Only if you're an idiot that compares the attempted genocide of a people to a leader ensuring trade routes remain open for businesses and a city's residents aren't traumatized by racist children that like to make noise.
Are you talking about those antivax pieces of garbage who harassed homeless people and local businesses because another country wouldn't let them across their border?
Yes, I'm not aware of another one? EDIT (For those that've only seen the movies, there's a lot of discussion of propaganda and governance in the novel, it's not an "action novel" like in the show, it's a commentary on fascism among other things)
Do you think it's wrong to freeze the bank accounts of members of al Qaeda?
What's the distinction between a member of al Qaeda and a Nazi? Both are foreign groups that use violence to get their way. Both groups are considered enemies of Canada.
Should members of al Qaeda be allowed to do as they please in Canada because "they just have different ideals?"
It was perfectly legal. And those protestors asked for things like "no vaccine required to enter USA", Trudeau had nothing to do with that. Those protestors then degenerated into various conspiracy, and basically wanted to remove Trudeau and put a dictator instead. It was almost a coup, not a "protest".
I don't disagree politically bro, I disagree scientifically, and logically. Our government had a responsibility to remove you terrorists, they just did it a way that allows you twats to act like your oppressed.
You? I'm just a Yank who sees injustice. I don't know anything about it other than a person in power froze the people's bank account of some of its citizens and that's wild asf. If they were Nazis I wasn't aware but it's still not okay to take money someone earned. Make a law that fines Nazis if you have to but don't just freeze people's bank accounts, that's fucked up.
Most frozen accounts were organizers and people who were receiving money from others to continue with their "protests" or people espousing violent rhetoric. If you just believe the ticktoks you're never going to see reality. These fucking idiots are still protesting all over our country, afraid of digital IDs ,vaccines, demanding mandates be dropped, people be rehired. Like dude they crazy and don't mesh well with reality.
The antivax cowards had many peaceful protests previously without issue. They weren't getting their demands met because their demands were idiotic.
So they escalated to disrupting the functioning of the government. Using psyops tactics against civilians. Harrassing civilians. Disrupting emergency services.
And for what? It wasn't to increase awareness of covid restrictions. These restrictions were placed on the entire population, we were all aware of them. No it was an attempt to affect a change using extortion. Changes contrary to the democratic will of the country.
Since you love the slippery slope fallacies, consider the slope in the other direction. If an organized crime outfit used intimidation tactics to get their way, could they declare it as a "protest" and get off scot free? Where do you draw the line in that direction?
Not commenting on the argument, but just FYI: "Slippery Slope" actually refers to an argument that could include a slippery slope fallacy, but not necessarily. A slippery slope fallacy is an informal fallacy, meaning that any errors are in the content and not the format of the argument (i.e. the slippery slope argument itself).
"Slippery slope is a logical fallacy" is a phrase parroted by people who usually don't understand why it can sometimes be a logical fallacy. And sometimes not. You can't just say "Slippery slope is a logical fallacy" and then follow up with "Some motherfuckers always trying to ice skate uphill". Everything you said is deliberately disingenuous and not a good faith argument, and that's either intentional or you're not capable of better,
These idiots think because the CBC supports the story, and the government inquiry pulled the cop trick of investigating themselves and finding they did nothing wrong in a kangaroo court, including gov lawyers by the handful and the opposition not allowed to defend themselves, that when it hit a real courtroom, and was found in violation of the charter, the actual half assed independent judge was the one in the wrong, not the fucking cabal.
No, according to the courts (one court), an emergency in one city does not meet the requirements for the Federal emergencies act, and didn’t take into account the negligence of the multiple layers of regional policing and government who refused to act.
Did you bother reading the ruling? The refusal of the city / province to act doesn't equate to the inability of them to control the situation. The court definitely did account for that part.
I don't know who you were talking to but I live in downtown Ottawa and it was absolutely a million times worse than any sporting event. I'm guessing your friends live in the suburbs, where the most they might have seen were some flag waving pickup trucks.
I was harassed the minute I walked out my door, there was literal shit covering the sidewalks, emergency vehicles blocked, businesses vandalised. The city basically shut down for 3-4 weeks. I know people who had to leave their homes to live with their family outside of downtown out of fear. People were physically attacked for wearing masks for fuck sakes.
Ottawa Police did absolutely nothing to stop it and Doug Ford declared a state of emergency but then pretended it wasn't happening. The only thing that ended it all was the federal emergency act. I don't like that it needed to be used either but the two lower levels of power completely failed
The Emergencies Act, formerly the War Measures Act, is literally designed to suspend certain rights and freedoms during a national emergency. The only ever time it was used was during the FLQ crisis when politicians were being kidnapped and murdered.
You need to understand that the only thing that guarantees you your rights and freedoms is a piece of paper.
Funny, I seem to recall a bunch of bad actors larping as truckers blocking every single street in downtown Ottawa and blocking international borders obstructing trade. This wasn't just a bunch of people with signs down on the corner that Trudeau didn't like, they were intentionally stoking political fires and creating a national security issue. It was also shown that the "truckers" that didn't want to get vaccinated got vaccinated in overwhelming numbers, even greater percentages than other industries due to the need to actually cross borders to do their job. The protestors were funded by American fascist groups.
OK then the statement loses it's impact considering he won't say a word against the Americans and the Assange thing. Never mind his various other large and small hypocrisies.
Assange represents a threat to Canada as much as he represents a threat to the US. Trudeau isn't going to criticize the American response to Assange anyway, because our governments agree that our secrets are cooler than enemy secrets.
Wellll no. Shut up. That's just additional whataboutisms. You didn't add anything new to the dialogue refuting my statement. So shut the fuck up and stop diminishing the little bit of good. You have ample spaces to rant about everything that sucks.