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Update regarding Hexbear's misogyny problem - planned actions and request for feedback

Hi comrades, want to give you all an informal update on the discussions around the site's misogyny problems that've been happening over the last several days. I wanna make sure you know that the admin/mod team has seen all of that discourse and we've been actively discussing solutions in the matrix mod chat. We're taking this shit very seriously and acknowledge that we haven't used a heavy enough hand on misogynistic rhetoric. As some of you saw we nuked that cheating thread from a couple weeks ago and handed out temp bans to the most egregious offenders. Idk how that was allowed to run it's course but we apologize for that oversight. We're going to do better.

We've come up with some ideas for how to improve this part of the site culture and we want to get suggestions from y'all as well, since the alarm was sounded on this by our beautiful c/traa posters to begin with. Our ideas so far include:

  1. A zero-tolerance policy towards any even remotely misogynistic/patriarchal posts or comments, as too much has slipped through the cracks on that, establishing a clear protocol for bans for violating rules against misogyny, and ideally tracking repeat offenders in a way that makes deciding a course of action easy when they reoffend.
  2. Uphold TC69 thought by starting up a book club (and hopefully more to follow) on feminist theory and encouraging mass participation, particularly from the he/him's on the site. "The Will to Change" by bell hooks has been suggested by multiple people as a great starting point but please feel free to suggest any other works.
  3. Relaunching /c/menby with a trusted educated mod team and a specific focus on countering mainstream narratives about masculinity, relationships and sex that breed reactionary, patriarchal attitudes
  4. Encouraging [namely femme] participation in /c/womenby and taking steps to revitalize that sub as an excellent source of discussion on feminism and intersectionality
  5. Holding another mod drive to get more folks into mod positions in our communities who can help weed out reactionary attitudes
  6. Encouraging users to use the report button often on any post that seems even remotely sus, with the promise that no one's going to be punished for "report abuse" for reporting posts in obvious good faith

Please let me know your thoughts on the above or any other ideas you have for making the site better, safer and more inclusive for our femme comrades. Once we've fully hammered out plans and updated policy we plan to make an announcement post highlighting these changes for the whole userbase. Thank you all for being here and being who you are

  • Wow redfash tankie mods won't even let boys be boys

    • this was very obviously cishet men. i haven’t seen a trans dude ever say it was a good idea to put a woman in physical danger out of spite.

      • Admittedly, while I was one of those in the OG thread pointing the possible danger out (and seeing it at gross at the time- in hindsight an understatement)- I feel there is also a much broader social stigma against perceived "cheaters" from most parts of society, even amongst women. There were some she/hers saying essentially the same shit in the thread (along the lines of "cheaters get what they deserve," etc).

        I don't agree with it, of course- but the sort of "'cheaters' get what they deserve" mentality is very, very common. There's no shortage of women "getting back at" not just the cheaters- but those they cheated with as well- actually it's rather stereotypical and common for many to go after the "homewreckers" even if they didn't know anything. Women can absolutely be misogynist as well, after all. And having a vengeful streak (or schadenfreude at others') is definitely not just a thing for dudes or even straights, admittedly I think that's just a natural human instinct (one perhaps shared with most complex organisms?)- that can be put to good use or humor, but also and far more often than not is put to bad.

        Rambling here but- in hindsight it really was incel shit- at the time and in the thread I mentioned it gave me a bad taste and tried to discourage it, but I didn't then see it as such till people really started pointing it out days after the fact. I do think it is just that societally common (and am very glad that Hexbear is taking a principled stand against it), a form of normalized inceldom (well, something that predates the term "incel" for sure). A stand had to and has to be taken against it, but I think it's something that also needs to be (and will be a reoccuring process as new people come in) hammered into peoples heads, the understanding of the consequences, of other people's possible circumstances, of empathy, etc. In some ways I'm not even sure if I agree with permabanning (though don't care overly much- if they wish they can always make a new account and better themselves) some of those posters, but they certainly could not be allowed to spew that shit.

