Today: many Protests in Europe. Serbia, Hungary, Romania & Italy.
Today: many Protests in Europe. Serbia, Hungary, Romania & Italy.
Today: many Protests in Europe. Serbia, Hungary, Romania & Italy.
Meanwhile in America... 🤐🤫
That is such a lot of people, such a lot of people sufficiently motivated to spend their day protesting. What I struggle to get my head around is what they achieve. I admire them being vocal and taking action at potential risk to themselves but what I take away is that you could have a million people at a protest and it still wouldn’t magically make a government or a president stand down. Does a protest need to be part of a larger strategy to cause paralysis to the state, to cause economic pain or to orchestrate violence. Simply getting mega amounts of people to turn out seems like a massive achievement but it isn’t actually working..
Look at protesters as the pawns in chess. They are the wall between the people willing to kill in [unofficial] war and the enemy.
What are they protesting in Italy? Ferrari's shit strategy in the AUS GP? (jk)
Lewis really should've tried the k1 button
For real, I'm pretty sure there's a saying about the K1... If you think your race is done, press the K1
But also seriously what are they protesting, haven't heard shit about this in the UK and everyone assuming I already know is not helping.
The main thing I've heard online is that it's a pro-europe movement, particularly in support or rearming the EU, particularly in response to current US actions.
I was speaking to an Italian guy at the pub on the weekend and he said that's totally wrong and it's just protesting general government corruption. I don't know if he's more credible than the internet, being Italian is a big plus but being a man at the pub means it's likely wrong. Maybe there are protests for both.
It might be shit, but at least they did it with both cars. Wait...
The estimates for the Belgrade protest go as far as 800k participants.
Serbia has a population of 6.6 million.
800k participants.
A little background info on number of the 1st picture: According to the comments of the Serbian Pic I stole:
-The initial numbers of participants were extremely underrereported (100 K) by Reuters.
-The whole city seemed packed according to witnesses. so all the streets and parks were full with people ( as seen on drone images), he reckoned to add the cities population of 1.5 M to the tally.
-Others said that the other ( smaller) cities & towns seemed empty.
-Therefore, he guesstimated: 1.6 M and counting..
he reckoned to add the cities population of 1.5 M to the tally.
That would mean 90% of Belgrade was in the streets that day. As intense the popular support of the protests is, that number is surely a strech. 800k is already quite mind-boggling by the standards of the country... actually, by the standards of any country.
Edit: "The number of protesters present in Belgrade at the protest is disputed: the official government figure provided by MUP was 107,000, an analysis by the Archive of Public Meetings found there were between 275,000 and 325,000 present "with the possibility that the number was even higher,"[499] and Božo Prelević [sr], the former MUP minister, estimated there were at least half a million protesters.[500]" (Wikipedia)
The Reuters number was simply taken from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP), which obviously preferred to keep the number low.
It seems like every time that I read Serbia's population number, it's less than the last time. 30 years of population decline must suck for a society.
Yes, it will hurt in the medium term because of the ratio of economically active ones, but overpopulation is bad in the long term.
Czech Republic has been compensating low birth rates with immigration. Maybe the factors that cause few people to migrate to Serbia are larger contributors to the "suck" you've been talking about.
Adding this in case it’s helpful:
Defending against LRAD:
Defending against microwave:
I am proud of my European brothers and sisters. 💪
Where's the picture of the protests in America?
...Oh yea...
Sir, we are on a European community. US is irrelevant.
I will however concede that there's probably a greater percentage of the country protesting than there are/ would be in the US. Probably because they get better education and workers rights to be able to devote the time, and more walkable cities with better public transport to get there.
They are being suppressed in media coverage, but there are people protesting. Media coverage paints a false picture that no one in the US is fighting back
Here's one from today with 1000 people in Boise, Idaho
Here's a super incomplete timeline with just a handful of the nationwide protests. I'm missing a lot, I'm just showing your the photos I had from recent memory
8 days ago there were national protest for science funding cuts. Here's the main one in DC
11 days ago there were nationwide protests in all 50 US state capitols + DC + Many cities within those states. This was part of the 50501 movement
Portland, Oregon
Monroe, Wisconsin
San Fransisco, California
Albany, New York
Raleigh, North Carolina
Richmond, Virginia
Austin, Texas
Protests Outside Fox News in New York City
16 days ago there were large protest in the Iowa Statehouse
19 days ago, a protest in Cherry Hill, New Jersy outside Tesla Showroom as part of a nationwide movement protesting Telsas. There have been tons more than just this one and these happen basically every day
21 days ago, large protests in DC for Ukraine aid
And so on. There's a lot more going on than just this
The revolution will not be televised.
Thank you for posting this. I'm so sick of ignorant people outside my country (US) spouting nonsense about nothing happening here.
