Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi • Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! - Episode 4 discussion
Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi • Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! - Episode 4 discussion
Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi • Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable! - Episode 4 discussion
Yes. Yes they are. I don't really like the MC tho
He is pretty generic, but that's better than whatsisface from Rent-A-Girlfriend
Having visited relatives in Edmonton, Canada, I can appreciate the central place that malls in snowbound cities take in modern cultural life there.
Absorbing local slang into my vocabulary is something that I've experienced too.
The warming patches though. That strikes me as a bit weird.
I moved a lot growing up (I went to ~10 schools before finishing high school). Picking up local expressions is totally a thing that happens without you even realizing it. The other part of that is that I often would say things after a move and get confused expressions because I didn't know that something was just a local expression from a previous home and wasn't widely known. When I was younger, I used to pick up the local accent as well if there was one. However, I have found that I don't pick up the accents as much these days as an adult.
Having lived for a while in Phoenix, Arizona, I can also confirm that malls serve as a gathering place in very hot climates. At least, pre-internet, my friends and I at the time would usually end up hanging at the mall or the community pool. It was way too hot outside to do anything else really.
Having lived in pretty snowy places before (and a kind of snowy place now), the portrayal here isn't bad. Things don't shut down completely during snow events, but they don't run like nothing is happening either. Typically people will stock up on food and stuff a couple days before a forecasted storm to try to avoid having to go out during the snow. This also helps the plows do their job because there are fewer other people getting in their way so roads and parking lots return to normal more quickly.
Also, we used to keep a couple days worth of non-perishable food in the pantry at any given time in case of extended periods of being snowed in or without power. This is also a reason many people preferred gas stoves as opposed to electric, since you could light the stove with matches and still cook things even if the power is out.
We have yet to meet the third gal from the OP/ED. So, I wonder if she is going to show up soon.
The daughter had to get her super adorable qualities from somewhere
She inherited the flirty genes too apparently...