Vote Now for the 2024 Lemmy Manga Awards
Vote Now for the 2024 Lemmy Manga Awards
Vote Here!
Voting is officially open for the 2024 Lemmy Manga Awards. The voting window will remain open until ~05:00 UTC on Dec. 30th (1 week from this post). I have included the final list of nominees (in case you missed it earlier this week) below with each category as a spoiler tag to help keep them organized. Special thanks to for creating the graphics in each category.
Voting is done using STAR Voting. So, you will be able to assign each nominee a score from 0-5. The higher your score, the more you want that candidate to win or think it is more deserving. You can assign multiple nominees the same score, indicating that you have no preference between the two of them. For more info on STAR voting, check wikipedia. I have also included below, a quick visual reference to help:
Thank you everybody for taking the time to submit nominations for these awards. I have learned a lot of lessons from this endeavor and have already thought of lots of ways that these can be improved on for next year. So, if you have thoughts/ideas/concerns, definitely share them with me either in this thread or reach out to me privately.
Finally, a reminder that there are also elections happening for anime and light novels as well:
Happy Voting!