Yud goes full seed oil-ist
Yud goes full seed oil-ist
Yud goes full seed oil-ist
Random blue check spouts disinformation about "seed oils" on the internet. Same random blue check runs a company selling "safe" alternatives to seed oils. Yud spreads this huckster's disinformation further. In the process he reveals his autodidactically-obtained expertise in biology:
Are you eating animals, especially non-cows? Pigs and chickens inherit linoleic acid from their feed. (Cows reprocess it more.)
Yes, Yud, because that's how it works. People directly "inherit" organic molecules totally unmetabolized from the animals they eat.
I don't know why Yud is fat, but armchair sciencing probably isn't going to fix it.
The whole ‘trad clean’ market on twitter is wild. You’d be amazed at the mark ups of like, tortilla chips.
given how much of his schtick is a sort of semi-theological EvoPsych descendant (ie. there is a perfect rational way for a human brain and body to work & it developed that was and the only thing that can surpass it is post-humanism & AI), one wonders how he thinks humanity could have gotten this far if it's dangerous to eat seeds or any non-cow animals that eat seeds. You'd think at some point in 300K years we'd have evolved to safely digest more widely available forms of fat, Yud.
Carves reality at the seams.
Oops, anyone know how to stitch reality back together again?
@saucerwizard @sneerclub ”And is there another meta-analysis showing the opposite? I kinda just don't trust those anymore, unless somebody I trust vouches for the meta-analysis”
@mojala @saucerwizard @sneerclub Almost 20 years of Rationalism, and he is at the level of an average conspiracy theorist. And he wanted to teach others on how to think better.
Googling "seed oil conspiracy" has a link from that notorious den of lies, Harvard
Some meta-analyses do kinda have the vibe of collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps, combining weak studies and claiming a strong result. (Case in point: some of the bogus studies of ivermectin etc for covid). Not all of them, but if you're not working in a field (and good at evaluating methods etc) you probably should wait for someone in the field to evaluate meta-analyses in the field.
@saucerwizard "New diet villain just dropped." New? Come on Yud, the far/weird right has been shouting about this for years. r/StopEatingSeedOils/ is 4 years old for example. (It def is older than that)
Yud himself has been on this particular train for years. In one of his dath ilan fanfic blog-stains, he bemoaned the evils of our society killing babies with omega-6 nutrition bags.
@zogwarg wait what jesus that is not what omega-6 doe... and lol after all these years I can still discover new weird old stuff about them.
"carving reality at the joints" - does this mean anything?
Only finer-grained concepts like "linoleic acid" are useful for carving reality at the joints.
His metaphors mix worse than seed oil and water.
xcancel link, since nitter.net is kaput.
New diet villain just dropped. Believe or disbelieve this specific one, "fat" or even "polyunsaturated fat" increasingly looks like a failure as a natural category. Only finer-grained concepts like "linoleic acid" are useful for carving reality at the joints.
This systematic review and meta-analysis doesn't seem to indicate that linoleic acid is unusually bad for all-cause mortality or cardiovascular disease events.
Yud writes back:
And is there another meta-analysis showing the opposite? I kinda just don't trust those anymore, unless somebody I trust vouches for the meta-analysis.
Ah, yes, the argumentum ad other-sources-must-exist-somewhere-um.
This systematic review and meta-analysis doesn't seem to indicate that linoleic acid is unusually bad for all-cause mortality or cardiovascular disease events. And is there another meta-analysis showing the opposite? I kinda just don't trust those anymore, unless somebody I trust vouches for the meta-analysis
"I only trust meta-analyses if the results agree with me"
Poor Yud's Bayes must have broken.