Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
Daily Discussion Thread: ❄️ Friday, July 05, 2024
The offer has arrived.
Hoping to speak to the general manager asap next week to discuss the police check.
I also have 4 more interviews next week for different companies.
All in good time.
When it rains it pours?! Let's hope one of these pans out! This is great news. Also great that you've got a way of getting your record cleared so it isn't gonna keep being a problem
Fantastic! YOU did this! I'm so proud of you!
It's all looking good.😸
The heater's on,
The cat is warm,
Wrapped up in the things that
Smell like me;
The greatest compliment a cat
Could ever give a monkey.
Look at those happy eyes. Mickey is ‘mirin
Was contacted by another place to move forward into the interview the process.
Just emailed the other recruiter to get a feel for what's going on with this offer.
Let's see what happens.
We had a quick chat. We both apologized, she thought she was doing the right thing (in her own way) but now understand how it may have seemed like she was kind of just ignoring me. We've promised to try listen to each other more.
Communication can be so easy to mess up, especially when you're new parents.
Here's my 2 cents for what it's worth:
People make mistakes. They always will. It can be frustrating, especially when the stakes can be quite high.
But, the most important thing we can do when someone close to us makes a mistake, is to forgive them. Without strings attached.
Without recriminations. Without "I told you so's". If there are harmful consequences from our loved ones to error, we begin to keep things to ourselves. To stop communicating for fear of causing strain.
That doesn't mean there aren't consequences for mistakes. But they must be wrapped on patience and forgiveness.
We can only hope to do the best we can in this crazy world.
/end rant
I switched private health people and then the old ones want me back and now I am all confused because they seem the same but then I think 'I don't need heart and vascular now...or do I?'
Being an adult sucks.
On the other hand, a school reached out to me and want me to be part of their celebrity reader thing they're doing. Me, a celebrity. Absolutely wild, lol.
That's amazing! Well done mate 🍻
I'm not sure how, but I'm still down on Medibank under a corporate plan from a company I worked for 20 years ago. It's something amazing, because despite costing a fortune, nobody has ever come close to matching it. I've had multiple Medibank employees tell me over the years not to mess with it because I won't get that good a deal again.
This amazing deal is just under $250/Mo for the four of us. 😞
Day 7 of the lemon tree thorn accident. That tree should be weaponised, finger is still blistering.
It'd be completely demoralising.
There you are standing in the field, bombs going off left right. Tinnitus drowning out the aural horror.. Then some fuck comes at you brandishing a lemon tree branch. You need to think quickly, this is life or death. First thought is what type of lemon... Meyer? With those sweet floral undertones... Lisbon? How thick is the pith? Would it make good limoncello? Are they really worth $1.19ea at woolies?
Before you can appraise the lemon and with various recipes flashing before your eyes it's too late. You've been struck!
You return to base, seemingly with a minor injury. Your comrades laughing at you.. but over the next few days their laughter subsides into deep pity watching you try and delicately put your right shoe on without using your normal finger.
Unexpected last minute arrangement.
Friend has invited me out for lunch for my birthday. Going to be having Japanese, I usually go for a noodle dish but maybe I might try a Japanese curry if they have one.
It’s going to be nice and fun to catch up as well.
It’ll it all lines up I’ll be back home in time to also catch my team playing afl tomorrow.
The cats are playing with toys they never touched at the old place. Maybe it's more fun on the polished boards.
Talking of polished boards, I got a couple of sheepskin rugs for the bedroom as cold boards before slippers is 🥶. I would have thought the cats would be disporting themselves on them with minutes. Nope. Zooks only walked across one to love up to my sneakers, and Sammi so far has carefully walked around one. Cats...
Gratitude thread.
I'm grateful that there is so much love in my life. So much more than that one person could've given me. Love is everywhere. The food we eat, the beautiful skies, people, sounds. Even though at times I still feel pangs of shitty feelings from the hostility he probably feels towards me, I am able to remind myself that my life is so much better without that person in it.
I'm grateful I get to return home soon (Tuesday, hopefully)
I’m grateful for you lot. Although I don’t comment very much, I love checking in here each day. Love the camaraderie and chit-chat, and the support that is offered when people need it.
