Even More Necrons
Even More Necrons
This has grown on me.
Even More Necrons
This has grown on me.
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Awesome! Mind me asking what paints you used? I'm considering starting a Necron army at some point and love the vibe of these.
Necron Body:
Dark Purple - Pro Acryl
Macragge Blue - Citadel
Magic Blue - Game Color
Voidshield Blue - Army Painter Warpaints
After each color is a 50/50 blend with the next color.Full cover with the dark purple, then "directional color" ) akin to a zenithal prime. Each new layer gets smaller, to just highlights with the voidshield.
Energy glow:
Screamer pink - Citadel
Bold titanium white - Pro Acryl
Magenta fluorescent - vallejo model color
Coat the whole area in pink. Highlight areas in white. Coat everything (overlap onto the blue) with Magenta fluorescent, as it is transparent."Gold" Accents on characters:
Mephiston red - Citadel
Gryph-hound orange - Citadel
Trollslayer orange - Citadel
Dorn yellow - Citadel
Cost area in mephiston. Lightly coat with gryph-hound. Directional color with trollslayer (same direction as the blues), then light highlights with dorn yellow.Thanks to its transparency, it is easy to use the Magenta for simple "object source lighting" effects.