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  • Americans not on xhs:

    Americans on xhs:

    • do you know why mandarin has so many characters and it's so hard for westerners to learn? it's because they need a way to name all their made up genders. western brains (which are unindoctrinated, unlike chinese brains) simply can't comprehend that amount of made up woke bullshit so it's impossible for us to learn because we're too unwoke. but make no mistake, their woke brainwashing works and it even almost worked on me. why do i know what "ni hao" means? because a tiny bit of their woke propaganda rewired my brain even though i barely interacted with the app. explain that.

  • “NOOOO you can’t go on the China app, their ebul government is suppressing it! Stay on wholesome American apps where that doesn’t happen! Ignore that those companies explicitly state that the U.S. government pressures them into taking down content they find objectionable!”

  • "have fun under constant social, video, and economic surveillance. if that's the price you're willing to pay for a comfortable life, you should probably move there"

    firstly this dude looks like the second a sliver of sunlight touches his unmelanated skin he burns to a crisp. he's red and shiny like he was just working out but also looks like he's never worked out or even just worked a job a day in his life

    secondly we have all that here anyway except nobody is living a comfortable life, so i'm not even sure why he's trying to make that argument. all it did was prove he's completely brainwashed and ignorant to the reality of the shithole country he's living in.

    based on literally almost nothing i've deduced this dude is from an upper middle class family and is just floating through life on his whiteness and economic privilege.

  • "Y"IMBY posts picture criticizing zoning laws in China

    Picture of "Chinese zoning" is just a typical American suburb

    Complaints about DUH GUBERMENT telling you what you're allowed to build and where, as if zoning laws and urban planning aren't the norm in literally any civilized country + the US

  • if i weren't banned from twitter for calling musk a paedophile like 8 years ago, i'd reply to every single one of these with "cope


  • Lmao that first one. Where are you gonna send my ass, I promise nobody wants me. If they'd take me in China I'd be there staring at giant ice sculptures in Harbin already.

    • Those ice sculptures are nuts. We used to do ice castles in my home town, but one melted and somebody got injured and now we don't do it anymore.

      • They're mind blowing. It's on my bucket list but the cost to get to China in the first place is so high the bucket will probably come first.

        Sorry to hear that about your home town, global warming sucks.

  • Spitting out my mouthful of cereal zomg guys GUYS "little red note/book/ dae COMMUNSIM!"

    Meanwhile everything in burgerland is modeled after the american revolution and christian nationalism.

  • A country of treatlers that not only welcomed covid with open arms as a preferable alternative to reduced consooming AND regularly say that humanity going is extinct is worth it for them to enjoy their treats in peace are also shocked that people are not willing to give up their foreign treats?