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  • To establish as a social horizon the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man is to assert something that is biologically impossible, it is to deny the reality of the world, it is to assert the false.

    I'm immensely sick of transphobes framing this discussion as one that has to do with biology rather than linguistics.

    I always dust off this incredibly basic example. Imagine a conversation that goes like this:

    Transphobe: "Trans women are not women because they do not have XX chromosomes!"

    Trans Ally: "I disagree with that viewpoint."

    Let me ask you this: when the trans ally affirms his disagreement, do you think he is saying that he actually believes that trans women have a genetic tendency to have XX chromosomes or that he just merely thinks using XX chromosomes as a metric to define womanhood is nonsensical?

    Very clearly, it's the latter.

    This is so simple to understand that it seems insanely disingenuous when conservatives use the whole "denying biology" as a talking point, like they simply want to give a half-assed attempt at justifying their hate and appeal to the masses by framing their viewpoint as a "It'S Just COmMOn SENSe, DuH!" kind of position, and those who only know middle school biology will eat it up.

  • I see myself, just like Matt Taibbi seems to see himself, as a progressive striving for a society based on some form of socialism and justice.

    To then find myself on the same side of an issue as some staunch conservatives, and getting attacked for it, is mildly disturbing.

    The social fascist brainworm is truly something.

    • Maybe read a book or talk to some trans people before prejudicing a minority out of your ass and calling it insightful? All the bullshit arguments against transgenders are boringly recycled from the anti gay fights. This supposed scholar dares refrences fucking Karl Rove in the whole thing. Do these people not recongize this?

  • For T, the trans issue is something else. The individuals concerned must of course be protected. But the fixation of the Western middle classes on this ultra-minority issue raises a sociological and historical question.

    Yes I agree, chuds should find a different hobby than hyperfocusing on and harassing trans people.

    To establish as a social horizon the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man is to assert something that is biologically impossible, it is to deny the reality of the world, it is to assert the false.

    The leap from the previous sentence to this one is really something. So the fixation on trans people is the fault of trans people in other words? And this fixation, that is the fault of this minority, is going to cause the downfall of western civilazation? Well done, trans people, i guess. Unfortunate that you have to go through all that bullshit but it sounds like you all have the power of god in your hands.

    • Yes I agree, chuds should find a different hobby than hyperfocusing on and harassing trans people.

      It's wild that all it took for chuds to be

      over trans issues was a concerted effort by their billionaire backed media to make trans people a target. It doesn't help that the other MSM is wholly incapable of countering it, partly because they're backed by the same people, and because liberals are the most feckless cowards in existence. I fucking hate it

    • And this fixation, that is the fault of this minority, is going to cause the downfall of western civilazation?

      Is there something wrong with that?

    • To be fair, western civilization falling sounds merciful given the track record

  • Remember when Matt Taibbi's paper, the Buffalo Beast, went on an unhinged transphobic screed defending their use of slurs in response to being politely asked to not do that?

    I go on about the "vaguely left" American counter culture having been dominated by chauvinist libertine treat lads until most of those crystalized into full blown fascists around Gamergate, and Matt Taibbi really is like the poster boy for chauvinist libertine treat lads affecting leftist aesthetics because they want a bigger share of the empire's spoils and more personal freedom to do whatever they want. Really fits that his buddy, the editor in chief of the Buffalo Beast, went on to become a weirdo gamergator fascist.

  • Why would I concede on trans issues and just let them walk over me like that? This shit does affect me personally.

    As for "each side convinced that the other is trying not just to run the government but also to capture the state", not for nothing - We know for sure that multiple parties within the right are trying to pull some shit. Look at the New Apostolic Reformation crowd and the whole "seven mountains mandate" thing they have going on.

  • A place like MoA where they're able to see through quite a few imperial brainworms, generally with a well founded material analysis, yet not for this one, they're freeballing it not knowing shit claiming things that were long debunked in the previous century as fact. Anyway, not too surprised, they critfailed the analysis on Rittenhouse too iirc, bigotry in general must be the last security blanket holding down the pillow fort of their social reality.

  • Like, what. Am I supposed to just take it when people insult me on the basis of being trans? Nobody wants to do that, and it’s ridiculous that I’d be expected to.