I'm just happy to be here
I'm alive. I'm not struggling. My daughter is happy and healthy. I can do the things I love.
That was nicely said. I'm grateful for the roof over my family's heads, a split system that's in good working order and for it being Friday! Sooo tired!
I have a lot of panko, squid, oil, flour but no eggs :(
So the squid will be frozen until the panic bakers come to their senses and settle down. I just need 1. Seriously the egg section feels like the beginning of the rona.
Lots of eggs at my greengrocer. Try outside Colesworth?
I actually got some at Coles, though Aldi were out Tuesday.
mayo is a brilliant idea and sounds delicious
Next time you're in Kew try Toscanos, haven't seen egg shortages there so far.
I think you can use mayo instead of eggs to stick breadcrumbs, I’ve never tried it for calamari though. I reckon it would be fine.
I've used plain milk for breading chicken breast before. The crumbs didn't stick quite as well, and it came out a lighter consistency, but it was fine. I think I've heard of people using a mix of vegetable oil, milk, and water as well which supposedly works ok.
I also ate a brownie that had the egg substituted for banana. Apparently that's a thing. The banana was a little overwhelming, but it did work
There's a very real possibility that I'll need to confront probably my most important life decision ever soon. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the possibility of having to even consider it. If I do need to, I need to find a way to be at peace with that decision.
It's a doozy too.
Anyway.. almost weekend time woo. I think I might have a drink or two this afternoon.
I'd say if you like the woman and get along with the kids go for it. As far as resentment and/or feeling like an outsider, you can walk away if its not working out, maybe feeling like an outsider is the price of that freedom.
Where there is great love there is family.
Blood ties is not the same as love, I have seen it. 😔
Hm, that is a doozy. Only you can answer that one, I think. Be true to yourself.
I know for some, having their own biological children is important to them, and for other's, less so. It's also important to consider what these Hypothetical Step-Children (HSP (lol)) think as well.
But finding love is hard, and like with all choices, there'll be pros and cons with whatever is picked.
You don't have to decide right now, so take your time and see what happens 🤷♀️
This one is tough. I don't believe I'd have had the strength to do it before I had kids. I really wanted to be a dad and I wanted my "own" kids. The idea of forming a relationship with a single mother was also mega daunting to younger me.
But now that I've gone the traditional route, I could absolutely imagine the "other path" to happiness. I can recognise that I'd have loved it had I met my wife and kids as a package and joined the family. I don't love them because they have my DNA. I love them because they're my kids.
It'll depend on the age(s) of the kid(s), but to a kid is under 5, they won't remember a time before you were in their life. You won't be an outsider, you'll just be "dad".
got a mate struggling with fertility and I gave him some advice recently about this. Course I'm giving it from a VERY privileged position, so feel free to disregard. Once you hold your kid in your arms, you wont give a fuck how you got there, cause it simply doesn't matter. Biological or not wont matter for shit.
the newborn stage fucking sucks too ey. no one actually talks about that part, cause if we were honest no one would ever have kids.
So I sat my wife down and expressed VERY clearly that we are NOT getting involved in that thing earlier this week. So whats she doing this weekend? You have GOT to be fucking kidding me.
Let her. Just don't get involved yourself. This gives you "I told you so" rights when she comes home exhaustipated and emotionally vulnerable. However, you may not wish to exercise those rights in the interests of family harmony.
Best if she discovers for herself that you can only help those who want to be helped. Let this one slide past without getting yourself involved I think. Just have some comfort for her ready when she gets back. Maybe cook dinner and do all the kid things while she's busy elsewhere.
This is the latest in a long line of "I say this is a bad idea, Mrs Break says "yes" then does EXACTLY the bad idea thing". Think we're gonna have a sit down conversation about this. She's absolutely entitled to do whatever the hell she wants, but each time makes it a little bit tougher to trust her judgement.
For the first time in probably 3 years, I saw a group of high school kids smoking cigarettes.
Guess that vape ban is working a treat...
