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Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia

Image is of President Vladimir Putin, with his cook Prigozhin, though he is more famous for other things.

I'm assuming we all know what a "Russia" and a "Putin" is, so I'm skipping the background section.

On March 15th, Putin handily won the presidential election. This is perhaps one of the least surprising things to happen in the last couple years, and all claims and debates about electoral corruption are missing the point (in this particular election at least). The reason why Putin won is not fascist brainwashing or Putin having a high Persuasion/Intimidation DC, and it's not even really about the laws that make opposing the Ukraine War illegal. Wages are up significantly, unemployment is at record lows (for the post-USSR period, of course), as is poverty, and the ruble is about as stable as it could be given what the West has tried to do to it. The government has been forced to massively intervene in the economy to keep things afloat, buying up properties that have been ditched by foreign and domestic billionaires, though obviously Russia's wealthy are still plenty powerful. Inflation is up, but wages are comfortably outpacing it. And the Communist Party remains a relic of a bygone era, disconnected from the young people who might hypothetically propel a revolution.

Russia is still in the transition from switching to a Western-oriented export economy to an Eastern-oriented one. Nonetheless, Russia is now China's single largest oil supplier (unseating Saudi Arabia), delivering half of all their oil to China, and trade between the two countries has massively increased. Where Western brands have retreated from Russia (and not many actually have), more Russia-friendly corporations, and Russian businesses themselves, have filled the gaps.

By going through the news, I've seen a lot of economies that are not doing well at all. Most countries seem to be in that category. Either they have general growth but a deeply struggling populace, or the government is trying to keep the population afloat but running up huge debts in the process, or the government is failing on both counts. Russia is one of the few countries on the planet that I can confidently state is actually doing quite well objectively, which means it's doing extremely well relatively. Considering the Western economists regularly delivering portents of doom in early 2022, and salivating over how they were going to divide the country following the inevitable economic collapse, this is a hilarious state of affairs.

In the long term, their predictions may come true. It is entirely possible that a post-war Russia will slump, returning to neoliberal policies and continuing their nonsensical allergy to budget deficits. Russia might not be a mere gas station, but a substantial amount of the economy is made up of fossil fuel exports, which might be troublesome in a greener future, especially as China, their main oil market, is one of the few countries on the planet that seems serious about renewable/nuclear energy. And the limited labour force means that long-term growth is inherently limited without some creative measures, even with the potential influx of whatever remains of the population and territory that Russia seizes in Ukraine. Perhaps it is in this crucible of disillusionment and hardship, after seeing that good things are indeed possible if the government wishes them to be so, that a socialist Russia could rise again. But we aren't there yet, and the growth continues for now.

Much of this information is, again, from Michael Roberts. It seems like we're both doing the same strategy of hopping from election to election.

Apologies for the lack of updates (again!), I've been going through book titles again for the reading list (I've probably got a thousand or more to get through) and also trying to touch grass more. I'm not very good at balancing things out, I tend to do the hyperfocus-on-one-thing-until-it's-done approach.

The COTW (Country of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific country every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied nations. If you've wanted to talk about the country or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Country of the Week is Russia! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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  • NSFW: SA and violence.

    Brutal attack on rights activist rocks Argentina on eve of coup anniversary ::: spoiler spoiler

    H.I.J.O.S. human rights activist and daughter of dictatorship disappeared brutally assaulted and sexually abused at home by assailants who threatened her and identified themselves by using slogan linked to President Javier Milei.

    Argentina’s increasingly tense social climate and the dangers of President Javier Milei’s aggressive rhetoric have been thrust into the spotlight after it emerged that a human rights activist had been the victim of a brutal sexual assault.

    The victim, the daughter of a disappeared abductee during the 1976-1983 dictatorship and a member of the H.I.J.O.S human rights group, was brutally assaulted at her home in La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, by assailants earlier this month who identified themselves by using the slogan of President Javier Milei, according to reports. The news emerged Thursday, on the eve of the annual march commemorating the coup that brought the military junta to power some 48 years ago.

