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  • No, I’m talking about the one angry troll pretending to be six different people who is being toxic in this thread.

    right, because the only way some could disagree with or object to a brigade of angry trolls from hexbear is because of some “conspiracy” you can’t prove.


    You’re committing a strawman fallacy, or a false equivalence, or a false dichotomy, whatever, take your pick. You don’t know the difference, anyway.

    “I know you are but what am I?” doesn’t make a convincing argument. most people learn that when they’re 5.

    • No, you're right, it's much more likely that several different users are all doing the same "everything you say is a logical fallacy" shtick, using the exact same Philosophy 101 infographics for these alleged logical fallacies in their posts, all completely failing to understand the logical fallacies they're accusing others of committing, all using the same arguments verbatim, have all been active in the last five hours, all have comment scores that immediately shoot up to 7 after a few minutes, all have posts in the same Star Trek comm where one of the accounts just happens to be a mod, and are all acting like all around shithead trolls everywhere they go. Nope, clearly totally separate people, must be a conspiracy.

      Again, no one's buying it.

      Honestly I kind of pity you. How bad is your life that you have to sit here for hours on the internet with several different accounts just being a shithead everywhere and just keep arguing with people like a child? It's really pathetic. Get off the computer, go outside, go talk to people.

      • No, you’re right, it’s much more likely that several different users are all doing the same “everything you say is a logical fallacy” shtick, using the exact same Philosophy 101 infographics for these alleged logical fallacies in their posts,

        yeah, because google exists and copy/paste exist everywhere but on whatever planet you’re from. You guys should get on that.

        it’s been my experience that bullies like to blame others for the consequences they face rather then accept them.

        • it’s been my experience that bullies like to blame others for the consequences they face rather then accept them.

          Is that why you're still denying all of your alts?

          Go ahead and take a few minutes to respond, I know you're engaged in several other discussions right now on your other accounts.

          • Is that why you’re still denying all of your alts?

            I’m very sorry for your troubles. just so you know, professional help is available in your area.

            best of luck with that

            • Come on, you can do better than that. What happened to all your infographics about random fallacies? Those are hilarious.

              • Come on, you can do better than that.

                you’re free to troll someone else. all your bottled up rage has to go somewhere, right? it’s not like you know how to deal with it in a healthy way, or you wouldn’t be here proving that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                • Very nice, what you're doing now called 'projection.' That's good, you're starting to open up. Tell me more about your childhood.

                  • lol, you’re funny.

                    In me experience, and especially with those who’ve been accused of projection in the past, a really good tell of someone’s insecurity is the good ol’ “you’re projecting” line. see, it’s something a psychologist wouldn’t really be able to diagnose until they’d met and interviewed a person, but with online trolls and bullies, it’s a pretty easy tell that they, in fact, are the ones projecting.

                    you’re pretty sloppy at trolling, and you give yourself away a lot. oh, and beyond wasting bth of our time, you really haven’t done anything but make yourself very upset. I’ve enjoyed serveral films.

                    • Permanently Deleted

                      • Must be a coincidence

                        must be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        Anyway, what about your parents? Did your mother love you? From the way you’ve been behaving today, I’m starting to think she might not have been a part of your life. Do you need a hug?

                        you know that “projection” thing you were talking about? 😄

    • 8 minutes ago

      7 updoots

      Are you even trying lmao

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