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Grayjay is not Open Source

Today FUTO released an application called Grayjay for Android-based mobile phones. Louis Rossmann introduced the application in a video (YouTube link). Grayjay as an application is very promising, but there is one point I take issue with: Grayjay is not an Open Source application. In the video Louis explains his reason behind the custom license, and while I do agree with his reason, I strong disagree with his method. In this post I will explain what Open Source means, how Grayjay does not meet the criteria, why this is an issue, and how it can be solved.

  • Personal opinion, but the license is fine, and this is a sensationalist headline. The author's claims are not proven correct, and they even write:

    The second point is weird. I am not certain, but this too could be considered discrimination...

    They are not certain because they are incorrect.

    As it stands, it sounds like a variant of GPL which they're using to make sure they don't get sued if it's used maliciously, along with ensuring companies don't try to profit on what they give away (read comment below for better details).

    I'm open to changing my mind, but it would need to be changed.

    • ensuring companies don't try to profit on what they give away.

      That's a common misunderstanding of FLOSS software: it isn't about "not letting others profit", it's about "you need to give back in order to profit".

      If a company wants to profit from someone else's GPL licensed software, they can do it in exchange for letting the original company profit from the second one's changes to the software.

      If you don't want to profit from other people's changes to your software, then by all means, use a more restrictive license, there won't be changes in the first place.

      If you're a user expecting the software to work after the original company got bored with it or gone under, then you want either a different company to take over, or you're SOL.

  • One can certainly argue it's not "open source" so much as "source available", but I don't think it's that controversial.

    They're providing a product, and obviously don't want other people slapping their name on it and selling what they worked hard to make. Their license makes it easier for them to enforce that.

    They also obviously don't want people creating malicious forks of their program, like what keeps happening with NewPipe. So their license also makes it easier for them to enforce that.

    If you want to encourage more companies to make their source code available, then maybe we shouldn't shit on those that are.

    Plus, per Rossman's own words, you don't even have to buy Grayjay for it to work, it'll just ask you, ala Winrar. Give them a break.

    • One can certainly argue it's not "open source" so much as "source available".

      That's the whole argument. It can be a very nice and useful product, but just don't say "it's open source"

      • If you read into the blog post this links to, you'll find that is only the opening argument, not the whole argument as you say.

        My first paragraph reacts to that... and to be honest, I'm still going to say isn't that controversial.

        When most people think of Open Source, they're not thinking about the OSL, they're thinking colloquially (as in the source being open to the public). I suspect he was using that wording colloquially as well - whether that was a slip up or intentional, I don't know, but considering he goes out of his way to let us know about the way Grayjay's licensing works, I don't think he's trying to hide anything by it.

        The rest of what I said afterwards was my first reaction towards the rest of the blog, and I stand by it.

  • I don't agree with the assessment of the OP or the original blog article. Grayjay is Open Source software.

    It is, however, NOT FREE SOFTWARE and I do know that organizations like the FSF and OSI do not consider it to be free.

    The free status of this software was never misrepresented by Louis Rossman. He blatantly explains that there is a cost to this software and that the license is how he plans to enforce his means of collecting this fee on the honor system.

    He also outlines how he cannot; and will not...stop anyone from forking this software and basically removing the payment bits of the code and just redistributing it under a different name. I strongly recommend someone does that...and maybe license that work under a much more unrestrictive free license that FLOSS-Only users might find more palatable.

    I get that nobody wants or needs to trust Louis to keep his word. He's gotta run a business at some point...and distributing this software this way on the honor system might not pan out quite the same way he hopes it will. I do hope that at the point where he and his compatriots choose to stop maintaining the application; that they do immediately retcon this restrictive license; and re-release it under a new, free, and unrestrictive Open Source Software license.

  • My issue is with the fact that FUTO wishes to have exclusive rights to monetise Grayjay. The public should have the right to vote with their wallets on who they want to maintain their software. If someone else can do a better job than FUTO, why should he not get paid? Yes, FUTO are the ones who spent money upfront to develop Grayjay in the first place, but they are also the ones from whom people will be buying at first. No one is going to pay Bob instead just because he changed the icon. But if FUTO were to drop the ball at some point in the future and Bob were to pick it up, why should Bob not be able to get paid?

    Because there are companies who would to pay no dev costs, slap their branding on something, and monetize it, but who will also use their market clout (or walled garden control) to not provide a better product, but just make buying it from the actual developers less convenient, or limit interoperability with the original product.

    We do not live in a world of conscientious consumers who will go out of their way to pay the developers who actually made something, we live in a world where whoever's version is at the top of the app store gets the most downloads.

    No one is going to pay Bob instead just because he changed the icon.

    This is just ridiculously naive. When Bob is actually named 'Amazon', 'Microsoft', 'Google', etc, people will trust them more than random app developer company.

    • Go ahead and tell me one piece of FOSS which was maintained by one person and got screwed over by MS/Amazon/Google. These big companies will more likely than not just hire the dev than trying to outcompete them.

      On the flipside, tell me how many huge VC-funded companies started with "real" open source and then switched to a "source available" license after they acquired customers and favored profits over community goodwill?

  • It's non-free, it's non-libre, but it does pass the bar of open source software. The OSI, EFF, RMS or whoever don't have to say it is in order for it to be true.

    You can distribute it but there are limitations on it, you can make a fork of Grayjay that is free to use, review, re-distribute and add parts to it adhering to other open source licenses from whence they were developed as long as it's non-commercial, and doesn't make any representations on behalf of FUTO or Rossman, essentially.