Bit of shameless self promo: there's an outdated tram map in the info book at the hotel I'm staying at. I blanked out the date, but if anybody wants to try and guess it, I posted a redacted version in c/MelbourneTrains. First person to correctly guess the year without any googling (or Bing-bonging, or duckgoducking) based on memory alone wins bragging rights and a digital barnstar
(I'm not actually sure it's possible to determine the year based off of the route and stop changes, but it should narrow down the range to a couple of years if you remember when a couple of route changes happened. Guessing may be required)
Post: https://aussie.zone/post/11369832
Current (official) clue is that it's from before 2015. Peeler noticed a couple of other clues as well
I have footy tickets tonight, but I’m not going to use them. I’m tired, have a headache and my face has slowly filled with snot throughout the day.
I swear I was moderately healthy this morning!
maybe you can sell the ticks?
It’s alright. I’m an AFL member, so they didn’t cost me much. Just a bit put out to lose my plans
I'm very disappointed my preferred job hasn't got back to me. I am so ready to quit my current job, im already working as though my time is limited here. I was soooo clocked out this afternoon I did almost nothing. I feel like submitting my 30 days with nothing lined up but that's a horrible idea.
I'm currently responsible for a 'pod' normally maintained by three or four people by myself... Basically responsible for the work of three or four people. My clients are getting shit care and it sucks
I came back to work on the 2nd of January only to be told my contract was being terminated.
You've probably seen me post here often about the trials and tribulations I've been through looking for work.
Of course, our circumstances are quite different, but let me be an example of what happens when you don't have a job to jump to.
I really hope something comes through soon that's at least marginally better than your current place. Staying somewhere well past your personal use-by date is very taxing on the soul and the resentment/disconnect can spill over onto others and exacerbate matters.
I don't know what your industry or financial situation is like, but do you think it might ever get to a point where it's better to just cut ties and stop the rot from setting in any further, even without another job in hand?... I was getting a bit antsy with job hunting after 2.5 months but I don't regret for a second leaving my old job when I did and taking the hit to my savings, being able to hold out for a good position really made all the difference
Ubereats is calling. Comfort food.
What counts as comfort food?
Hot chips suck when delivered.
For me, a good Pad Thai or a pizza or an indulgent curry would be my go to
Butter chicken and garlic naan
Well they don't deliver dragons, so I guess not that. But they do deliver MacBooks, so you can get a comfort computer if you're happy spending a few grand
Burger. Has to be a burger.
The Kapiti triple choc ice cream from Aldi is delicious. And so rich you don't need very much to hit the spot.
I’m doing some decluttering and today it’s boxes of old books.
Came across a 1974 weight watchers magazine and thought I’d share this recipe, for anyone keen to lose a few pounds.
Bon appetit!
If I got served this I'd consider it attempted murder
Could come in handy for a houseguest who’d overstayed their welcome 🤔
I would definitely lose weight.. by abstinence. I just can't do organs.
Yeah, I think the concept of nose-to-tail eating is great, but feel the same way.
If you use sweetened tomato juice this comes out disgusting
8 to 10 mins is ridiculous. Liver is nicest when hot through but still succulent. 2 mins at MOST.
The strongish flavours in the recipie would work.
Had liver at a restaurant once that was over the moon delicious. A crispish floured coating and the slices were 1 cm thick and hot and succulent. A taste sensation. Did not taste "livery" at all. Some of the same vibes as blue steak.
Edit d'escalier: I think it's the grainy gritty texture of overcooked liver that turns people off. It does me. I only eat it if I've cooked it myself to my liking nowadays. Ditto kidneys.
Not many chores left to do tonight, then it's some tv and sleep 😸
Trams delayed heading up Swanston st at Collins st. Two police units called to .. speak to someone.
Edit. Back under way
Ugh! Unwanted delivery of old photographs. Have cut up and binned all the naked kid ones. 70s parents and boundaries, what?
Oof brutal.
My mum has stolen all the photos, and threw out the ones that gave her "bad vibes"; if there were any of me in the nude, she would have long since burnt them I reckon ahha
I have no photos of me when I was a kid, and I know HEAPS were taken, and dad doesn't have any that he took of me or our cats. But to get them, if they still exist, I'd have to contact mum, and that's just not happening. She can rot with her memories.
