PlayStation Portal Remote Player - Pre-Order Trailer | PS5
PlayStation Portal Remote Player - Pre-Order Trailer | PS5
Coming November 15.
Pre-orders are open at
PlayStation Portal Remote Player - Pre-Order Trailer | PS5
Coming November 15.
Pre-orders are open at
Play PS5 games over home wifi?
Yeah, I can already do that... It's called "Remote Play".
Busted my achilles tendon, got stuck in bed, being able to play PS5 and Xbox Series X games remotely on my Steam Deck was a lifesaver!
sure, you can. the only way i can is with a tablet which isn't a great solution. So yeah, big shock, if you have steam deck you don't need this.
Funny thing is, if this would've been a follow up to the Vita, we would've seen the same statements. 'My steamdeck is more powerful and can play more games lol why do I need this?'. On top it would've been more expensive.
Plus the pricing would've been a tough pill. The cheap steam deck is 420€, the 'good' variant with 256gb is 550€ already. You can buy a ps5 disk version at this price already. Paying something around this for a super specced down ps5 with awful battery life? Who wants that.
On top, people are forgetting Nintendo's absolute dominance on the handheld market. Most people that are interested in handheld gaming, own a switch. Those who want more performance or emulation on top, got a steam deck already. This device would fill such a niche spot for, again, probably only a bit cheaper than a PS5.
The remote player, for 200€? I can easily afford as addition to my switch for playing games at home, and wherever I want (because I only game in places I have WiFi anyways), with much better quality (1080p60!) while still having good battery life! They say they aim for Dualsense battery life, which people argue is bad, but it's still like 2 times that of my switch.. if they actually achieve that, that'd be insane.
No Bluetooth? Only gives you awful delay tho, someone please try on their phone with remote play and then be quiet for heavens sake. Also never wanted to use headphones on my switch. And if, there's even a headphone jack? Anyways, the launch date trailers got lots of likes with barely complaints. I think this is just a weird random outcry again
I do this on my Deck too, but... Playing PS5 games on a 720p screen just feels wrong. I love emulating older games and playing a lot of PC games that aren't as visually intensive on the Deck. But things like Horizon Zero Dawn or even Monster Hunter World feel pretty heavily compromised.
If the Logitech G Cloud was $200 I'd be strongly considering it. I've seen some leaks that this Portal might run Android, or be able to. Of that's the case, this will be a better, cheaper version of the G Cloud. I have a gaming desktop, so having that be my main streaming device woukd be tempting.
Only I’m can’t understand why this device exists? Basically any computer and mobile device with remote play can do the same, so why you would want to spend money for another one, but with only one function? And for example as I know, display of PlayStation portal kinda sucks and my iPhone 13 Pro Max gives more colorful picture with same remote play app, so, what the point?
my phone isn't very good at being a remote play device, either i need a weirdo controller holder thing that flops about, or a strange third party controller that has housing that feels terrible to use. or i awkwardly prop the phone up and use a ps controller somewhere?
this is for people who want to play ps games whist the tv is in use. it makes sense, it's too damn expensive for what it provide but it makes sense. it's similar to being able to use the switch when the tv is in use.
Also a phones screen is incredible small in comparison. The aspect ratio of nowadays phones is not 16/9 so even with an iPhone pro max you get like about 6" screen vs 8", which is a 30% increase diagonally and results in like 60% more screen area. It's a very big difference and I really can't bother playing a game on SUCH a small screen personally, which is why I don't really use remote play as of now
I’m sure they are doing it on purpose, but the device can render content up to 60fps where the app can only do 30.
So at least there’s something.
No, you aren't the only one. That is the general impression people have, that it isn't needed.
Though, there are some people like me, who prefer dedicated devices, or some who don't have phones as good as iPhone 13. I won't be pre-ordering it, but I may get it eventually. Specially if I can get it on a good sale.
Sony should put their efforts into a decent smartphone/tablet and case to click controllers into. I don't need another peripheral that offers less functionality than an undocked Switch.
I'll personally give a big sloppy kiss to everyone who works for Sony if they made an Xperia 2
I think I want this (even though I have a steam deck) but another part of me says this will definitely be on sale for $149 at least after the holiday season. Gonna let it marinate a bit
Yeah, I want it, but I am gonna wait for the sale.
My predictions: The device is going to flop, Sony is going to abandon it, no updates or anything (though I can't imagine what updates this device would need), probably abandon PS Link thingy too. Should be available at low price in a little while, unless they make very small amount and it becomes a collector item.
The winning formula for this would have been local PS3 and backwards gaming for on the go. PS4/PS5 games limited to local or cloud streaming. Then as generations progress they make subsequent versions that can support last gen system games on the go while streaming the current gen. It makes it more than a remote play machine, while not fracturing current gen development.
Has anyone managed to make DualSense work with remote play on an android tablet?
I think they can get the controller to work but I highly doubt they are getting all the haptics in the dual sense to work when not connected directly to the ps5.
It connects directly, via bluetooth. Though, on Samsung devices, the button mapping used to be wrong. I believe they have fixed that, but I haven't tried it in quite a while.
Sony is becoming a disappointing company. Their decisions have started to feel greedy. I hope they don't mess up things too bad.