America’s wealthiest people are also some of the world’s biggest polluters – not only because of their massive homes and private jets, but because of the fossil fuels generated by the companies they invest their money in.
America’s wealthiest people are also some of the world’s biggest polluters – not only because of their massive homes and private jets, but because of the fossil fuels generated by the companies they invest their money in.
This is true for almost anything. Major corporations, and the investors that profit off of them, pay so little in taxes compared to the average citizen. Instead, their money is devoted to lobbying and setting up careful corporate international glass houses so they don’t have to pay the taxes they should. We can push much harder on tackling social issues, but the top 10% don’t exist in society, they lord over it
How much money does the top 1% have and how much do you think it will cost to clean up the world? Those two numbers are not even within 3 years of global GDP dipshit.
Last year they increased their wealth by 8 trillion usd.
Since 2021 their combined wealth is 42 trillion usd. (Thats twice as much as the rest 99% combined)
It is estimated that to fix the climate crisis it takes between 300 billion - 50 trillion usd. So they actually could do that.
And than there is the matter of comparing personal profit of a few. To the entire value produced by a country. Which is a really dumb comparison.
But you might know that the gdp of the us in 2021 was around 23 trillion.