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  • All those cold swims paid off last night.

    I'm in a house built in 1910 with no insulation, sisalation etc. Slept with the windows open and felt nothing.

    Would've burned through a lot of previous midnight snacks it's basically cheating.

    So in this weather we switch from steamed dims sims to deep fried dim sims because it'd be a health hazard if the blood wasn't loaded up with stuff to burn.

    So the science is true: Get in cold water = can deep fry shit.

  • Little dog's been naughty today. In out in out. Told him he can stay out in the cold now. He hasn't knocked. I need him to knock so I can ignore him for ten minutes to teach him a lesson. I think he's teaching me a lesson.

  • I just put my oodie on I think I’m going to be in it all day except for meal time and cooking.

    Argh just the thought of preparing food is making me cold.

    • I really need to get one of those. All rugged up and have uggs and heater on and I’m still freezing

      • Check out the oodie website. They have some cheap ones going for 39 dollars as long you don’t mind the design.

      • Maybe try and to throw on something nice and woollen or two light jumpers.

        Ive also got Ugg boots on as well.

  • Waiting to pick up the papou, having a mental bet if his social club is off and they forgot to tell me.
    Edit: seeing a few of the usual suspects. Looks like it's on and he's still in there being social. :D

  • Rising up from within, the toll of evolution,
    \ I am not without sin, but I'm not here for procreation.
    \ These rolling waves of pain, the tides of boiling crimson,
    \ Turn into red stains, fuck you menstruation.

    • Get me my chocolate! Get me my wheat bag! Cancel the meeting! Not leaving this seating!

      • Put that thing back where it came from or so help me..."
        \ "Bom, bom, bom, bom..."
        \ "So help me! So help me! And cut. We're still working on it, it's a work in progress but, hey, we need ushers."

  • Do you wear a wristwatch?

    If so, is it because you use it, out of habit, as a fashion thing, something else, or a combination of the above?

    Mine keeps breaking and I'm thinking of just replacing it with some jewellery (simple chain bracelet?) on that side to fill the void.

    • Yes, both for health tracking and because it's handy for notifications and calendar alerts. It's also a bit of a habit for time-keeping at this point.

      Although I've found fancier, newer watches to be much worse for that. I replaced my old Garmin with a Samsung Smartwatch, since the corner broke off the Garmin, and the Samsung one had a metal frame that seemed more durable. However, the software is both worse and more fiddly than the garmin, which is itself worse than the software on the Pebble (RIP) I had a long time ago.

    • Yep, I wear an analogue watch every time I leave the house, and use it to know the time quickly. It also looks pretty, because I like my functional things to be decorative if they can be, but it's primarily functional.

    • I have a older style garmin (that's small and has an actual working watch face so it doesn't look like a fitness tracker). I mainly wear it for the tracking and stress/HRV tracking but the watch bit is handy when I'm in meetings or dealing with public transport or trying to put down the phone. I lived happily without a watch for many years but since I got it I've worn it all the time. If it broke I'd probably go without again until I found something I like that fits.

    • When you say "breaking" what do you mean? Stop working? Crack the screen? The band falls off?

      Yes, I wear a garmin. It counts my steps, tells the time, records shit. Before that I wore an analogue.

      • It's got a separate second hand that keeps falling off with bumps, and the rogue hand gets caught in the hour and minute hands. Fixable but doesn't seem to stick. And it makes me realise I barely ever look at it to tell the time, I just feel naked without it.

  • It's done, all the terrace and balcony gardens are tended and don't need anymore attention until early spring

  • Movie Review. Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror. 1942. Youtube.

    A blatant WWII propaganda movie, adapted from the WWI propaganda Sherlock Holmes short story.

    The purpose of the movie is to tell the working poor and underclasses of Britain why they should support the government in the war against Germany even tho the working poor and underclass are abused and exploited by the British capitalist class.

    The reasons given were culture, we are also defending working class culture, Justice, the British justice system is worth defending against fascism, Home, London and by extension the rest of Britain is home to all. IMO these were good and true reasons.

    The working class did support the war effort and as a reward they were given the National Health Service and social housing.

    America made a similarly motivated WWII propaganda movie called "The Negro Soldier" by Frank Capra.

    The reward was the Civil Rights Act.

    The working classes had "Why We Fight" and the reward was the GI Bill and School Lunches.

    Australia and India et al, being colonies, needed no reason to fight and were given no rewards.

  • It seems Booktopia's gone into administration.
    I was just on the verge of putting in a order for my IRL cakeday, too. 😬

  • Just for a bit of fun, I decided to get on the little dog's bed and mess up his blankets. Oh boy. He did not like it one little bit. He tried to nuzzle me off, snorting like a horse.

  • If this shit impacts overwintering of my chillis I'm gonna write a stern letter. To someone.