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  • this is so cool! Providing a peer support space with parallel play on the internet?!
    maybe I'll join one of these times if I gather up the nerve

    • Do you ever have that thing where wish something existed but you realise it doesn't exist so you're like: "Fuck it, I'm just gonna make it myself"?
      Because that's exactly what happened here.

      You are most welcome to pop in just to say hello if you want. I'm currently learning how to play the guitar in-game. I'm not very good at it so don't expect a concert performance or anything but I'd be happy to show you the (modest) progress I've made so far.

      Also I updated the images in this post to reflect the character I use so it's a bit more familiar and personable than the previous images I used. Graphic design is my not passion lol

      Edit: Btw they've got chalk drawing in-game too. I haven't explored it yet but, as expected, some people have done impressive things with it:

    • Hey, just thought I'd let you know that we've gone live in with the Drop-In Peer Support server to give you a gentle invitation to it. You are welcome just to come in and have a look around - if you don't feel like chatting then that's cool. The code this time around is:

      No pressure though - you do what's right for you. If today is not the day then don't worry because there will plenty of other sessions to come.

  • Dropping in as the token "straight"

    Jk, it sounds fun but I don't get the appeal of fishing games

    • You know what? It's really not my style of game either and it's so outside of my preferred genres that I had to make myself go through a crash course to figure out the basics of it (I think I've played a sum total of one hour on Animal Crossing throughout my existence).

      But it suits my purposes, which is to have an online co-op game that is very relaxed and which allows for chatting. I had been kicking around the idea of using VR Chat but that seems to be a lot more resource intensive and while you can play without VR gear (at least I think you can) I didn't want to create a very visible distinction between the people who can afford VR gear and people who cannot, nor to expect that everyone can afford a gaming rig (I know I can't) or a suitably specced-out computer.

      So it's basically a proletarian VR Chat surrogate that I'm using to hold an online peer support space in.

      If people want to hang out and play in the server then that's a bonus and, in my experience, having a drop-in space is always miles better if there is something else, anything else, to do besides just chatting because if it's exclusively chatting without any other activity then it can get pretty awkward and the drop-in starts getting the same vibe as sharing an elevator or being in a waiting room with someone else. Since the game allows you to fish, run around and explore the world, buy stuff and customise your character, do metal detecting, do chalk art, and play guitar it's a big plus because it means that there's probably an in-game activity that people can engage in that they don't mind doing.

      If you absolutely cannot stand fishing games that's cool, you're still very welcome to join just to chat or to try the other activities. I'll try and make sure I have enough in-game cash to buy any items that are required for the minigame activities so I can give them out to people who don't want to do the fishing but want to do a different activity.

      And if it doesn't appeal to you whatsoever that's cool too, I respect that. I'd make it suit everyone if I could but the best I can do is to settle on something that has the broadest appeal while fitting with the purpose for an appropriate drop-in peer support space.

      • That's fair, it does seem like a good way to chill and socialize in a third space, especially with the drama going on here lately. I just have enough on my plate as is, and I wouldn't want to take up the slot of someone who's actually neurodiverse.

  • I love the initiative! Maybe I'll come hang out sometime. There was a moment in life where I'd be awake at that time, but (fortunately for me) these are rarer.

    I'll keep an eye out for future sessions!

    • I'm glad to hear that your sleep schedule is more reasonable these days. I'll shift the server times around so that different time zones are covered, so with a little luck there will be a time that suits you soon.

      Would you like me to add you to the ping list? When I announce the next upcoming session and when that session begins I'll ping the people list to let them know what's happening.

  • Hey, I hope you don't mind me pinging you.

    I'm running this drop in space in Webfishing again and I just wanted to extend an invite to you if you wanted to come hang out. All the details are in the post above.

  • This is such a cool idea, thanks a lot! Can you add me to the ping list as well? I don't know how this EST UTC PST OMG WTF time zone business works

    • Added!

      I don't know how this EST UTC PST OMG WTF time zone business works

      Yeah, it legit breaks my brain. Best advice would be to google [day of the week] + ?:?? am/pm UTC - google will tell you how this translates over to your local time zone. Just be mindful that you have your translated day as well as the time. Because there's that big gap between time zones, sometimes a time will occur on a different day for you vs the day on the UTC time.

      I'm not explaining it well, I hate time zones. China stay winning. What I'm trying to say is that your morning might be the same time as somewhere else's night on the day before or vice versa, so don't just assume Wednesday UTC = Wednesday for you.

      Since you've raised this issue, I could probably do better and add a countdown timer to the next post. Here's an example of a countdown timer for when this current event is set to happen. Hopefully that will take the confusion out of the equation for you.

  • Can't make it this time, but I'm going to look into this game. It looks so cute, hopefully I can make it next time!

    • Yay!

      I can add you to the ping list for when I schedule the next one if you'd like?

      Edit: Yay @ looking into the game and showing interest in this, not yay @ you not being able to make it this time lol. I got too enthusiastic for a minute there.