These people are almost as bad as the US conservatives when it comes to believing only what they see on their news.
Actual bravo.
If we had shitty rewards, I'd give you a Lemmy Latinum.
One thing to keep in mind is how geographically huge the US is comparatively and it makes it a lot harder to organize massive protests. Serbia is about the size of Wisconsin which is a relatively medium size state. Add that into the fact that the US is a very car dependent country where some people live 2 - 3 hours away from their capital or even a city. I'm not using this as an excuse, just a possible reason why ours in the US aren't big yet. I went to a couple in my state and I was extremely happy with everyone there but also extremely disappointed with the turnout. And I had to drive an hour and a half just to get there. I can't imagine how difficult it is for others in the bigger states.
It could be a lot of cope on my end, but I can't just assume everyone is just giving up. The last thing the US needs right now is apathy.
Serbia also only has about 20% more inhabitants than Wisconsin. 🙂
I feel this is a lack oft creativity. Protests need to be peaceful, but disruptive. In a car based society, protest by car? If 5,000,000 cars "meet up" in any given metropolitan area, that areas productivity goes to zero, those in power won't even have any recourse, there aren't enough police/towtrucks to counter this, and if so it would take days or weeks. Only coordinated driving and parking/traffic jam required.
Effective protest should instill fear in those in power - the message is, with the sheer number of people right outside your building, could easily crush you if they so choose. A few guards can not offer protection in this case. The idea is, with this realization, that violence is not a good escalation, as in the end the powerful few will never come out on top.
This only works if the powerful few actually believe the masses will go as far as needed to effect the demanded change.
From outside, it appears the US protests favor comfort over conflict, thus are viewed as lacking credibility and therefore, pose no danger to the power class. As long as the individual prioritizes their selves before acting as a collective, including taking the risk of collective punishment, the protest remains unbelievable, therefore ineffective and easily ignored.
Serbia has like a quarter population of NYC.
I don't know why there aren't any mass protests in the US, but that ain't it.
One thing to keep in mind is that this never seemed to have been an issue during the WoT or 1% protests.
You've got to be kidding me. I'm sitting here in Canada preparing for the unthinkable because the citizens of the country closest to us in every way can't be bothered to take a day off work or get from behind the screen. Need apathy? If you haven't noticed they're full on into it for decades already.
That's bullshit though. You don't have to protest at Washington DC. You don't think the people in Serbia didn't drive or ride 2-3 hours to get there?
I hate to break it to you, but Americans are cowardly crabs in a bucket. More content with stepping on each other in a sad attempt to get ahead of the rest.
I can’t just assume everyone is just giving up
But if people really are just giving up, we need to recognize it.
I think a lot of people are unhappy but don't know what to do. Just going to a general protest doesn't seem like enough. And there's no obvious leader to the opposition.
This is the stage of the conflict where we try to minimize the damage until the next election. That's not a very motivating message, but that's where we are. I suggest you pick an organization and do what you can with them. There are others, but personally I picked Indivisible:
Being censored.
They gonna post hundreds of posts about their political problems before they protest.
before they protest.
*instead of protesting.
Search the other replies on this thread and you'll see plenty of protests.
Stop believing everything you see (or don't see) on the news. You're making the same mistake brainwashed conservatives are making here in the US, and they are the core of the Trump problem.
There are huge protests in NYC practically daily. Most protests around the nation are at major cities or state capitals, so the numbers are far smaller.
The link for the protest in Romania is about a small but violent protest that happened earlier this week. This article is about the protest today which was a pro-European one.
The link for the protest in Romania is about a small but violent protest that happened earlier this week
Correct. I updated it. tnx
" A Fish with its Mouth Closed Never Gets Caught" lol
Very interesting.
The Hungarian and Serbian protests are pretty clear cut. Former was a rally on a national holiday by the opposition lead, while the Serbs finally have a clear and open reason to demand blood. The Italian one feels like it's almost a direct answer to the Trump-Zelensky mis-hap (or maybe I just saw the call to protest pop up around then).
What's happening in Romania though? What I got from the article is that there was no proven link to the Russians. That seems like a tough nut to crack. The nationalists are in the streets protesting for democracy? Are there many?
Such exciting times! Thanks for the post.
What's happening in Romania though?
Yeah, good point, it is confusing. The link I posted earlier, was a prior protest. Today, was another protest though, which was Pro-European and anti- extremism
+I'll edit OP link to the more recent one. tnx
Was at the one in Bucharest. Was a little disappointing tbh. Was just a photo op with extra steps. Organizers maneuvered the crowd into the formation they wanted for the photo, took the photo, then wished everyone a good night and wandered off.
This is hope
There's not a single palestinian flag on this picture.