Was mentioning this is the first house i've lived in that hasn't fucked me on a cold snap, and how when i woke up it was 20c and it stays 20c!!
Coworker overheard last part and tried to oppression olympics snipe me. Nosy bitch got a short, sharp lesson on exactly what growing up in a holmesglen concrete prefab special was like.
I ain't wearing guilt, i've done my fucken time and then some.
I'm in a house built in 1910 with no insulation, sisalation etc. Slept with the windows open and felt nothing.
Would've burned through a lot of previous midnight snacks it's basically cheating.
So in this weather we switch from steamed dims sims to deep fried dim sims because it'd be a health hazard if the blood wasn't loaded up with stuff to burn.
So the science is true: Get in cold water = can deep fry shit.
Gotta say, we timed our Queensland getaway well this year. Definitely not summer temps up here, but it's also not ridiculously cold like it seems to be down there....
Little dog's been naughty today. In out in out. Told him he can stay out in the cold now. He hasn't knocked. I need him to knock so I can ignore him for ten minutes to teach him a lesson. I think he's teaching me a lesson.
I have COVID (I blame you Melbourne!) and while I am feeling better I am still a little foggy brained and I have to do a CASPER test tonight for my uni degree and I am stressing big time because I don't do well with scenario based questions at the best of times and with my practise I've been doing my thoughts aren't concise atm with covid brain.
And it's also freezing cold so my fingers don't work.
Got the lenses in my glasses replaced. They made really unpleasant dashes above and below strong light sources like headlights. It got to the point I almost didn't want to wear them when driving at night.
Turns out the transition coating is quite heat sensitive. I did some driving back in November when it happened and it must have gotten really hot in the car when it was parked because it was alright when driving. Well, I'll just keep these glasses on me when not in the car
Waiting to pick up the papou, having a mental bet if his social club is off and they forgot to tell me.
Edit: seeing a few of the usual suspects. Looks like it's on and he's still in there being social. :D
Rising up from within, the toll of evolution,
I am not without sin, but I'm not here for procreation.
These rolling waves of pain, the tides of boiling crimson,
Turn into red stains, fuck you menstruation.
This local RE agency calls me once every 3 or so months about "amazing results in the area" and asking if I want to sell. I say I'm not interested, thank you, and then instead of getting the message to end the call, she keeps asking questions. I just said I have another call coming in and hung up. Go away.
I know our cold tolerance is all different but maaaaan people watching is insane today. The battle between fashion and function. Cool guys who chucked on a vest and went “that’ll do” or insisted a cap is good enough over a beanie. The Middle aged professional looks great in her business gear, but I’m questioning pants that are basically 3 quarters in length cause she’s gotta be regretting the amount of skin exposed on her legs. Then sensible ones who layered up, people who tried to make the puffer jacket cool (largely successfully I must say) and then there is those of us who went “fuck it, warm is more important” and just threw something together. I don’t think my gloves are even the same colours, if anyone asks I’m just gonna say I can tell which is my left and which is my right.
So I'm officially creeped out. Tonight's my last night here and 10 mins or so ago I heard something. Chalked it up to old house + cold weather (and warm heater). But when I went for my final dunny run, I opened the bathroom and the manhole thingy is halfway down and it has a staircase built into it. The noise I heard definitely didn't sound like a clunk, which is the noise I'd expect it to make
This is the sort of thing that's too concerning for me to be able to just go to sleep and act like everything's okay, but at the same time not enough to actually call the police (who are pretty much the only people I could call at this hour). It's also a lot colder in here than it has been any other night, kind of like a door was open. All of my doors are locked and have been all night. I checked all the spare rooms, nobody's here. But I can't even close the damn thing because it's too high to reach.
It looks like it has some sort of latching mechanism which should've prevented it from coming open by itself. And of course every little creak is freaking me out now
Edit: I did about the most balanced thing I could think of. I grabbed a knife and barricaded my bedroom door (there's no lock). I'm getting a lift out of here at 9:30, in the meantime I'm staying here. It's probably an over reaction and just an old house being an old house, but I don't fuck with this kind of shit. I don't feel safe, but I don't have any confirmation of anything, so I'm staying right here
Movie Review. Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror. 1942. Youtube.
A blatant WWII propaganda movie, adapted from the WWI propaganda Sherlock Holmes short story.
The purpose of the movie is to tell the working poor and underclasses of Britain why they should support the government in the war against Germany even tho the working poor and underclass are abused and exploited by the British capitalist class.
The reasons given were culture, we are also defending working class culture, Justice, the British justice system is worth defending against fascism, Home, London and by extension the rest of Britain is home to all. IMO these were good and true reasons.
The working class did support the war effort and as a reward they were given the National Health Service and social housing.
America made a similarly motivated WWII propaganda movie called "The Negro Soldier" by Frank Capra.
The reward was the Civil Rights Act.
The working classes had "Why We Fight" and the reward was the GI Bill and School Lunches.
Australia and India et al, being colonies, needed no reason to fight and were given no rewards.
Anyone ever do that whole sourdough thing back in lockdown?
I love sourdough, but paying 6 to 8 bucks for it at bakers delight isnt cheap.
Was it worth it and do you recommend it? or was it a fad for a reason?
Just for a bit of fun, I decided to get on the little dog's bed and mess up his blankets. Oh boy. He did not like it one little bit. He tried to nuzzle me off, snorting like a horse.
Gratitude thread! What are you grateful for today? :)
I'm grateful for not cancelling my gym class booking today. Although I was tired and couldn't give it my all, it was better than nothing. Also grateful for my mum being patient with me despite me being irritable.
14° downstairs at 645 this morning. Thermometer is nears the front door so probably the coldest place in the house. Not too bad all things considering.
I was invited to a mutual friend's birthday party and I've met her twice. Could be a good opportunity to socialise but a) there's going to be a bit of drinking which isn't my scene rn considering the eight week fitness challenge I'm doing and b) scary. Do I go or do I not go?
I got some news about the other kid. Apparently they are actually fully decided on moving him elsewhere. Their original plan was to move him out tomorrow, and have me move back in later tomorrow, but that didn't end up happening because their plans fell through. So instead I'm staying in another hotel until Tuesday morning, and he'll be leaving on Monday night.
Also, kind of ironic, but the hotel I'm now staying at is the same one I lived in for a few months in 2018 after getting kicked out of another place in the country. Ironically in those days I was being moved close to every week and basically toured the entire west and south west of the state. Then I moved into this hotel and things started to settle down.
I'm in a different room on a different floor, but it's really interesting seeing it from a different perspective. 6 years ago I was still me, but so different it doesn't even feel like I was. I was never expecting to come back here. I'm also loving the irony that despite how many places I've been at, and how much has changed in the world, system, and me, I'm still moving around every week. That doesn't really make me sad though, because at least this time it's a mutual thing and I have some say in where I'm going and when. Last time I was here I was only here because somebody declared that I would be, and that was the end of the story. Also I could've chosen somewhere else, or another Airbnb.