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  • I have the D&D 3.5 core rulebooks on my shelf in the nerd nook. I know that I'm never going to play 3.5 again, but it's the system I first got into the hobby with. It would feel wrong to get rid of my personal history of nerdship.

    • @BougieBirdie Can confirm this instinct of yours - I got into the game in the 2e AD&D days, and I have spent good money reacquiring things, because I missed them and needed them on my gaming shelf, knowing full well I'll never use them in play again.

  • Even if I don't directly use each book, I might find ideas and inspiration in them that I can bring back to the games I do run. This has happened plenty of times. Besides, they can be fun to read. This goes for old books too. Numerous times I've adapted old material for new games.

  • I can't afford that many paper books, man, sorry

    Do I have every book for DND pirated as a PDF so that I can reference them, though? maybe

    Do I have a digital backup of the Cyberpunk books? totally

    Do I have an esoteric collection of random magic items and mobs I've seen as I browse over the last 15 years? oh fuck actually did I accidentally delete this folder I literally just realized as I typed this oh no

  • Hell, be an rpg hero and make it a lending library to your actively playing associates.

    The only parts of my collection that I don't lend out are the absurdly difficult to replace box kits. Even then, I'll make copies of the material. My kid's d&d group plays 5e, but the DM has borrowed some of my 3.x books for ideas, and has (with full supervision because I'm a little protective) had access to my spelljammer box (before they redid it).

    Besides, I may end up running a game again. Most of my regular players have expressed interest, and it's only scheduling that keeps it from happening. Shit, I might even do a game with the original rule materials some day, the way I used to do ad&d short games (a few months of a story, or breaking out a module) when we were playing 3.x