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About This Community, Submission Guidance, Standards, and Moderation Policy


This is a curated news community with high standards for submissions. US news is the primary focus, but world events are also covered and welcome.

Mis-/disinformation, propaganda, and yellow journalism are rampant on the internet, and social media has only amplified the problem. The rules, post standards, and moderation policies established for this community are an attempt to curtail that and provide a reliable and objective source of world events from as many reputable sources as possible.

The purpose of this post is to provide complete transparency to the standards for posting and the moderation policies we use. Additionally, each of the community rules is explained in detail along with the rationale for implementing that rule.


Community Rules Explained

Moderation Policy

The rules in this community are strictly enforced. Infringing posts will be removed as soon as they are known to an admin/mod. I strongly believe in transparency, so here is the protocol for how posts are moderated:

  1. If your post is found to be infringing on a rule, you will receive a reply from a mod/admin stating which rule was broken and in what way as well as guidance for how to proceed (see #3 below).
  2. The infringing post will be locked for further comments and removed.
  3. Depending on the nature of the rule violation, the mod reply will advise you in one of the following ways:
    • You will be encouraged to resubmit after making the necessary corrections. (e.g. If you accidentally used an archive link for the source, you'll be asked to resubmit with the original URL)
    • You will be specifically told not to resubmit the post (e.g. you've linked to a tabloid/non-reputable source)
    • If this a repeat violation and a ban is warranted, you will be informed of that as well as the duration.

Remember: a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on. That's why we immediately remove posts that are in violation rather than allowing the poster to edit them; they may not respond immediately giving a non-truth a huge head start.

Ban Policy

Repeat offenders are subject to a temporary or ultimately permanent ban. This isn't baseball, and it's not a three-strikes policy; it depends on which rule was broken, how often, and in what way(s). Some rule violations are more egregious than others. For example, repeatedly submitting non-reputable news sources after receiving warnings will result in a ban. Being uncivil in the comments will also get you a ban.

Temporary bans range from 1 to 7 days. Continued violations after temporary bans are lifted will ultimately result in a permanent ban from the community.

All of the rules are important, but some are easy to forget about. Minor infractions to those will typically be dealt with much more leniently, typically by removing the post and providing guidance for re-submission. However, consistently and/or flagrantly violating them can still result in a ban from the community.


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