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Twitch declares that “Zionist” is a slur - and a bannable offense ( - The Verge)

Twitch declares that “Zionist” is a slur, will issue bans for criticizing “individuals” based on their “religious beliefs or background” (genocide, settler colonialism)

Implications for leftist streamers like HasanAbi

potentially establishing precedents for mass removal and censorship of anti-genocide organizing and education on other major social media platforms

[News mega comment thread:]

  • in amerikkka settler colonists are a protected class

    people will just start calling them genocidal apartheid-supporters instead

    or maybe fascist isn't a slur yet

    • I sent support a demand to delete my account and any historic personal data made it very clear why I want it gone

  • Better to call them what they are Zionazis. Zionsim is not a religion. It is a racist ethno-supremacy fascistic ideology. It uses the mask of a religion as Hitler did with the Swastika to shield it. People should rebel. The entity is lashing out in desperation.