Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws
Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws

Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws

Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws
Pornhub to leave five more states over age-verification laws
This is part one of the religious rights plan to go after porn sites and their patrons. Don’t give them your ID. If they get power, it will come back on you.
I don't think pornhub wants your ID.
I live in Texas and just tested the site to see if anyone has changed. It hasn't since they essentially shut down here.
It's a full page statement about Texas politicians.
There's no option to submit an ID even if a person wanted to do so.
But maybe I've misunderstood who "them" is in your comment.
It's not pornhub that wants your id, it's the facist states, so they can have a registry of who's not aligned with their puritanical ideals.
To add to this, the repugs are going to demand user access data next and identity confirmation stuffs.
They’ll see everyone’s porn habits. And have addresses for everyone watching anything except all the fucked up incest porn.
If they wanted to do that I'm sure they could get the data from ISPs already.
Age verification bills are just virtue signaling for politicians.
Not if you use a VPN. But now it wouldn't matter even if you were using a VPN because if you want any porn you'll need to submit a state-issued ID for "verification" purposes.
Im not sure ISP’s wouldn’t fight against turning that data over- and it would be hard to prove that it’s necessary for some kind of law enforcement access. (Unless they outright make porn illegal.) which would make it hard to acquire the necessary warrants (normally).
Whereas, it would be a relatively simple enforcement claim to say they need to see all that data to ensure PH’s identification compliance.