I recently finished Alastair Reynolds' House of Suns, which I enjoyed. It's actually the first of his books I've read. I'm looking forward to reading more of his books.
Currently I'm reading Neuromancer for the first time.
In the middle of Absolution Gap.
I really enjoyed his one off books (pushing ice, century rain, terminal world and his colaboration with Baxter on Medusa Chronicles)
however i finished the "last" book of the Revelation Space series and was very, very underwhelmed.
as a stand alone The Prefect, it is set in the Revelation Space Glitter Band era, and is a good introduction to it but absolutely apart from the R.space books.
He has written a second book and since changed the name, but I have the sneaking suspicion he wrote the Prefect with the intention of it being stand alone and since has shoehorned in a second and is writing a third book.
I would also recommend his short story collections: diamond dogs turquoise days, and galactic north.