I have been a Windows user for my entire life. I recall having an iMac in my bedroom as a small boy, maybe 7-8, playing random offline games on it, but aside from that, my experience growing up was with Windows 98, XP, Vista, 8 and 10. I wouldn't say I was ever a "power user" per se, although I could do several tasks that were more technical if needed, like locating driver files, updating .dlls, configuring compatibility settings, etc. I think being a good Googler made me seem more capable to my family than I really was, and I'm sure a lot of people here would share my experience!
With the impending sundowning of Windows 10, an OS that I "begrudgingly accepted" (rather than actually enjoyed using, as with Vista), and realizing that 11 was only going to bring more ads, force-installed applications, background processes that were nigh-impossible to disable without a lot of tomfoolery, AI bullshit and general bloat, I figured that I would try dual-booting Ubuntu, installing it on a partition of my storage HDD. Windows did not want to play ball, no matter how much I begged and pleaded and bargained, and eventually I was met at a point where I had to decide what to do going forward. My system was just not behaving the way I wanted to with two OSes ("This town ain't big enough for the both of us"), and figured,
Oh, what the hell. I'll primary Ubuntu and when I need to use Windows I'll run it on a thumb drive or something.
Well, it's been several weeks now and, even with a couple bumps along the way, I have not booted into Windows once since the switchover. How many of you had a similar experience? I was frankly a bit scared of CLI and thinking that I was going to brick my PC before I even had a chance to use it, so I kept all my personal files safely tucked away in a removed HDD until the break-in process was relatively complete. As time has gone on, I've gotten comfortable enough to have a backed up copy of my files on here, and every new program I go to install that I used on Windows has worked swimmingly on Linux.
I can only thank the helpful, enthusiastic people here in the Linux community for making my experience so smooth. It's rare you encounter a group of people where you can post what is ostensibly a stupid question, and be pummeled with dozens of well-formed, thoughtful, detailed responses to the question. There's very little of that infamous grandiosity and self-righteousness that I've heard runs rampant in the Linux world, and maybe Lemmings are just more prone to being helpful than the wider internet, but for what it's worth, I appreciate everything you all have done here so far.
I feel so much more capable as a computer user with Linux than I ever did on Windows. I'm automating tasks, I'm fine-tuning network drivers, I'm getting in the weeds of file architecture, and it's all been a real blast to learn about. I actually feel a desire to learn so that I can help others have a similar experience to what I had coming into this.
Linux has just been far and away the best change I could make. I fully agree about feeling a lot more competent after getting settled into Linux. I started running Manjaro on an old laptop just so I could get used to CLI and general Linux-ness, but it never really "took" until I fully switched my primary pc to Manjaro (and then Fedora and now Nobara). I could kinda use powershell or cmd on windows when I needed to but otherwise nada. Now on Linux, I'm writing shell scripts and running most everything I can in my terminal. I feel like not having every program in existence available and adapted specifically for my OS has forced me to actually understand how my computer works and how to troubleshoot issues.
In addition, The ease of package managers means I can just try whatever software I want without dealing with the annoyance of uninstallers and cleaning up system files and messy directories. It's easier to start de-googling as well when a lot of the convenience of google services doesn't exist for me anymore.