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  • Day 7 of the lemon tree thorn accident. That tree should be weaponised, finger is still blistering.

    It'd be completely demoralising.

    There you are standing in the field, bombs going off left right. Tinnitus drowning out the aural horror.. Then some fuck comes at you brandishing a lemon tree branch. You need to think quickly, this is life or death. First thought is what type of lemon... Meyer? With those sweet floral undertones... Lisbon? How thick is the pith? Would it make good limoncello? Are they really worth $1.19ea at woolies?

    Before you can appraise the lemon and with various recipes flashing before your eyes it's too late. You've been struck!

    You return to base, seemingly with a minor injury. Your comrades laughing at you.. but over the next few days their laughter subsides into deep pity watching you try and delicately put your right shoe on without using your normal finger.

  • Unexpected last minute arrangement.

    Friend has invited me out for lunch for my birthday. Going to be having Japanese, I usually go for a noodle dish but maybe I might try a Japanese curry if they have one.

    It’s going to be nice and fun to catch up as well.

    It’ll it all lines up I’ll be back home in time to also catch my team playing afl tomorrow.

  • The cats are playing with toys they never touched at the old place. Maybe it's more fun on the polished boards.
    Talking of polished boards, I got a couple of sheepskin rugs for the bedroom as cold boards before slippers is 🥶. I would have thought the cats would be disporting themselves on them with minutes. Nope. Zooks only walked across one to love up to my sneakers, and Sammi so far has carefully walked around one. Cats...

  • There's a very real possibility that I'll need to confront probably my most important life decision ever soon. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the possibility of having to even consider it. If I do need to, I need to find a way to be at peace with that decision.

    It's a doozy too.

    Anyway.. almost weekend time woo. I think I might have a drink or two this afternoon.

    • I'd say if you like the woman and get along with the kids go for it. As far as resentment and/or feeling like an outsider, you can walk away if its not working out, maybe feeling like an outsider is the price of that freedom.

    • Where there is great love there is family.

      Blood ties is not the same as love, I have seen it. 😔

    • Hm, that is a doozy. Only you can answer that one, I think. Be true to yourself.

      I know for some, having their own biological children is important to them, and for other's, less so. It's also important to consider what these Hypothetical Step-Children (HSP (lol)) think as well.

      But finding love is hard, and like with all choices, there'll be pros and cons with whatever is picked.

      You don't have to decide right now, so take your time and see what happens 🤷‍♀️

    • This one is tough. I don't believe I'd have had the strength to do it before I had kids. I really wanted to be a dad and I wanted my "own" kids. The idea of forming a relationship with a single mother was also mega daunting to younger me.

      But now that I've gone the traditional route, I could absolutely imagine the "other path" to happiness. I can recognise that I'd have loved it had I met my wife and kids as a package and joined the family. I don't love them because they have my DNA. I love them because they're my kids.

      It'll depend on the age(s) of the kid(s), but to a kid is under 5, they won't remember a time before you were in their life. You won't be an outsider, you'll just be "dad".

    • got a mate struggling with fertility and I gave him some advice recently about this. Course I'm giving it from a VERY privileged position, so feel free to disregard. Once you hold your kid in your arms, you wont give a fuck how you got there, cause it simply doesn't matter. Biological or not wont matter for shit.

      the newborn stage fucking sucks too ey. no one actually talks about that part, cause if we were honest no one would ever have kids.

  • I have footy tickets tonight, but I’m not going to use them. I’m tired, have a headache and my face has slowly filled with snot throughout the day.

    I swear I was moderately healthy this morning!

  • The Kapiti triple choc ice cream from Aldi is delicious. And so rich you don't need very much to hit the spot.

  • Argh! Another long day - one job started off simple but the more I looked at it the more issues turned up. I pushed through and at least it's all done now. I can see the end of the tunnel, one more thing to smash out for Monday and then I'll be up to date. I'm almost tempted to clock some hours in on the weekend and clear out overdue stuff and do a shorter day on Monday.

    I did make my slow cooked jackfruit last night! A bit too much vinegar maybe, lots going on with the flavours, but it went alright with some bread and mayo and salad to cut through it. It really needs that low and slow cooking to get the best flavours. And I walked to work and back today! Pretty chuffed with myself overall.

    • I love jackfruit. Used to pick up the tinned ones and throw them into the fridge and eat them as a snack or for dessert.

      Haven’t eaten it cooked before though.

      • That'll be the sweet ripe jackfruit. Have you ever had it fresh? I've been lucky to had it fresh off the tree and it is divine. Eat it for days. A cherished childhood memory when visiting family overseas.

        It's the unripe jackfruit that's cooked, very different thing.

    • jackfruit

      It looks like durian. Do you process it from it's spiky home or does it come processed?

      • I personally have only ever cooked with the tinned stuff that is thankfully processed. I grew up with my mum and other women in my life cleaning the fresh fruit though. It isn't as spiky as durian, but it can be larger and heavier - and the worst part is all the sticky latex - only oil gets it off. Mum had a special cleaver for jackfruit that she'd sharpen to a fine edge before use, and a rag soaked in oil to clean the latex off every so often while cutting. Think she used gloves as well. Certainly made me very grateful for the tinned stuff even though it doesn't hold a candle to freshly cleaned jackfruit