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China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report Still (

Attached: 3 images tldr: GitCode or China is attempting to mirror/clone the entire GitHub over to their own servers and there's nothing you can do about it, even if your license somehow disagrees with it. Apparently China now has their own GitHub/public Git repository hosting service called GitCod...

Still (

cross-posted from:

GitCode, a git-hosting website operated Chongqing Open-Source Co-Creation Technology Co Ltd and with technical support from CSDN and Huawei Cloud.

It is being reported that many users' repository are being cloned and re-hosted on GitCode without explicit authorization.

There is also a thread on Ycombinator (archived link)

  • When I type "Beej" in their search bar, my network guide shows up in the pick list, but then it 403s when I try to go there.

    Didn't see any other of my repos there. I'm confident they don't have my private repos. And even if they did, I don't have any sensitive information stored there, of course.

    I guess I could worry about this or be mad about it, but there seems to be literally nothing actionable here.