This is awesome, thanks! I've deployed the script on a basic local nginx docker container with PHP enabled but the Lidarr list import service only seems to be importing the first result. Did you run into that issue during your development?
Seems the documentation around the custom list is non-existent. Here's the sample output from my page:
Hmm no, I think it works correclty. I get log entries like Import List Sync Completed. Items found: 61, Artists added: 0, Albums added: 0, which suggests to me that it processes more than just one result entry.
Yeah I’m getting Items found: 1. I just finished adding a script for the LastFM recommended artists and it’s having the same problem.
I noticed the Lidarr code runs a “CleanupListItems” function on the deserialized results which would make sense as to why I’m just getting 1 result. It’s filtering distinct records by Artist and Album which would both be empty strings in the ImportListItemInfo collection.
Ok, one last question, does this mean you are watching the entire artist? What I'm trying to do is watch a specific release/release group via the list, not the entire artist, and I can't work out the format the custom list is expecting for that