Kentucky MAGA Republican James Comer, Chair of the House Oversight Committee, has been exposed as basically a con man with his phony Hunter Biden bribe witness. Now he is trying to rewrite the history of Trump and Covid.Comer’s latest stunt to try to whitewash Trump’s role in the unnecessary death o...
of at least a half-million Americans is to argue — nonsensically — that the virus came out of the Wuhan virology lab and therefore something, something, something Trump is not responsible. He’s doing this with House Oversight Committee hearings this week.
I have doubts that it even approaches 1B if he sells it all. And that is assuming he actually could sell and it's not all tied up in various money juggling maneuvers or solely his (as far as hotels, resorts, etc)
Tell that to the twice impeached former president. He not only put himself up in what he considered luxury, but he also placed the secret service in that same hotel at the tax payers expense while charging extortionate rates, just because he could.