Help disabling "Possible spelling mistake found" in vimtex
Hi everyone,
could someone help a desperate student to turn off the 'Possible spelling mistake found' in LaTeX files with the vimtex plugin. It's been 3h now and I still dont have any idea on how to turn this off (or at least change the language, but knowing how to do both would be really cool). I tried everything I could, still don't kow where this is from.
Help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Do you have the language set within the .tex document itself?
Or something like that. You may need to /usepackage{babel} as well or similar. I haven't played around much with LaTeX, so not sure this will work or not--but everything I've seen indicates that the TeX document language setting is what will key the LSP language setting.
Yes, just found out it’s not actually latex related, thought this because the spelling mistake text never showed up before, I try what you said later, thank you for your help !