My ex-MIL had such a weird obsession with having a photo of all the grandkids together in the bath. So so weird.
I think I have 3 photos of when I was a kid, parents just didn't care, they were too busy taking photos of the favourite kids.
"Kid" is older than 5? Yeah that's weird.
If we're talking baby photos though, I've got a dozen or so photos of the kids when they were babies/toddlers naked. Not with bits showing, and not shared to social media.
Is that not normal?
These were bits out. My opinion of infants tends to offend, these pics being me made them even more distasteful.
Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋
Slap me with a splintered ruler
my lord it is eight in the morning
Lamb chops and lollipops please - with coffee, lots of coffee.
Also, when is the food truck enterprise starting up? Do we know yet which locations?
Next week. We will be everywhere and nowhere.
TV Review. Indian Police Force. Amazon. A Hindi-English series about a counter terrorism unit in Delhi. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Police_Force_(TV_series)
This is a pretty good show, it fairly accurately depicts terrorism and counter terrorism in a modern country. It does have some Indian tradition story telling regarding the personal lives of the main characters, there was a dance/singing scene! but it wasn't out place.
Melburnian here so when the power goes out in the Delhi apartment of the terror cell I'm all like" Youse guys are fucked, Special Ops is outside your door " But no, it's just a power outage in a capital city for no reason, no storms. It's India.
The military theme music is a little cringy but it's ok. The graphics and special effects are good. So many pairs of Rayban Aviators. Only 10% of the men have a moustache.
And approx 10% of special forces is women, which is sorta in keeping with the rest of the world.
I give this 4 hobbits.
( I do miss Irrfan, when he smiled he would light up the room. )
Some sort of major kerfuffle down at the shops. At least 4 cop cars and the helicopter was out earlier.
Armed siege apparently. Which makes the huge number of rubber neckers standing at the tape lines taking pictures even more disturbing.
Wtf. I'm not a fan of this stuff. Can it stop happening for 5 fucking seconds? Seriously
Help me choose.
Budget: about $500
I need one wool coat + one puffer (do I though?)
With puffers, its between Uniqlo (cheap), Patagonia (because brand quality and their customer service), and The North Face Nuptse (unsure between this and the 'Gonia).
With Woolen overcoats, I have no idea! If I get an expensive overcoat then I'll have to go with a Uniqlo puffer, but again, I'm not sure if I really need a puffer?
Help please 😔
As an overweight person, the overcoat I have looks a lot smarter and more flattering than my puffer, which when zipped up is cosy as but makes me look like a liquid paper pen.
Miss Seagoon would call me a sausage
Go to Kmart and get something else warm for $30 and go for a nice meal instead
I have one of each. Long wool coats protect your bum and legs from the wind, but have to be drycleaned, brushed of hair or lint and protected against moths. Puffers are more practical and portable but cover less of you, and depending on filling may also have to be dry cleaned (in the case of down).
The trench coat I have is op shop and the puffer is Kmart so getting both came in well under budget.
If you really can't choose you could start with a cheaper puffer to get an idea of it while you continue saving. Then if you don't like it you can donate it and buy something more suitable
Edit: Also consider where you'd be wearing it most. Woolen coats are generally more formal and puffers more casual.
Thermals are also great to layer under clothing if they're not a sensory issue for you
Edit 2: Also definitely consider adding scarf, gloves, woollen socks and maybe a beanie. They don’t have to be expensive or brand name, just having them helps a lot
I used to have a long down puffer with a detachable hood, it was the warmest coat. Make sure if you have a long puffer it has press studs as well as a zip. Woolen hat to cover ears and forehead, scarf to cover neck and face if need, thin gloves or double gloves.
You can get end of season puffers from overseas sellers .
Sometimes when it's cold here in Melbs I put on a roomy lined wind proof raincoat and have warm jumpers underneath
Here are some deals in my inbox this morning:
There was a BCF one that said expired, but that could be the extra $20 off
To throw a spanner in the works my current go to (with a long underlayer) is a lightish jumper (usually woollen) and a shell jacket that doubles as a raincoat over the top. Super efficient at keeping out the wind and easy to pack down. I walk everywhere so it's heaps warm enough the wool jumper is warm for inside.
