Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
Saruman also blocks Rowan's military assistance to Gondor
And so, to make the DNC face concequences, let's make them lose to the candidate that's aspiring to be a second Mussolini immediately! When he does the Day of the Rope, all those trans people who get hanged will appreciate that we made sure the DNC had concequences!
I understand your concern. You should ask yourself though, if the Dems would actually stand up for trans rights, if they had to. So far my impression was, that they are happy to throw any minority under the bus, if it serves them opportunistically.
And they think they can do that, because they hold each minority hostage with the lie of "we are the best you can expect"
So I say that you're proposing to throw away trans lives for the principle of the thing, and your response is that Dems might throw away trans lives for some kind of ephemeral opportunity that hasn't come around in the last ~15 years or so. If, and I do mean if, they did throw away trans lives for whatever it is you're fear mongering about here, at least that's more than the nothing we'd get under your plan of "split the vote to make sure Rs win, then the DNC would learn something for the next election that will be canceled by the Rs." Even in your defense you laid out the question is would I rather have something or nothing? I'd rather have something. And I don't think they would either way.
Show me where the republicans advocate for genociding trans people?
Because right now Biden is supporting a genocide.
Also why is it that anyone deems it acceptable policy, that either party on the ballot supports some form of murdering minorities?
So you don't understand my concern at all. You should probably pay attention to the rhetoric and policies pushed by conservative politicians and media before you say democrats are just as bad as them.