      • put a woman in physical danger out of spite.

        Well, I did have morbid curiosity, but now I'm just going to fill in the blank with the idea that there was a bear or man discussion and someone said something out of pocket. Been seeing and hearing too much shit lately, I'm going to stay ignorant on this one.

      • Sorry it it wasn't clear that this was totally sarcasm!

      • What fucking happened?

  • Personally speaking, to give my own insight into another subject that others have discussed in this thread, I am all for a neutral (meaning neither specifically masculine nor feminine-aligned) non-binary space.

    Seeing cisheteronormativity and binarism rife on every corner of the internet is deeply exhausting and honestly makes me feel like I'm "broken" for existing in a way that is far beyond any of it.

    Not all trans people are non-binary either, so I can't say that I'm 100% confident that enbyphobia/transmedicalism would never "leak," even if just a little bit, into this community.

    Truthfully, as inclusive as Hexbear can seem, I don't give any unambiguous trust to anyone who is cis, hetero, white, or neurotypical. The fact that this thread needed to be made in the first place can show you why.

    "Leftists" will go mask off and spew hatred towards someone like me when it no longer benefits them to pretend that they're not hateful bigots.

  • i've seen several comments on this thread to the effect of "pls explain to me why the cheating thread was bad so i can self crit"

    and i have misgivings about this. this is not the place for it. i'm glad they're open to reconsidering their perspective and the poorly named comm for deconstructing this shit has been resurrected and that's probably a good place to start. but reopening it in the post about the misogyny purge just kinda derails the actual discussion and expects the people misgyny is directed at to do all the work of educating them.

    • reopening it in the post about the misogyny purge just kinda derails the actual discussion and expects the people misgyny is directed at to do all the work of educating them.

      The idea behind it is that masc and masc-aligned people would be doing the bulk of work educating other mascs, sorry if that wasn't clear. You're absolutely right that it's the responsibility of mascs to educate themselves first and then educate others without pushing that work onto femmes. We also see all the comments regarding how the comms are named and how its problematic, so we're discussing that as well.

      • no no i think u misunderstand me, apologies. i was referring to comments from people on this thread, which have since been removed, asking to be educated in what is wrong with the whole thing around the cheating thread. i support the idea of the education comm - my problem was with the mostly men reopening the issue here, where it really wasn't appropriate, and where the educating labour would mostly have come from the not men. but it seems like the mods are on top of those kinds of comments now.

        even so thanks for responding and trying to deal with the situation. i know how much of a mess it can be.

  • in continuation of my previous comment about people asking to be educated in this thread, specifically over the cheating thread. previous comment here. i realised i forgot to add this earlier

    i genuinely find it kinda disturbing that people who presumably consider themselves feminists, in a very leftist space like this, need to have this explained to them. yeah it's much better to ask (in the right context, not this thread) than not to know. but i can't help see it as a significant failure in empathising with women and others marginalised by patriarchy, and understanding how the violence of patriarchy affects our existence. so maybe you need to work on developing that empathy, and i mean this regardless of the gender of the posters in question. people of any gender can make that mistake.

    in the context of the cheating thread, the question is not about whether cheating is okay, or whether the husband deserved to know. yeah, if you're gonna be monogamous that's a commitment you should take seriously like any other you make in a relationship. but it has nothing to do with that, not really. the question is, ::: spoiler violence against women does the woman in the thread deserve to be a victim of domestic violence, abused, or murdered? because intervening in a relationship you know nothing about has a very real chance of making that a reality. that is the reality of living under patriarchy. ::: that supeceeds any concern about the ethics of cheating.

    • but we're only a "not all men" away from a bingo

    • a significant failure in empathising with women and others marginalised by patriarchy, and understanding how the violence of patriarchy affects our existence.

      I wish I could be shocked by this

      • oh yeah i'm way too jaded by uh, men tbh, to be surprised. the problem goes way deeper than just needing to be informed about this one the thing they don't understand. if they can't stop identifying with the man and how he is being wronged long enough to imagine what it's like to be on the other side of the power imbalance, having it explained to you isn't gonna help.