Other than that I would go puffer first for packability (I love my pea coat but rarely wear it now)
I've got a wool welders jacket that's basically sat in retirement since I got my puffy. I'd start with the puffy and then reassess your needs. I do sometimes wrap a blanket round my waist like a towel to keep my midsection (kidney) warm if I'm tinkering in the shed on winter nights.
I'd say get a puffer, much more versatile esp if you don't drive as it's lighter and easier to pack down/carry around if it gets warm. I almost never wear my trusty old wool jacket now.
Best option is get a Patagonia/North Face/Macpac etc while on sale. You might've missed the sales but have a look online anyway. I bought mine from Wild Earth
everyone raves about uniqlo.
Unpopular opinion: Prosecco is overrated. Tastes like hairy balls. There's so much better out there.
Prosecco is good for making spritzes, that's it. Limoncello spritz, mmm!
imo, prosecco is as revolting as pinot gris
You haven't had good Prosecco, methinks. That, or you don't have it when you're drunk enough. Tsk tsk lol
Maybe. It was a Brown Brothers. It was dry and tasteless like soda water.
Agreed. Fuck Prosecco and everyone who likes it
Oh dear.
Argh! Another long day - one job started off simple but the more I looked at it the more issues turned up. I pushed through and at least it's all done now. I can see the end of the tunnel, one more thing to smash out for Monday and then I'll be up to date. I'm almost tempted to clock some hours in on the weekend and clear out overdue stuff and do a shorter day on Monday.
I did make my slow cooked jackfruit last night! A bit too much vinegar maybe, lots going on with the flavours, but it went alright with some bread and mayo and salad to cut through it. It really needs that low and slow cooking to get the best flavours. And I walked to work and back today! Pretty chuffed with myself overall.
I love jackfruit. Used to pick up the tinned ones and throw them into the fridge and eat them as a snack or for dessert.
Haven’t eaten it cooked before though.
It looks like durian. Do you process it from it's spiky home or does it come processed?
I personally have only ever cooked with the tinned stuff that is thankfully processed. I grew up with my mum and other women in my life cleaning the fresh fruit though. It isn't as spiky as durian, but it can be larger and heavier - and the worst part is all the sticky latex - only oil gets it off. Mum had a special cleaver for jackfruit that she'd sharpen to a fine edge before use, and a rag soaked in oil to clean the latex off every so often while cutting. Think she used gloves as well. Certainly made me very grateful for the tinned stuff even though it doesn't hold a candle to freshly cleaned jackfruit
hot milo before bed
I am having this strange phenomenon, where:
Yep, a few of you might remember that a few months ago, I had to file a claim using just my phone 3 hours before a flight lol... Might be time I get a Bluetooth keyboard of some sort.
Good night everyone. Stay warm. 😘
Ironically I was too warm to sleep last night
Has anyone tried an Emma Sleep Mattress? Or Koala? Ecosa?
I got a quote from Harvey Norman (urgh) for a King Koli mattress and tested it. It felt nice, but if I can avoid giving them money I will happily do so. But online ones and online reviews are hard to trust.
Many of them have a trial policy, where you can return within x days if you don’t like it. So it’s pretty low risk. It’s a different feel to a sprung mattress, which will come down to personal preference and if you have any back or body issues. I personally like the foam mattresses, have a koala one and so far it is fine. Although from what people say it seems sleeping duck ones are a bit better.
I've tried loads of those mattresses in a box. I can tell you that Sleeping Duck is the best of them and worth the money. Ecosa was the 2nd best.
Here's my notes on them from my notes app:
Agree. Did the same, although not quite as complete. Sleeping duck was the best we found.
Awesome! Thank you.
I've got a Sleeping Duck mattress and it's the best one I've ever owned. You can easily change the top foam layer from soft/medium/firm if you order a mattress that's not the right firmness for you. And you can return it for refund if it's not right for you at all (100 day trial currently). So basically no risk to you to try it out.
SD seems to be the concensus best.
Was going to recommend one I love, but the bloody thing has been discontinued. Sorry, no help at all.
haha, it's the thought that counts