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  • Wow, this is pretty amazing. How did you create a new post on NodeBB from Lemmy?

    • just mention the category actor in a new post and NodeBB will associate it with the category 🙂

      • @julian Nice! Thank you! :smilingfacewithhearts:

        You might want to set up a test forum, so people can try it out. That way it does not clutter up the conversation list with tests. :slightlysmilingface:

        Curious to see if these emojies come through. :whiteexclamationmark:

  • It works outwards, I'm not seeing inward traffic though

    • ah I think I can explain that... an unrelated boost caused my instance to fall over for a little while heh.

      • It's super cool and I'm glad to see it working properly. I don't think you understand how truly awesome this is, but thanks for all the work you put in to make it happen.

    • Never mind, I see everything properly in Jerboa. It's just Sync for Lemmy being shit and outdated as to why I can't see things properly from it. A new update can't come soon enough.

  • I see this in my own forum, because it synchronized to, and then to me. How was it posted? By using the NodeBB forum as a Lemmy community?