    Rights groups and politicians expressed horror at the news, which H.I.J.O.S described as a targeted “political attack.”

    The activist – who is not ready to reveal her identity – "was tied up, beaten and sexually abused" by two armed men who forced their way into her home in a "political attack motivated by her human rights and feminist militancy," denounced the organisation that seeks to recover the identity of babies appropriated during the dictatorship.

    The victim was attacked upon entry into her home after returning from work. The assailants were waiting for her and sexually abused and threatened her with death before leaving the message: "We did not come to rob you but to kill you, we’ve been paid to do that." Before leaving, they scrawled on a wall: “VLLC” – a reference to “Viva la libertad, carajo,” Milei’s trademark political slogan.

    "We know you work in human rights and we want you to shut up, next time we're going to kill you," the attackers allegedly said, according to H.I.J.O.S. member Diego López Torres. Owing to the repercussions of this case, Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni was asked on Thursday morning about the attack and the government’s reaction to it. “We expect the courts to advance with the clarification so that those responsible pay for their actions,” he said.

    ‘Legion of trolls’

    President Milei had not commented on the incident at press time, though many of his supporters online sought to cast doubt over the attack and question its veracity. The ‘@TraductorTeAma’ account on the X social network, one of Milei’s most vocal supporters online, claimed the incident was a Kirchnerite invention, writing: “We don’t believe them at all.” The Unión Cívica Radical were among the political parties to condemn the attack, expressing solidarity with the victim in a statement on X and calling for “the punishment of those responsible.”

    News of the incident comes just two days after the Marea Editorial publishing house, which specialises in human rights, denounced a digital campaign by “a legion of trolls” who defended the dictatorship in response to a publication about the Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. "The ideological tension that today characterises the political climate in Argentina escalates in all spheres and Marea's networks were no exception," the publishing house said in a statement.

    The shocking attack comes amid a politically tense climate because of the government's position on the dictatorship, which human rights organisations and parties from the centre-left consider "denialist." Both Milei and his vice-president, Victoria Villarruel – who is close to the military and has relations with a number of jailed dictatorship-era criminals – question the number of disappeared agreed upon by human rights organisations (30,000) and claim that the real figure is far less (around 8,700).

    Unconfirmed reports this week claimed that the government intends to announce a decree on Monday ordering that all military personnel convicted of crimes during the dictatorship and who are aged over 70 will be entitled to serve out the rest of their sentence under house arrest. Defence Minister Luis Petri denied those reports in a press conference on Thursday.

    According to reports on Thursday, the government is making a video to mark March 24 that will outline the Milei administration's position. It is expected to include a call for a "complete memory" of the era – a remark linked to the two demons theory that downplays state terrorism and has been voiced regularly by Villarruel. Since 2020, 77 attacks related to dictatorship denialism have been registered, six of which occurred so far this year, according to the Registro de Ataques de Derechas Argentinas Radicalizadas (RA-DAR) (“Registry of Attacks by Radicalised Argentine Right-wingers”). :::

    I've said this some time ago when I described to people who was milei and who were the people surrounding him. Despite all the economic madness, the inflation, devaluation and so on, the most macabre part will forever remain his attitude towards the Military Junta that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983 and especially, it's 30,000 victims. And I've said, about this specific topic, they're not coming back just to do some revisionism and denialism, because that's what they've been doing for decades now. No, they're also back with revanchism. The attack on HIJOS' militant is something different, it's just not a couple of trolls saying "It wasn't 30,000" on social media, this is different, this is emulating how the military and the police acted in the 70s and 80s, direct and planned attacks towards identified victims that includes sexual violence. They're sending a message to all of us.

    Tomorrow, 24th of March, marks another anniversary in which the Military Coup of 1976 is remembered. Each year, Human Rights activists summon people to gather in the main plazas to commemorate the victims and the Desaparecidos from that period. But tomorrow's 24th is special, because it's not only there to remember those who we lost, it is there to prepare us for what's to come.

    If the president himself continues to "like" tweets from straight up genocide denalists, then we're getting in trouble. If we continue down this road, things will get really bad.