Skip Navigation fundraising launch

When GreatAlbatross and I agreed to become Admins our guiding principle was that this couldn't be a project run and funded by an individual and subjects to their waxing and waning interest. Instead, this had to be a social network run by and for the users. That meant that we needed as much as possible to be open and transparent with no single point of failure. This should ensure that would be around as long as people needed it, possibly even outlasting the both of us.

To this end, now the server move has been competed, we move on to the next step in securing the instance's future - ensuring there are enough funds coming in to cover the cost of running the site.

Fortunately, the outgoings are pretty modest (£40/month) and so it will only take a few dozen people contributing a small amount each month to pay for everything.

With the ideas of openness and transparency in mind, and after listening to suggests from you, we have signed up with Open Collective. As we are using a fiscal host it doesn't require any donated money to be held in a personal bank account, all banking and accounts are done by them (in return for a set-up fee and 5%) and the state of the finances can be viewed on the Open Collective website.

As well as a custom option (where you can pay what you like when you like), we have set a few contribution tiers:

  • Regular subscription of £1 or £5 a month
  • One-off donations of £5 or £10

This should meet the regular costs and, hopefully, build up enough of a surplus to increase storage as needed or upgrade the hosting if there is a sudden influx of Reddit refugees again. GA and I have also been funding things from our own pocket up to this point and, when there is enough of a war chest built up, we will repay those costs.

There will be regular updates (probably around this time every month as the invoice for the server goes out on the 4th and regular contributions are collected on the 1st) where we'll explain the costs and summarise the fundraising efforts so far.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask below.

  • I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Emperor for their efforts here.
    They researched all the options available, then once we'd discussed and decided on a path/provider, took on all of the work arranging and attending the necessary rather official meetings to make it happen.
    Amazing work to get us over the line on this.

    (For anyone wondering why I put a large donation in: Emperor has been shouldering a lot more of the financials so far, and I'm keen to get them balanced. It's not a suggested amount, don't worry!)

  • I'll set up a regular payment later. I already contribute to my Mastodon instance, it's the right thing to do. 😊

    • It's clear this is the only way to keep the Fediverse going - if you like a service, drop a bit of cash in. After all:

      If you’re not paying for the product, then you are the product.

      Luckily, with the load shared across instances, the cost of running the sites means not everyone has to pay.

  • Thanks for setting this up, have contributed 🙂

    • Many thanks! We really appreciate contributions.
      A warm fuzzy feeling is now inbound to your current location.

  • nice! i am now all paid up. feels gooood 🙂

    thank you both for your hard work ❤️

    and absolutely, don't feel guilty at all for repaying both of your personal costs from the budget. the point of open collective is so that we can see that you are making payments within reason. in my opinion, that includes compensating yourself for the personal expenses prior to today, so that it retroactively restores the funding back to being equitable

    if you could give us a rough idea of what that personal expense was, i'd appreciate that

    • and absolutely, don’t feel guilty at all for repaying both of your personal costs from the budget. the point of open collective is so that we can see that you are making payments within reason. in my opinion, that includes compensating yourself for the personal expenses prior to today, so that it retroactively restores the funding back to being equitable

      Thanks for that. It can feel a little.. unBritish to discuss money but it is important.

      if you could give us a rough idea of what that personal expense was, i’d appreciate that

      Yes indeed, I am drawing up a spreadsheet now. I was going to drop it into the financial update next month but I can drop it in here when it's ready. As the server was on standby until the move the hosting was less, as you'll see.

    • Thank you for the contribution :)

      We'll probably work things out in a few days, I would like to defer estimates to Emperor as they incurred the bulk of it! Probably £100 or so.

  • Tried the £40 yesterday but it said details are mismatched via bank transfer. Is that because the tier was already taken? the OC page said 1 slot was available, not claimed.

    • As far as I know, no. If it has a slot, it should work.

      The £40 tier was a bit of a fumble for us.
      We didn't realise people would be keen to donate a whole month's expenses, until several people had already done it!
      So I set the £40 one up for the future, where it'll be available once per month.

      • Just contributed a small amount just now £5.00 - not much, but i just read the frontend announcement, i'll def chip in more in the future!