    • I think the issue runs deeper than dudes forgetting that DV is a thing that exists and might play a role.

      Its this simplistic worldview, matching the situation at hand to a predefined response. "This thing is bad and needs to be corrected case closed." It's thought terminating laziness. "If I can't think of other factors there aren't any". It's arrogance. Best case that is. Often enough it will be them imagining a scenario where they get to exact violent (aka heroic) "justice". And blowing a situation up like that is already violence, regardless of any potential DV. The goal is to put the offender (i.e. cheater) in their place.

      The whole concept of people "getting what's coming to them" is revelling in violence. But then you see your kind get called out on it and suddenly you're unsure what type of situation this is and how to correctly respond to it and pull the "I'm just a small bean cishet male uwu please educate me on the correct take oh sage feminists I come in peace and to learn" card. Give me a break. Unless there is a specific question they are just looking to expand their catalogue of Good TakesTM so they can earn some brownie points (and often just for asking).

      Ask this cishet guy how he knows...

      If they aren't putting in effort to their question they aren't gonna put effort into synthesising the response no matter how much effort the responder put into it.

  • Unlimited The Will To Change bookclubs on the hexbear world, fuck yeah. Whole post looks solid at a glance, but particularly

    with the promise that no one's going to be punished for "report abuse" for reporting posts in obvious good faith

    I am a complete dweeb with an inability to read tone and never hit the Report button without sweating profusely first, so I really dig this.

    1. Uphold TC69 thought by starting up a book club (and hopefully more to follow) on feminist theory and encouraging mass participation, particularly from the he/him's on the site. "The Will to Change" by bell hooks has been suggested by multiple people as a great starting point but please feel free to suggest any other works.

    Audiobook available on TankieTube here

  • Wow. I saw that thread and was like what the fuck! I couldn’t believe people were agreeing with op I didn’t bother to participate and have been busy. Glad this is moving towards something more productive.

  • This is good! I have some thoughts about the wo/menby split which have also been brought up by other nonbinary people in this thread, so I will leave them to speak on that. I only hope we can eventually address other blind spots with similar urgency in what I consider to be one of the only tolerable forums left on the English-speaking net; covid minimization outside of the comm for it is one that particularly infuriates me, overall ableism that is not to do with neurodivergence is another -- but this is one necessary step of many, and I'm happy to see it.

    • I can only speak for myself, but I don't see an issue with the womenby/menby thing. I don't identify as a man anymore, but I was raised as a male, am still read by others as male, and have a lot of problems in common with men. If I had an issue related to that I would probably post it in menby. If it was more about being NB specifically I might post in anticishetaktion. I don't think it's reinforcing the gender binary, more acknowledging that a variety of people both cis, NB and trans not might need a space dedicated to gender issues

  • Good list of action. Number 1 needs to be adopted sitewide.

    • Quite frankly, I'm disappointed to hear this wasn't already how point 1 in the Hexbear Code of Conduct was being enforced:

      We are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, nationality, or other similar characteristic.

      I wonder if the other subclauses are being taken seriously either.

      • from what i've observed, i'd say we need to have one of these on race*, covid, and body shaming

        *it's not really my place to start this conversation imo but i have seen some of our poc comrades complaining about how white hexbear can be, to the point of being unbearable (sorry) at times

      • There has historically been leeway given to established users and I really hate it. I’ve seen big names do some abhorrent shit but get excused because they’ve been around for some time.

    • In theory it should be, we acknowledge that we've failed to use a heavier hand on a lot of issues, not just misogyny. This thread has been invaluable to us for getting feedback from the users and we're taking everything said in here seriously.

  • no idea what happened but i'm glad you're taking action, it sounds like something absolutely cringe was posted. i really need to read that book at some point

  • Thanks to the mods for taking the problem serious and doing something about it! Thanks to those who pointed out the issue in the first place!

    Let's make Hexbear a safe and inclusive space for everyone.