How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
Hawaii is a victim of colonialism to this day. The sovereignty of hawaii was illegally stolen. Every day natives of hawaii are priced out of their own homes by their alleged fellow citizens. A genocide beneath the very fingers that so like to point towards other nations.
The US is still bitter that Hawaii was more advanced than the United States of Backwards way back when.
Would Hawaii live in peace and prosperity if it were suddenly its own independent state?
It would be up to the people who live there to figure out how to run things. This is certainly not an argument for US to continue occupying them.
how is it an “occupation” when Hawaiians themselves voted to become a state by a 94+% majority?
On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaiʻi to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it. (source)
Probably not with the US around. It's never let any other country live in quiet peace and prosperity. It's always worth being optimistic, though.
lol, no, this is not actually the land of endless aloha even among the natives
Judging by their history, probably not. Just like people's everywhere, Hawaiians have a very violent history full of warfare!
"Caught between the Hawaiian Army and a 1000-foot drop, over 700 Oʻahu warriors either jumped or were pushed over the edge of the Pali (cliff). In 1898 construction workers working on the Pali road discovered 800 skulls which were believed to be the remains of the warriors that fell to their deaths from the cliff above."