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What's a game that got critically and player panned that you enjoyed anyway?

Was thinking about Lost Planet 2 the other day by Capcom and how much I enjoyed it. I didn't get the chance to play it co-op or multiplayer but Lost Planet 1's multiplayer was fun, especially the mode where you can be an alien and fight snow pirates. I think the west just wanted another Gears Of War clone, and even though 2 took a lot of inspiration from Gears (it even featured it's hero as an unlockable character) wasn't enough and critics and players panned the game. It's hard today to find anyone even playing it anymore and it seems to be dead. Shame.

  • Driver 3. It's a broken mess of a game, but it was really impressive for the PS2 and Xbox, the way the cars broke and crash. Too bad the on foot stuff was broken and weird.

    • When I was a kid I spent so much time on Driver 3 and Shrek 1. Definitely not good games but there was a glimmer of something in them. I also liked the music in both of them but more so Shrek 1.