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This Website Will Self Destruct

ironically, as of writing it has not self-destructed for... 37 months, 7 days, 9 hours, and 32 minutes, but this is a cool project. like most of the people who have heard of this, i heard about it at the peak of COVID. it seems it found quite a niche.

  • Thanks for sharing this, its the first I'd seen of it. It feels like a kinda message-in-a-bottle sorta thing. The few messages I read were a melancholy mix of people who were clearly going through some hard times, and people trying to share some positivity. (And also some chain-email style "If you see this message pass it on," messages; very nostalgic.)

  • It's fascinating to me that for the past 37 months and 7 days at least one person per day has written a note there. Like even on Christmas and New Year's Eve at least one person thought this experiment should continue.

  • The messages you find on this site feels reminiscent of postsecret. Some messages novel, some dire, some utterly terrifying; but it's almost always something interesting.

  • It’s a strangely fascinating experiment. Gives me flashbacks from scribbling messages on desks in high school.

  • eyyyy, this site! occasionally I’ll go on and click through for a bit; I have a file where I save any messages that strike me, whether for the point of view, the story, or the emotion. Definitely way more “if you see this add your name” copypastas now than in 2020 though.

  • I remember this popping up in the pandemic, I read some really wholesome messages on there.