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Eric Schmidt: ‘We’re not going to hit the climate goals. I’d rather bet on AI solving the problem.’ With "alien intelligence"!

  • Cyberpunk fantasy: corporations' top level hierarchy is full of greedy, soulless, ruthless, cold and calculist people

    Reality: corporations' top level hierarchy is full of greedy, soulless people you thought only existed as satire in The Onion

  • Where's that person who was arguing with me last time that AI doesn't actually use that much energy and the corps missing their climate goals was not AI related

    • how much it does use anyway? 5GWe was from delusional openai talk for investors, so maybe lower

      • That's the fucking problem, it's impossible to tell since MSFT won't tell you directly, and only the people who run the datacenters could.

        The only relatively reliable numbers I was able to find were in this research paper by Luccioni and Strubell from ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency 2024. Now, that's an obscure conference (not even ranked by CORE), by Dr. Luccioni appears to be right on the money about dangers of AI (

  • Eric Schmidt trying to think of an AI conversation and coming up with "How do I build a house? Step 1: Hire a contractor ..." is like the Schmidt version of Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.

  • "Alien intelligence" is the most pathetic excuse so far for the fact their models can't be made sense of.

  • If it takes one to know one, then I'd really have to doubt this guy's ability to find intelligence of any sort, alien or not.