The entire internet is getting ruined to safeguard Israeli propaganda
The entire internet is getting ruined to safeguard Israeli propaganda
The entire internet is getting ruined to safeguard Israeli propaganda
Hexbear is going to be one of the few places on the internet where you can say "death to Israel"
Death to Israel.
They will turn the screws on the hosting providers if (and when) it comes to it.
And even if the hosting provider doesn't, the US government can just seize the domain. .net is administered by US-based Verisign.
So what's our plan B? If the domain is seized, I'm assuming that we'll get updates from the fediverse account. But if there's some sort of problem there ( is seized, or no updates get posted because those with access to the matapacos @hexbear account have been arrested, or other unforeseen problem) how do we re-group?
This comment just got reported by for "Hate Speech". Show yourself, nerd.
lol hate speech doesn't apply when it's towards states, loser.
Death to Israel.
All Zionists go to
Is there a plan for if/when that happens? Something that we should all be aware of just in case the site goes down and never comes back up.
I'm not sure where I would even start to look if it did disappear.
Also I think I'd probably stop using the internet all together if I lost this site.
There is no censorship in the U.S.
Americans don't notice censorship the same way that fish don't notice water.
I got a month-long ban on Fascistbook for telling a Boer IDF soldier that me and his wife "did it like 2 Barbie dolls in a washing machine", with the infraction cited as "bullying".
Infinite DF-51 launches on "israel"
On the other hand I reported a comment that was verbatim ""I want to kill n-words" for racism and got a response that they decided it didn't infringe on their terms of service.
Edit: wait that was twitter
I never needed the internet to be centralized around a cluster of corporate walled gardens, I've been rolling my eyes since the first time I noticed Facebook pruning my friends' posts in 2008. The medium is the message, the message being 'Fuck you, serf'
My browsing life gets better the less I interact with the tech giants
“Serfs up! Don’t forget you’re bored.”
Dead internet that's all bots and Hasbara and AI boobs and hands.
“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a shrimp Jesus stamping on a human face, forever.”
Apartheid Defense League in action
can't ruin what's already SHIT
Hexebear is the only democratic site tbf
To be fair they did hit asmongold for his "Palestinians are subhuman" bullshit rant thankfully. Not sure how permanent or long it was for though as I really don't care for that twat
they also unbanned Sneako, an actual neo-Nazi.
Gross :(
Literally death to influencers and streamers.
asomngold got 14 days for that. This group of streams got 30 days for being on a panel at the last twichcon where there was a tierlist where F-tier was "likes sabra hummus".
Twitch also unbanned this guy on the same day. He allegedly harassed people at twitch con and was transphobic.
Yeah n3on is a dipshit on the same level as sneako, just lower profile
It’s been said, but Israel does more to propagate anti-semetism than just about any other entity in the world.
“Trying” implies at least the possibility of failure. They’re not trying anything.
Id prefer no Twitch personally.
Why do I get the feeling 4chud is going to be left completely untouched, if not be the ones cheerleading this?
Western antisemites always have this weird fetish for Israel, like an older brother that tells the guy bullying his younger brother “Messing with him is MY job!”
Western antisemites always have this weird fetish for Israel
as far as i can tell it comes down to 2 things. one is that they generally hate arabs more than jews so they like the genocide going on there. two is that they like the idea of all the jews leaving whatever country they live in and going to the middle east. sometimes it's a full mask-off fascist "we should all just have ethnostates and then everything would be fine" take
You forgot the third thing: Evangelicals that truly believe in their apocalyptic fanfic of the bible requiring all the Jews to return to israel to fulfill their death cult prophecy and bring about armageddon.
Are they going to try a full court press on Hasan?
Damn Amazon's going to have to choose between a cash cow and Israel.
They probably have a bunch of contracts for data management for the IDF.
The commercial "public forums" are all moribund, and the only worthwhile future of the internet is in self-funded sites.
Don't look back, comrades. We are not afraid of ruins.