Found a gem in the Blahaj modlog
Found a gem in the Blahaj modlog
Found a gem in the Blahaj modlog
they don't even seem to be tankies
The greatest insult I've seen levied at us
hexbears are libs confirmed
Arguing that cracker is a slur is very "all lives matter" energy.
Also who here thinks that USSR or China are fascist pretending to be communist? Like what the fuck even is that?
It doesn't have the connotation of a slur, but it's undeniably "a derogatory race-based term." I don't see how an in-person organization in the U.S. could be successful while allowing that, so it's always struck me as extremely online that we do.
This is a case of "page of reactionary screed that includes one decent point made poorly," and us being reflexively contrarian, which is 90% right when dealing with reactionaries but still leaves some considerable blind spots.
Arguing that cracker is a slur is very "all lives matter" energy.
A good measure of "not all men" energy too. White people need to learn to not identify with the construct of whiteness that makes white supremecy possible, just like men need to learn to not identify with the patriarchy.
I think he was arguing that "everyone" (
) thinks that they are that and therefore because "everyone" believes something that makes it true, which means hexbear are just trolls pretending to like the evil baddies just to mess with people.It's kind of interesting how they always seem to default to that kind of defence when they meet a radically different viewpoint to their own. They are so insular that they can't even imagine a person disagreeing with them honestly, all disagreement must be lies and trickery.
ya'll just want to stick things together that don't stick...
all lives matter is so far away from that
fuck off cracker
they're pretty adamant about communism but everyone thinks the USSR, CCP, etc are fascist dictatorships pretending to be communist.
How has anyone possibly come away from here with that takeaway? Most people I've interacted with here will have specific concrete criticisms with all of the above, not just "oh it's fascist". That kind of critique is more what you would see in sectarian ultra or trot spaces. I swear people just gossip about us or something.
When your understanding of fascism is preschool-level. It all comes back to the “totalitarian” shit, and these people claim to be the “true leftists.” This isn’t gossip, it's the one “compliment” they tried to give us.
lmao it's that weirdo
why does everybody who gets banned here feel the need to make an account on another instance to whine about it lol
I feel like a lot of them are coddled and had very sheltered upbringings. Getting mocked on hexbear is the first feeling of conflict in their whole lives. Remember that one guy who made a screenshot album of evertime someone on hexbear was rude to him? And it was like a hundred twenty images? They've never encountered backlash or a moment of discomfort in their entire lives so when they encounter us saying something as simple as "shut up cracker" it's like a knife to their gut
another kkkrakkka down
Unlimited bans upon users
This idiot doesn't realize I've given all my allies here the cracker-word pass.
Maybe if they'd just do a little research.
When did libs crying about Cracker becoming thing ?
Remeber few years ago that chuds whould get dunked by libs for doibg the same.
I believe it began over streamer drama, when twitch banned some big streamers over it.
Hasan has C-word privileges
Gamers are once again a disease
don’t understand the impulse to go around posting Ls like this, does admitting to being a fragile white ledditor have some benefit?
I assume getting offended by scary, civilityless hexbears is a rite of passage for them.
xor is a very common binary operator… i didn’t make up the word
Something about this meme's shitty image quality makes it funnier for some reason.
don't be a cracker, won't be called a cracker
I don't know how many people here have actually been to a Cracker Barrel but I was forced to go by a family member once and to this day I remember how racist it felt in there--it was like walking into a cracker miasma.
name checks out
I didn't notice it myself, but I only went there once and I was exhausted from landscaping for 12+ hours. I'll take you at your word, considering its general fanbase.
Lol imagine being upset about being called a cracker
We have got the be the worst place to troll. Every time some tries we just put them on blast till they get banned and then sit around laughing at how dumb they were.
That’s the bad trolls.
The good ones are less obvious and better at stoking drama in more subtle ways (ie taking the side of one faction on the site and leading a charge against another)
Not to mention we fill their inbox with
repliesCrackers seething
Also totally incapable of reading the room, we definitely are “tankies”
Yup, my whole bit when I started playing a mobile moba was to use some variation of this username and play tank and then just incite rage from the other team, tilting them, getting them to prioritize me, getting a set (crowd controlling their whole team.), emoting on them some more, win, repeat. So yes we are in fact some form of tankie, and we're great at what we do.
Crackers who want to say cracker is a racial slur be like:
Wtf? I love the USSR.
Cracker is a racial slur... And it's hilarious! Not only is the USSR and PRC based af, so is the DPRK and Cuba.
STFU tollhouse lib.
Maybe its just me but I think the majority of that comment just reads like
as a former HB user truth story.If someone gets offended by cracker, swap to calling them cumskin.
Or chalky
Smegma crackers, yummy 😋
My slurs against white people are so powerful, I'll be banned if I use them. I expect no less from the users of this fine site.
Oh man
I guess you shouldn't have angrily direct-messaged people about how much of a cracker you are!I can sometimes feel a bit sorry when a young, politically clueless person sees us talking about the evil that whiteness is and starts thinking "damn, my skin is kinda whitish, why they hate me :(", but also, that's not being the target of racism. One of the few cases where the typically right wing retort to grow a thicker skin is the actual solution, that and stop associating your light skin tone with the inherently racist conception of "the white race". But I find that once someone goes beyond that to being insulted by the word cracker, it's no longer such an innocent reaction.
salty crackers yum yum
It would be hilarious if the thing about us not being tankies was an intentional troll...but this cracker was still butthurt about being called a cracker and couldn't help complaining about it
Listen, I don't go into predominantly black communities and start lecturing them on their use of the N-word, so don't come in here and spill your spaghetti over the cough liberal use of the word cracker.
liberal use
Hexbear has fallen
Oh hey! I remember that guy from the modlog! Seems he's done a sequel.
I love the "everyone knows that socialist countries are (insert generic evil thing here)" stuff they do. Nothing showcases the lib herd mentality more than insisting that everyone either agrees with them or secretly agrees with them and is just brainwashed or something. They literally cannot fathom someone else having a different worldview or understanding than them.
Oh so that's where that cracker came from. "Wah they rightfully called me out for crackery after they wouldn't humor my Maher-assed, Colbert-assed, Stewart-assed debate-me headassed crackery" lmfao
what a fucking cracker. (it's ok i'm white so it's not a slur 😊)