000,000 was the cost of your bodily autonomy, so at this point, I'm not really able to pretend that Biden's going to stand, drooling over the Resolute Desk, and do anything meaningful to stop the spread of fascism.
Idaho got away with criminalizing abortion, so now, 2/3 of the states will follow within the next year. You can bank on it.
except we aint telling you not to vote. fascists vote because they are who the system was designed for.
So people should vote even if it is for Trump?
Yes. Are you kidding? It's a critical role of a citizen
If every single eligible voter in the U.S.A. would vote in the next election, Trump would lose.
If every single eligible voter in the U.S.A. would vote in the next election
They can't. Most can't afford to miss a day of work.
But if they don't vote, that is okay too cause it is their right not to?
Just asking... The last post that was highly upvoted about this guy was calling for people to murder him and set the campus on fire.
Honestly, people should definitely vote, even if it is for their own downfall. That is how America works. If the majority of the population GENUINELY want us to become a christofascist theocracy, then it should become one (very much to my and many others' chagrin...).
The system doesn't care if people don't vote as long as two party system keeps going.
Only way to fight this is third party vote to deny the regime legitimacy
FPTP voting systems and third parties will never coexist.
The could with ranked choice voting. But until that's a thing, you gotta use your brain and assess whether or not your first choice has a shot and maybe go with another choice instead.
The point is not to win for the third party and don't even need to vote for the same third party.
The point is to protest the system until the two party system loses legitimacy and is reformed.
Klaxon sound Wrong!!!!
The way to fight this is by voting and participating locally. Third parties are getting elected and alternative voting methods already exist in a few locations around the U.S. you can help by voting in more systems like that and maintain the candidates and systems you like locally. If we could get more people like you to participate locally we could actually get something done.
You're problem is you want to live at the end of history and unfortunately for you we're forever in the middle of it. Local action is the most effective and relatively slow. Instead you want to enable the larger of the two fascists that will inevitably be elected and then throw up your hands when it doesn't work, blame everyone else, and never take any effective action locally.
This is it. Big change takes time and the wheels move slowly. This isn't some simple issue that doesn't cost anyone power like abortion rights or gay marriage, it is a game changer and has to slowly come into being without scaring the old people running the show.
My advice doesn't prevent anyone from voting in their local elections... In fact the two can be used together for the more zealous types.