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Steam users have spent $19 billion on games they have never played.

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  • I have absolutely bought games and played them for less than 2 hours and never played them again. I'm a lot more discriminating now, but as recently as last month I bought a game because I thought I would like it. I played a couple of times but can't get into it. I would love to have a new, fun MMO to play but there are so many that look interesting and then... bleh.

    • I don’t really use steam and I have this problem too. I buy discs used, and I don’t always look up gameplay videos.. so yeah, often not my cup of tea turns out. But resellable if I want down the line, at least.

      Just the other day I bought a Wii super monkeyball game that uses the balance board. I have everything I need to play it, but the chances of actually doing that are pretty slim, tbh. A lot of the older games (anything under $10 for consoles more than a decade old, really) I buy are like that. “Might be fun, might never get played, but in an emergency, can be sold”.

      I miss playing mmos, but none of them have hit like vanilla wow on a pve server, and now I hate people too much to bother. If I could spin up a server of my own and just play by myself or with a few people I know, sure, but most games don’t allow that. So single player it is.

      • Prior to WoW a much better MMO, EverQuest, was already out. There's a reboot server that's about to launch the second expansion on the 1st that's free to play run by enthusiasts. It's called Project Quarm and it's easy to get going.

        • I really never got into EverQuest. Maybe I’ll try again, but honestly at this point I’m sort of over social games. I played a lot of neverwinter when I was transitioning off wow, and it did the job, but I’ve not found any sort of mmo since that really makes me want to play.. because all I want to do most of the time is solo play and pug dungeons (always a disappointment).

          I used to be a raid leader and main healer for the guilds’ clan (we had a group of iirc 6 casual guilds that shared forums and a vent server and would do stuff together like a super guild) and I miss doing that but… not enough to try to find it again I guess.

          I desperately want to be into games like helldivers or other “major hit” social play games, but they are without fail not my style of game. So.. eh. I think that time in my life is just gone. Maybe when immersive VR is a major thing and there are mmos for it (ideally that don’t give me horrible motion sickness), that sounds pretty cool. But I won’t wait around with bated breath.

    • I just did that with the Manor Lords the city builder. Looked super cool, was way way too steep of a learning curve and very slow for me, so I never went back. If I don't see a game getting more fun or accessible after ten hours, I'll never touch it again. Basically did this for Rust, Ark, Pal World, and Zomboid most recently.