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When a liberal says something about "surviving the next 4 years" ask them "what precisely do you think happens in 4 years?"

They need to start being honest with themselves that there is a reality where the Democrats never win another US election.

Are you really just going to "wait it out" and watch Trump Jr. or Meatball Ron takes over in '28? Then what?

  • If dems get back in what happens? Hoist an lgbt flag and call it a day?

    They'll do as much as they did at the end of Trump's last term, which was precisely fuck all.

  • I think what I'm learning talking to people is that when they are feeling vulnerable, that's when they are most open to solutions I present. I think we need to push on these vulnerabilities because in a way they are the contradictions of capitalism playing out in their consciousness. And as we know, contradiction is how things change.

    Unfortunately vulnerability only comes when they are personally affected, which happens to everyone differently.

  • Democrats are an empty vessel for whatever will win when republicans make enough people mad. That is survival in this system. Unfortunately it does nothing for people. This is about where we have been for decades. Democrats will win again.