"If pronouns push you to fascism you already had sat down at the table but forgot to remove your coat."
"If pronouns push you to fascism you already had sat down at the table but forgot to remove your coat."
"If pronouns push you to fascism you already had sat down at the table but forgot to remove your coat."
oh god oh fuck
a pol pot joke would be too much of a low hanging fruit, wouldn't it
NSA please note that I am also really a man from usa. Hope they don't narrow it down from that based on my horny posting.
I just get more and more angry every time I hear someone say they deserve my respect.
Buddy if you want to stay anonymous literally pick any random pronoun, or literally "any" or "they/them" it's not hard. This guy just wants to be a reactionary and is concern trolling for anonymity by blaming it on the generous pronoun tags.
"I want to be anon, but it would break my poor liittle heart if I was misgendered by picking a pronoun I'm not." Gee, I wonder how our trans comrades might feel about that? So fucking close to getting it, yet, so far.
I used to be a leftist, but then the left got a little too PC so I changed my mind about people deserving healthcare and locking children in cages.
someone on the internet asked me my pronouns so now i'm a fascist
yup, completely normal way to react
You can put none/use name. Or you could do like me. It literally takes 3 seconds. It's just not a big deal. None of this shit matters. Just don't be an asshole. What the fuck?
People who were saying they wont use pronouns because they wanted to be anonymous were so annoying. Just use different pronouns or "none." They were being annoying on purpose because they got told to do something like a fucking child
Remember the "oppositional defiance disorder doesn't exist" post from a couple days ago?
I feel like someone can be a contrarian dickhead without pathologizing it, that was the point of that post.
I am extremely critical of that disorder, Is there any actual proof of it existing? I fail to see how not obeying people's arbitrary authority could be an actual disorder. Seems like blatant social control to me. Also they sell meds to kids parents.
How do you, as a trans person (shot in the dark based on your username lmao), keep sane while also moderating through all of that shit? Braver than the troops.
it's complete bait. setting your preferred pronouns doesn't reduce anonymity. you're not even obligated to change the setting. it's literally just the answer to the question "if someone on here wants to refer to you in the third person, how should they do it?"
Even if you didn't even think that hard about it - put none/use name
if you want to be anonymous, use "any." or "none." or swap between different pronouns every couple weeks. or every time you make a post lmao
what a flimsy fucking excuse for throwing a tantrum
"Someone stop these Romans!", I yell as I crucify myself beside a highway to prove that I am history's greatest victim.
I don't get the threat with pronoun listing. If I wanted to be anonymous, selecting "any" would be better for infosec because it's ambiguous. Selecting the wrong pronouns would be even smarter. It's a better system than reddit for that. How can someone be so fragile that the feature even registers for them as some sort of oppression? How dainty do you have to be to hide behind billionaires and fascist nofappers because someone referred to you as the pronouns they'd probably call you anyway? You're going to wage war to preserve WeStErN CiViLiSaTiOn but can't handle someone labeling you as the right branch or rank?
If I wanted to be anonymous, selecting “any” would be better for infosec because it’s ambiguous.
Or, you know, you can always just lie. I don't get why people forget how to do that on the internet.
If I'm on an account where infosec is a concern, I'm a madlib any time I refer to myself or mention some personal detail where the same message could be conveyed with the nouns swapped out. It's generally pretty easy to figure out gender from how someone writes or where they post so it's just one more thing for people to read into if they're monitoring you for some reason.
Supporting the Proud Boys because of something incredibly minor (in terms of implementation) on a shitposting website, hmm yeah you were totally a socialist beforehand
Hammer and sickle to blood and soil in one minor inconvenience. Definitely a very real socialist.
It's like having "single issue voter" brain but so much worse
I'm totally woke so I can sing rap lyrics with the N-word. The fact that someone called me out makes me really wanna firebomb a church in the hood.
Think I've got a decent anology for why gender pronouns matter. Let me know if y'all like it or think it sucks:
Growing up, some of my childhood friends were Asian. Whenever I visited them, they'd always respectfully request that I remove my shoes before entering their house.
This seemed a little weird to me at the time. My own parents didn't really mind us wearing shoes around our house (as long as they weren't muddy or too visibly gross). But being a decent, respectful human being who cares about his friends, I'd always take my shoes off because it was important to them.
Thinking back, it actually WAS pretty gross that we were ok with wearing shoes around our house. You never really know what you might have stepped on, and you don't want to be trailing that crud around where you're walking barefoot.
Maybe it's good to think of gender pronouns similarly? Even if it's a "minor thing" to you personally based on your experience, it is important to members of our community - and I hope you care about their feelings. And if you DO stop to think about it... gendered pronouns as a concept IS pretty gross - like wearing shoes around the house.
Basically... getting petulant about using preferred pronouns is the equivalent of your friend asking you to take your shoes off... and your reaction is "F you, my shoes are staying on because it's more comfortable for me. My shoes are perfectly clean and how dare you ask." Not a good look.
I've had similar experiences with the taking your shoes off thing. And to give an example that's probably closer related, when i started posting on the old sub, and regularly saw people calling out ableist language there, i'd start avoiding that kind of language in my posts, and quickly noticed how much it helps to bring my point across better, how it automatically made me focus more on criticizing people for what they do and lay out why i object to it when i couldn't take the shortcut of just writing out a word salad about how "stupid" or "insane" their views seem to me. Even when i decided to just resort to name calling, my insults became more powerful, because i had to make them more personal and unusual instead of simply telling others how dumb they were.
This is coming from somebody who, at that time, had both a history of mental illness and some understanding of social darwinism, a passing familiarity with anti-psychiatry and a good grasp of how pathologizing behaviors works as a social control mechanism. So i had both enough lived experience and theoretical knowledge to reject ableist language, but it took comrades setting an actual example to make me change my posting behavior, and that change of behavior to see the secondary benefits it offers.
alternatively, you can just switch to asking people if they huff anti-freeze for fun to fill the gap left by not using ableist slurs as insults while still having the same general energy as an insult. I will say though that my insult game has stepped up a bit since I realised that using slurs as insults was bad because I wAS forced to be more creative.
Fresh-baked big brain take here.
I supported people asserting their personhood until someone did it,
Yea its getting better tho, and this place will always be 100% more welcoming than most spaces in the real world.
Thanks for having our back comrades
I refreshed the home page like 200 times to get that quote in the title
Refreshing the page doesn't always update it for me but clicking the "chapo chat" in the banner does
That's what I was doing. It just took that many iterations to get this one
Mandatory pronouns are the first step in a slippery slope that ends with you being a server at Femboy Hooters.
"radical acceptance"
Translation: "I 'accepted' trans people because I thought it made me look cool and radical to the boys"
why are we still on about this, this struggle session is like a month old
the struggle session will continue until morale improves
two, actually! some people are still very mad about it
Yes, but this ban is from last night
hah, you beat me to it. I was going to make the same post.
Like a few others have said it could force people to out or misgender themselves
I didn't explain it well but basically what shaun says here https://twitter.com/shaun_vids/status/1342792113117945857 some people may not be comfortable with choosing a pronoun, or not choosing a pronoun
"To counter trans people"
Did you all start your pillaging already? I didn't even get my notifications in the group chat!
No one here thinks you're a transphobe for not wanting to specify your own pronouns.